8/14 Season Three, Episode 01: A Lovely Little Affair- Scarecrow and Mrs King (Morley’s order: Episode 05)

Back to the King home that evening.. Dotty is preparing dinner and once again- Phillip is on the phone to Linda Winking smile
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Phillip: Yeah, I’m thinking about getting a haircut. Maybe a mohawk… (Dotty and Jamie are listening to this incredulously!) …Or get it all shaved off. OK, see you.
(Phillip hangs up)
[LOL! ‘or get it shaved off see ya?’ too funny!!
Dotty gives Phillip a look in response to his winning ways with Linda lol!]
Phillip in response to Dotty’s look:
Beats me, Linda likes bald men.
Dotty: Hmm. Then she wants Telly Savalas, not you. Go ahead, sit down. We’re going to eat.
3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001346826Dotty directs the boys to the dining room table.. and Amanda enters the kitchen- all dressed in white and ready for her date err I mean work..
[Anyone think the Phillip with his first girlfriend on the phone relates to the main plot?? Maybe it’s a stretch.. but Phillip isn’t who Linda wants.. Hmm.. interesting.. I’m going to ponder this one!]
Amanda: Hello, everyone.
checks out his mum’s outfit on the way to the dining room table:
Way to go, mom.
Dotty: Oh, sweetheart, that is beautiful. Is that a new dress?
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Amanda: Oh, well, it’s you know…
[in other words yes! Amanda bought a new dress for her date with Alan.. hmm.. me thinks she is definitely entertaining ideas about Alan here! Interesting Amanda has a new dress here – and Lee bought Leslie a new dress.. hmm. any connection?]
3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001359610[oh Amanda.. don’t you have enough white evening wear? go on!! wear a colour!! Do you like it?? This may sound strange but.. I don’t like it!! it looks too much like a wedding dress or something! eek!]
Phillip: Who is your date?
Amanda: I don’t have a date, sweetheart, it’s business.

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[Do you think this is a date?]
Jamie (pointing to Amanda’s dress):
That’s business?
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[Oh Jamie.. he’s so fashion conscious! Remember his line in Always look a gift horse? ‘what about the blue taffeta mum?! tee hee!]
(The door bell rings)
Amanda: Could you get the door for me, thank you.
Phillip: Yeah, I will.
3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001366782Amanda (quietly to Dotty):
Mother, I may be a little bit late tonight.
3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001368913Dotty: Oh that’s all right. I‘ll wait up.
(Dotty laughs)
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[why is Dotty waiting up? to make sure Amanda gets home?? or to find out how the date errr work goes? Winking smile thoughts? ]
Phillip: Hey mom, this is for you.
Phillip hands Amanda the corsage that was just delivered.. [hmm Alan has her home address?! I mean her Aunt’s home address? Winking smile]
Amanda is all smiles.. but I think she’s feeling awkward about this- trying to convince them all it’s not a date and then a corsage shows up?? Aie.. I wonder if it is also because she is trying to convince herself it’s just work too!!
Amanda: Oh thank you. Look at that..(Amanda checks out the corsage)

…Well.. that’s.. very pretty, isn’t it?

3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001378528Amanda reads the card that came with it – hmm.. we see a close up on it – and would you look at that Calligraphy! Such a tie in with Jamie’s earlier efforts!
3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001379314What do you think of the letter? I think Alan is sending it so she won’t cancel on him.. ha!
Dotty: Oh my.
3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001380023Dotty: Nice business card, dear.

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(Dotty laughs knowingly Winking smile )
3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001384788Two can play that game Amanda.. yes let’s call it ‘business’ but we know it’s not Winking smile whoooo I’ll revisit this idea later in the episode!!!

Well, moving on we find Alan and Amanda walking away from Emilio’s (didn’t that use to be a hairdressers?) I think it was a restaurant in Brunettes.. but.. I’m not going to go check!

3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001389017[Hilarious how Alan is obscured.. for a second I thought Amanda was walking alone Winking smile I wish!! Winking smile tee hee..]
3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001389778Alan and Amanda are strolling down the footpath (okay sidewalk for you Americans Winking smile ) silently. Alan is preoccupied..
Amanda gently: Penny for your thoughts. 
3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001391361[Here goes Amanda gently probing to see if she can help him with what’s troubling him. Though I’m still confused about whether Amanda heard the whole ‘sophiaaaaa!!!’ thing! Let it go iwsod! Whether she is interested in Alan for real or not, Amanda is following the textbook here with Alan –not pressing him, keeping it light, and listening! Smile ]
Chamberlain: I’m sorry, I’m doing it again.
Amanda: No.
Chamberlain: I guess I’ve been doing it all evening…
[Dull as a stick! Winking smile ]
3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001394957
…Believe me, Amanda, It’s not you. Being with you tonight makes it almost bearable.
3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001396857[what a thing to say to a date! lol!! Especially when you don’t tell her what the problem is!
Tricky to get  a non blurry pic here as they walk- do I mind? meh.. not so much! Winking smile ]
Amanda: What?…
3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001404844
…Never mind, I’m sorry…
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…I shouldn’t ask. It’s none of my business.
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Chamberlain: It’s ok…
(Alan stops walking and reaches out to take both of Amanda’s hands again)
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… Let’s just say nobody’s life is ever quite as simple as it seems and right now mine’s a paradigm of that rule…
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Amanda smiles encouragingly at Alan, not pressing (but with a quick glance at Alan’s mouth! where she’d like to be ‘pressing’ Winking smile tee hee)
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Alan pauses a moment, as someone exits the home they are standing in front of, and the passers by leave them.
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… But, um, I’m not gonna think about that until tomorrow. Because right now, it’s perfect.
(I think Alan’s pretty intense here.. and it’s not about Amanda IMHO I think she’s a means to an end.. )
Amanda: heh, it’s perfect.
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Chamberlain: Tonight, I’m gonna put everything else out of my mind but you for as long as possible.
3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001441670Amanda chuckles and smiles warmly:
Well, that’s a lovely thing to say…
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3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001447776…It’s early. Why don’t we go listen to some music.
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[I think Amanda glances at Alan’s mouth here.. she senses he’s wanting a kiss.. but tries to divert things here and keep it light- suggesting the music]
3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001452204Chamberlain: That’s not what I had in mind.
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Alan intently moves in for a kiss.. And Amanda accepts it.
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I think while she is hesitant, she is curious to know what it’s like to kiss Alan.
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Is it just me or does it look like a light peck.. then Amanda opens her eyes to look at Alan.. 3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001457298and then she allows the kiss to become more intimate?
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Ugh.. was tempted not to post that last pic Winking smile but.. hey.. it’s all part of the story huh..
You know, it’s not half as much fun analysing a kiss between Amanda and Alan as it is between Lee and Amanda Winking smile tee hee.. It’s not the same!
Whooo a couple of kisses there.. and Amanda is on board for the ride! Why not enjoy a kiss with an attractive man she thinks.
She suddenly pulls back.3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001463800
– realising what she’s doing? There seems to be a light breeze that blows across her face- maybe it wakes her up to what she’s doing. Wow.. the music here is lovely. Very touching.. bittersweet? It’s tinged with sadness..
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Amanda opens her eyes – shocked..this kiss is sad.. it’s the wrong place, the wrong time.. and the wrong guy..
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This is just my take on Amanda here but Amanda looks shocked by her kiss with Alan and then smiles warmly to cover it up.
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Then she sighs and looks down at the ground.
Something just happened that wasn’t part of the plan for a romantic evening no? The kiss didn’t have the effect they were maybe both of them looking for.
3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001467863I think Alan senses this because there’s a moment of silence.. and then.. Alan apologises.
Alan: I’m sorry.
(Alan thinks the problem is he kissed her too soon maybe.. I think the real problem was-IMHO- it was the wrong guy Winking smile )
3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001469529Amanda: No, Don’t be.
3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001470817Again Amanda smiles warmly here – but this time.. it’s different.. the smile isn’t full of 3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001471838hope – it’s covering up her true feelings IMHO! 3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001472189
Amanda again sighs and tries to lighten the 3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001473402mood… Man Alan is intense!
3.01 A LOVELY LITTLE AFFAIR.avi_001474579Amanda: It’s a beautiful night. Let’s..um.. let’s
[Thank goodness she didn’t say let’s ‘just walk’ too close to ‘just walk with me! Winking smile ]
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Chamberlain: Okay.
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Alan takes Amanda’s arm and walks with her down the street.. all very proper once again!
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[The look Amanda gives Alan here no longer seems to be full of the glow of a possible romance you know? or is it just me?]
The shot widens to reveal that Gelati is watching them.. uhhhh ohhhhh!!!
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I’ll stop here for now so we can discuss this.. Can we talk about this kiss without mentioning what’s ahead? Hmm.. I think we can!
Just based on Amanda’s reactions here and up to this point – I’ll share what I’m seeing but I think this scene is wide open to lots of interpretations! I’m looking forward to hearing what you all make of it!

For me, this kiss here is a huge moment for Amanda. I think Amanda wanted the kiss, and surrendered fully to it.. She wanted to know what it was like to kiss Alan- maybe thinking it would be wonderful.. a little fantasy come to life. The trouble is- I think Amanda realises the fantasy hasn’t been lived up to! She doesn’t feel anything for Alan when she kisses him. It doesn’t move her – the way kissing another certain spy does!
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[had to include this pic to make up for all the other kissing pics!
*edited to update with better pic.. gosh darn it was so hard to choose this one.. ahem..]
Maybe it’s just me.. but I see Lee being at the front of Amanda’s mind here from the moment she kisses Alan- Bam! Oh nooo!! that didn’t feel as good as I thought it would! Oh nooo!! I want the man I’m kissing to be Lee!!! Yep.. I think Amanda finally got hit with the realisation that she has special, strong feelings for Lee –just Lee…which the lovely little affair isn’t going to distract her from.. it just doesn’t live up to what she had hoped..

I think she finds Alan attractive, and wants to help him. But at the end of the kiss- Amanda knows he is not Lee.. and it’s Lee that Amanda wants holding her in his arms!!! swoony Winking smile 

But.. ever the professional – Amanda does not show all this to Alan or reject him in anyway – she keeps things light and maintains her connection with Alan for the case. I think this is very strong of Amanda – to have such a powerful realisation, but to also not freak out and stay focused on the case. She’s doing a great job! Smile 

As for Alan.. this whole scene?? Meh!!! I think he finds Amanda attractive, but this is not real for Alan either – for both of them, it’s a bit of a fantasy- Alan just wants to take what comfort he can get from Amanda because he has traumatic stuff going on.. which I understand is awful and scary.. but I just can’t accept him taking the chance of drawing Amanda into things- even if he thought he wasn’t – he is using Amanda here to distract himself.. kidding them both that it’s a real relationship when.. it really IMHO isn’t! It’s a lovely little fantasy – for both of them. but from this point onwards in the story – I think Amanda’s fantasy is over.. and she’s totally down to business when it comes to Alan Smile 

Oh man! I can’t wait to hear what you guys see going on here! While I see Amanda having a realisation here, I still hesitate to call it love- Amanda in love? hmmm – I think she still resists this at this point in the story – Amanda doesn’t know Lee is looking for something more with her- they have a great friendship- but she doesn’t see Lee as ‘wanting’ her – like a boyfriend should- you know???!!!! [Must resist jumping forward-I must stick with the story!] or as being open to her family and all that having a relationship with Amanda involves. Which btw- Alan knows nothing about – Alan doesn’t even know Amanda has two kids!! Sooo not a real relationship that one! Just a lovely little fantasy. So for now, I see Amanda as being in a little no man’s land- not sure where she is.. or what she is doing.. but having a realisation about Lee at least her own feelings for him are becoming clearer. Soooo for now… Amanda focuses on doing a good job! Amanda is great at keeping on with keeping on! Smile 

Okay byeeee for now!! Ohhh come on everyone! what do you make of Amanda here??!!! Bye!!

35 thoughts on “8/14 Season Three, Episode 01: A Lovely Little Affair- Scarecrow and Mrs King (Morley’s order: Episode 05)

  1. Morley, I love your comments here and also Iwsod, how you articulated like a “breeze” blowing across Amanda’s face and she wakes up a little – wrong guy, wrong time. And that brings up all these jumbled crazy feelings….good for her for staying focused to continue on by suggesting a walk. But bless her. What a hard place to be. Sorry, Amanda, hate to break it to ya, but your night is only going to continue its journey into the abyss of “what is happening”….😉


  2. The kiss from Alan may have been tempting but once Amanda realized it wasn’t her sexy bad boy spy she was kissing, she suddenly felt a sort of betrayal and she backed off. I think she had a look on her face that said, “What did I just do”?
    By this point in their relationship Amanda is definitely in love with Lee even if she doesn’t fully realize it. She pretty much has a monogamus lifestyle and I believe it is because of her feelings for Lee .
    I don’t think Lee was actually jealous when he wanted to know if Alan was a bore …..I just think he recognized that Alan was a handsome bachelor and he was curious about his possible competition. Like someone else posted, Lee has always loved the fact that he is usually the best looking guy in the room…. he is not immune to the fact that Amanda seemed intrigued by Alan when she was first given the assignment….Lee was fishing to see if Amanda might still be enamoured.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes maybe deep down Amanda is not able to move on from Lee at this point, though she gives it a good try I think. I see her as having not given in to those feelings she has deep down that are growing stronger!
      Sounds like you would say Amanda is now in Love – is that right? I don’t know that I’d say that but at the same time I do think deeeeep down it’s there.. maybe it’s a matter of degrees! I find this stuff very tricky to put into words! But I do still hesitate to identify Amanda as truly ‘in love’ – I think she needs to know Lee is ready for a real relationship before she’d give that idea any major consideration.. and I think Amanda is still yet to fully see all the changes that have been taking place in Lee at this point.. does that make sense?

      There are as many views on this as there are people here! I’d love to hear your take on where Lee and Amanda are at now Gruvy Granny if you’d like to share!

      (By the way, I view ALLA as being the fifth episode of season 3, and after all the happenings of Wizard, OTL etc.)


      1. IWSOD, I am not sure I can explain what I think is going on with the feelings….I do believe that Amanda has been protecting her heart, but her feelings for Lee are more than friend, and co_worker…there are some deep feelings that I do believe teeter on love but I don’t think Amanda understands those feelings as being love at this point. Their relationship has definitely changed and you are right, Amanda needs to know that Lee would be ready to settle down (no play boy antics) and would be willing to accept her as a package deal before she completely gives her heart….her boys are always going to be her priority….and Lee is just fighting his feelings with everything he has….but the intimacy of the bedroom brought some of his feelings to the surface……hence the hesitancy to release her hands….and the hesitancy to leave.(At this point, Lee wouldn’t know he was in love if it hit him with a brick….I’m not sure Love is in his vocabulary yet)
        Oh geez…..fall in love already!!!

        Liked by 3 people

  3. This is the scene that moves me from not being sure about Alan to thinking he’s a sleaze. I really hate the comment ‘That’s not what I had in mind’. It’s just gross. He thinks she lives in Illinois. He travels all over the world. He knows there can’t be a relationship. His sister has been kidnapped and he wants a one-night stand. EWW. I really believe the writers want us to see Alan as a great guy but not Lee just like Leslie was supposed to be a lovely woman but not Amanda. I used to feel that way but now I think he’s nasty. I can’t remember who mentioned it before but It’s probably because I’m old now LOL.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love the insight that in the moment of the kiss Amanda realizes that it’s the wrong man. That does make this episode a real turning point for her, and gives some reason for what could otherwise seem like a really meaningless plot twist. I mean, why have both Lee AND Amanda experimenting with another love interest, so close together, unless it’s going to move their characters and relationship forward?

    I also like the comparison of this moment to the instant when Lee realizes that Leslie in the black dress is not what he’s looking for. It seems that Lee’s progression to this moment of realization was a lot more tempestuous. Amanda realizes it on the first kiss with the guy she turned to when she was confused about Lee. But then, she’s always been less prone to denial, I think. I guess it remains to be seen whether either of them is going to consciously do anything about the realization just yet.

    While I don’t like Alan’s attitude and the way he is using Amanda as a distraction, I think by letting her know that he’s doing the right thing. And maybe that’s part of Amanda’s realization that she doesn’t want this to go any further forward. She was never open to a relationship with the playboy side of Lee, so why should she be with playboy Alan, who she doesn’t even have the same emotional connection with?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. My eyes, my eyes!!! Someone pass the mind bleach I need to irradicate that image of Amanda kissing Alan. It looks sooooo wrong and far more uncomfortable than any of the other times Lee and and Amanda have kissed. IWSOD I agree with all you say about the kiss, Amanda I think realises there is no spark because it’s with the wrong person.
    Please please please SMK stop dressing her in this virginal white outfits! Drives me nuts.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I am back. My family are avid world cup watchers and so I have spent many hours devoted to that endeavor. As sad as we all are that our team (Netherlands) did not win, We are happy that Germany took the cup and I am very grateful that it is over. Now I can write the comment that has been tumbling around in my head!

    This whole adventure of Amanda’s with Alan reminds me of something from my own life and I wonder if for her it was the same as for me. I was a very cautious young woman when it came to dating and men. I never just went for it if I liked a guy, I watched and waited and played it very cool and I would only let myself enjoy if I thought he was the right kind of guy. So I only ever dated two young men before I married. Except that I had this little flingy thing right before I started dating the man who became my husband. And this “lovely little affair” with Alan kind of reminds me of that.
    I met my husband at the end of the summer right before my Jr year in college. He was like no one I had ever noticed before. He was an older man, he had just left the life of a playbot, he was a lot to handle and I was drawn to him like nothing I had ever experienced before (kind of reminds me of Lee and Amanda). Although we kicked of a great friendship, I never expected in a million years that he would like me back even though he was very attentive towards me, so I dismissed any thought of it.
    Back at college there was a visiting student in my dorm who would only be there for the semester and I actually let myself have a meaningless little fling with him knowing that it would never amount to much. It was completely out of my character. But I wonder if it somehow doing that freed me up so that I was ready to break out of my comfort zone and go forward in the relationship that my future husband and I rekindled after I went home for Christmas break. We were married a year and a half later.

    When I watch Amanda here, it reminds me of that time in my life. Even the mention of her feeling squirrely fits those ideas. The last time we saw her with another man was Bryce Topping and she wasn’t really into it (sometimes I care and sometimes I don’t). I think the debacle with Artful Dodger had probably made her gun shy. But now things have kicked up a notch with Lee, whether she is aware of it or not, even the increased emotions that came with OTL and Wizard have got to have tossed around her neatly tucked away feeling for Lee. I can’t help thinking she doing something like I did.

    Her line near the end of OTL I think kind of sheds light on where she is now. She said she was totally out of her element. I kind of think she is working on making a home there, out of her element. Plus it is defining for her. Like I said earlier, she may be aware that even though she can throw caution to the wind here with Alan, it isn’t what she wants and she can’t get into it. But what she is going to do with that realization has got to be hard for her, here in this moment. I wonder how long it will take to her to fall asleep tonight, and I wonder how unsettled her tummy is?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just realized that I forgot about Byron Jordan, not that the brief relationship that she had with him would change this dynamic. In fact I think it would reinforce it, but I forgot about him… oops


    2. Morley, for some reason your comments just speak to me. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. While SMK may have some plot holes and inconsistencies with a timeline, and the intelligence/spy issues may be dated it still has the ability to speak to us on an emotional level. It’s those emotions that ring so true and have such a realism to it.

      I mentioned a while ago how Lee and Amanda’s story seems timeless. There is something about it that will never seem old or out of place. It has the ability to make us feel so much and there is so much that we can get out of it, even thirty years later. Many of the things that both Lee and Amanda have experienced, are experiencing, and will experience are things that many of us have experienced too and that it why we can relate to this story so much. I think walking on this journey as we discover Lee and Amanda’s story anew, we are also looking at our own stories and the journey that we are on. There have been many times that we have said that we see some of these episodes so differently now than when we first watched them. We’ve seen our own growth as we’ve seen Lee and Amanda grow.

      And we do see Amanda a bit out of her element here. She took it upon herself to place herself in that situation in OTL, but here she has been allowed to do what she has so wanted to do and she has to decide if she has the ability and the courage to do what needs to be done. And that is especially true of her relationship with Lee. A lot has been churned up for her recently and it has kept her off balance. She is trying to find her equilibrium without going backwards.

      Love this, Morley!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Exactly right Valerie.. smk’s relationships are it’s strength.. they are universal and they are timeless!! and smk does such a wonderful job with the relationship!! Soooo true – the love story does not date or seem old!!! 🙂

        I think Amanda is a little off balance, but she’s coping okay with it.. she has lots of good things in her life.. and she’s a brave soul! 🙂
        Loved loved loved reading your thoughts on smk’s timeless qualities Valerie!

        Liked by 1 person

    3. Hooray! Morley is back!!! 🙂

      Thanks for sharing your own experiences Morley – It sounds like they really add depth to your experiences of Amanda’s character!
      [I’m guessing you meant’ your husband was a playboy not a ‘play bot’ 😉 I’ll fix that!]

      a lovely little fling got you out of your comfort zone? maybe.. that fits! It would definitely shake up old ways!!

      Ahhh yeah I see you added Byron Jordan later! That was full or promise – but never actually became anything because fate intervened huh..

      I think the debacle in Artful Dodger would make her gunshy – but also getting divorced from Joe.. and having two kids to think of will do the trick also no?
      Amanda is also by nature a wise and cautious person.. so I think there were plenty of reasons for her to not jump into anything with anyone!
      I think Amanda’s emotions kicked up a notch with Burn Out – but they were deeply buried and she was not aware of them – plus given it was a partly professional situation, she could put it down to her professional experiences not just the personal. hope that makes sense.

      I think Byron Jordan showed Amanda was not tied down to any fantasies about Lee.. just like we see here with Alan.. but now?? I think since Byron – Amanda has become much more emotionally connected to Lee- maybe this shows us how Amanda has grown- the difference between her reactions to Byron.. and her reactions to Alan. I think she would have been open to something real with Byron.. but Alan was always a bit of a fantasy. but that’s just me.

      Alan was from out of town.. and didn’t even know Amanda had kids.. I think he was never really anything other than a fantasy man.. she enjoyed his dreamy ownhair.. but it was never anything more than a fantasy 😉

      Yes all things considered, Amanda is content.. she’ll figure it out.. she’s an optimist! 🙂
      Loved hearing your thoughts Morley!

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Just FYI, it still says playbot. I even looked it up before finishing reading the comments because I had no clue what that was! Loved reading your story, Morley, playbot and all! 🤣🤣


  7. I think I viewed this episode much differently when viewed as the first episode of season 3 vs the fifth episode. I think I saw Amanda much more into Alan, but now not as much (since so much has happened to grow Amanda and Lee’s relationship especially in OTL and Wizard).

    I agree with some of the comments that there is comparison between Lee and Alan. BUT…..I agree that Lee was only getting involved with women who knew what Lee was all about and neither was looking for a serious relationship. But Lee being an agent has a greater understanding about how dangerous it is and like has been said would never willingly bring someone into a dangerous situation (except in an emergency). Alan may not grasp that he is putting anyone else in danger.

    I also like Alan’s statement that no one’s life is ever as simple as it seems. Even more true for Amanda than Alan. Amanda also used the “penny for you thoughts” line on Lee in you only die twice.

    Again I agree that what was filmed is so much better than the script. I can’t see Amanda going back to Alan’s room. I also can’t see her admitting aloud that there is someone else. I agree that when her and Alan kiss she realizes that there is nothing there. It is nothing like kissing Lee. It also makes a difference seeing the facial expressions in the screen caps (slow motion) so they can much more appreciated.

    I wonder if they put Amanda in the white dress to be the opposite of Leslie in the black dress.


    1. You know, LAAL, I though the exact same thing about Amanda and Leslie in those dresses. I wondered if there was something to that, but couldn’t get my mind to focus enough on a good thought process about it.


  8. I’ve pondered why the scene at the cafe with Alan is so similar to the scene with Lee at the cafe in Wizard (visually, and also involving personal revelations by both men). I think that, as Melissa points out, we are being “pointed” to how Lee and Alan differ. Lee is somehow more upright, less reckless about Amanda’s safety and her feelings than Alan is. Lee appears to be the playboy but Alan is the real playboy (even when Lee was more of a playboy, I think he was only like that with like-minded women).


  9. I’ve never really cared for Alan. Seems like they are using his character to parallel where Lee’s character was at. Old Lee would use a woman to satisfy his need, wants, desires; and I see Alan as the same way. It does seem odd that he is on a date with his sister being held captive, but I guess everyone handles worry and stress differently.


  10. As much as it is hard to watch Amanda with another man, I love that she has this reaction. I like it that she tries to forge ahead with her life and tries something with Alan, but I really love it that she can’t and she knows that she can’t. Yup, she is getting very squirrely. This must be hard for her, actually because at this moment she probably still has no confirmation that Lee would want anything with her. She must be a jumbled up inside.
    I don’t have time to write more right now. But I have some more thoughts I want to add later..


    1. Hey Morley! hope you are enjoying the holidays! Sorry to hear netherlands didn’t make it 😉

      So glad you could stop by! I’m loving what this is all teaching Amanda too!!! 🙂 i agree it must be very hard for her right at this moment – this moment I see her in a no man’s land.. must be quite a scary lonely place to be right at this point!!

      Amanda is a very brave character!


      1. I agree, Iwsod, Amanda is Brave! Remarkably brave.
        And, hey, at least Germany one. I wonder if Netherlands will ever get the cup. I am not sure what we would all do if they did. We are kind of used to things this way 😉


    2. Agree Morley, I think Amanda will be really unsettled after this kiss. She pulls away because she knows it’s just not right – not right professionally but I think she is more keenly feeling that it is not right personally. What is more, this isn’t just a nebulous feeling that leaves her wondering “why didn’t that feel right”. I think now her mind readily supplies the reason it doesn’t feel right – Lee. I also think this knowledge is going to play on her mind; it will be something she thinks about a great deal especially when she is around Lee and in her “alone” time.


  11. This episode was referred to as “A Lovely Little Fantasy” at one point by someone in an earlier post. Maybe this was a bit of a fantasy for Amanda at least until that kiss from Alan. Reality seems to have kicked in. Whatever she had been thinking or anticipating wasn’t living up to reality. And somehow she is realizing that this isn’t the person she truly wants. She had some sort of vision in her head about what she was expecting and it didn’t live up to that. Much the same way that Leslie in that black dress did not live up to Lee’s expectation. But now Amanda is back in work mode and ready to get on with the case. I think the look she gives him as they begin to walk is “What was I thinking? Obviously, it’s gonna take more than having your ownhair.” I want to revisit the episode title later on as the posts continue.

    It’s at this point that I really don’t like Alan. He basically tells Amanda that he is using her as a distraction from his problems. He won’t tell her what the problem is and just wants to ignore it. I would think that’s pretty irresponsible, especially if you’ve been distracted all night. If the issue is that important maybe being on a date isn’t the best thing. Alan almost sounds like Scarlett in Gone With The Wind because he wants to ignore everything and only think about it tomorrow. He is pretty intense with Amanda.

    Definitely not a fan of the kiss. It’s funny, for all the guff Lee has had to take about all of his carousing and black books and playboy lifestyle we’ve only had to see him kiss Eva. All other kisses have been with Amanda. We didn’t even have to deal with him actually kissing Leslie. And we only actually ever saw him with one of his dates, Randi, and we didn’t have to actually see the date. In some ways, we’ve seen more of Amanda’s dates/relationships. Amanda has locked lips with a few guys other than Lee. She had a pretty intense kiss with James Delano and here she is locking lips with Alan. Go figure. At least the screen cap of the San Angelo kiss helped to get my mind off the Alan kiss.

    Like Jamie’s comment about the dress. Amanda seems to love that white. Maybe it’s the innocence factor that’s portrayed by the white. Love Dotty and her saying she’ll wait up as if Amanda is a teenager.


    1. I feel the same way about Alan and his date with Amanda. It might be more forgivable if he’d suddenly found the love of his life just at the moment when this current crisis hit so that he was unexpectedly caught between his new girlfriend and needing to save his sister, but the fact is that he knew that his poor sister was in danger before he came to the area and met Amanda, so the serious situation already existed. Also his chance meeting with Amanda wasn’t him just accidentally finding the love of his life at an inconvenient moment. It’s pretty obvious from the way that he was flirting with the girl at the book stall that he was on the outlook for romance with somebody. It makes it kind of sad because he didn’t single out Amanda for being someone special so much as someone convenient.

      It’s kind of an interesting contrast with Lee’s first meeting with Amanda. That was also accidental, but Lee wasn’t trying to lead Amanda on. He was in a desperate situation and needed help, and he was honest with Amanda about that, even though he couldn’t explain the exact situation to her. He wasn’t trying to romance her, and in fact, he tried to discourage her from getting more involved because of the dangers of his business. Lee is actually a practical person who understands the dangers of his business and is conscious of the risks to people around him as well as himself. Alan, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to have considered the issue. Lee may be right to say that Alan has his “head in the clouds.”


      1. Hey Jestress- I’m with you.. not a fan of Alan right now!!! Enjoyed your thoughts here!!!
        will our opinions of Alan improve?? hmm we shall see!!

        I think when Amanda says ‘that’s a lovely thing to say’ – no it isn’t!! 😉 but she’s infatuated at that moment and doesn’t see it!

        What a lovely comparison – indeed! Lee is always aware of the danger he brings to others- Alan? Hmmm!!!

        Good call yes maybe ‘head in the clouds’ is not so inaccurate after all!!

        you know, I know a few people are not stopping by here right now.. life is busy.. it is summer holidays in the northern hemisphere – miss you guys!!! do stop by when you can!!!

        But I am surprised because it seems that everyone who has commented so far seems to agree with Amanda having a realisation here. I thought there might be some different ideas on this.
        Maybe because the last time I watched ALLA it was first episode of season 3 – Wizard and over the limit hadn’t happened yet.. and so when this kissing scene came along – I think last time I wrote about it I didn’t not interpret it the way I do now! I wish I could remember what I thought.. but I don’t have access to it. I’ve lost it.. oh well.. but this time around I was surprised as I wrote this post – at what I saw happening in Amanda here- and what it meant!!!
        Maybe this is very much about all I’ve seen Lee and Amanda go through at this point and where I see them now – they are right on the edge of starting something wonderful after Wizard and OTL.. hmm interesting!

        Also, given the scene is a lot about subtext – if you ignore the script- I think it leaves things at this point very open to many interpretations.. so again – I’m surprised we, so far, have not seen things differently.. lol.. I’m not disappointed or anything haaa… just surprised..
        Okay well gotta go!
        byee for now!


        1. Hi Iwsod! Yes we are in the midst of summer. And we’ve hit the mid-summer, everyone has disappeared time. I’ll be headed out of town again myself in a few days.

          What a difference episode order can make. I do remember when I first saw the series and then watched in reruns how I was so confused about S3, especially the beginning. It was just so all over the place. But even though there may still be some issues or questions about which came first the chicken or the egg…I mean OTL or Wizard, there seems to be a much better progression now about where Lee and Amanda are about what they are feeling especially about each other. Even though it’s still subtle you can see it better with the revised order. I do like that the script changes occurred. Some of what was written just wasn’t true to their characters.

          And your screen caps help to see reactions and facial expressions better. Otherwise I spend lots of time reverse the DVD to catch some things. Of course it also helps in that it lets some things last longer. Any extension of kissing scenes with Lee and Amanda is always appreciated as well as any scenes of an intense and swoony Lee.

          I do remember thinking that Alan was okay, but I think I was viewing through immature eyes. I also thought that Amanda was really into him and was allowing herself to just go with the flow with Alan. But the confusion came when OTL came later and Amanda had that bit of repression about Rebecca’s fantasies and so forth. But that one look after the kiss just says so much. Sometimes Amanda is such an enigma, but in that instance you can just see the wheels turning.


    2. Hi Valerie!
      Thanks for pointing out someone (sorry whoever you are!! ) had already mentioned ‘a lovely little fantasy’ – I had no idea!! and had completely forgotten it.. well maybe it was sitting there in my unconscious and so that’s why it came to mind.. I’m guessing that comment was very early in the episode when I hadn’t even watched the whole episode – and I’ve put it aside to come back to and forgotten about it ( or so my conscious mind thought!)
      I was playing on the title and the idea of it being a fantasy myself – so apologies to who it was – and I don’t have time to go check.. but now I’ve gotten this far into the story I am really enjoying exploring the episode in more detail – since I did go and watch the episode just once through (a few posts ago) I have an idea of what’s ahead – but I am finding that I am still learning about the episode as I explore it in more detail – I don’t think I take in all the deeper meanings etc. when I see an episode once!

      Anyway – loved reading your thoughts Valerie – oh yeah!! I’m not a fan of the kiss either.. phew.. glad the ship of spies kiss pic helped 😉 and it helps to know while the kiss here wasn’t enjoyable to watch – it is a means to an end!

      edited to fix stupid autocorrect!


  12. So the scene at the King house opens with yet another reference to hair (and shaving it off or baldness). The ownhair theme continues to run through the episode. Why? Both Lee and Alan have their ownhair (and both have a good supply thereof). Are we supposed to be noting this and comparing them. Both charmers, full of lines with women, both hiding vulnerability under smooth exteriors.

    I was pondered again why the episode was called “a lovely little affair” when it occurred to me that “affair” rhymes with “ownair” or “ownhair”. Deeply corny (worthy of Lee!)

    I love how you’ve been picking up on the themes of fantasy and escape (and drawing us to the parallels with SAAB) in this episode Iwsod. I think seeing these helps to understand both Alan and Amanda’s behaviour. Seeing the screencap of Amanda’s face post-kiss made me feel better – she does look like she was somewhere else (and thought she was with someone else?)

    The script actually goes a bit further with this scene. I’ll skip how they dance together (why???? and why not with Lee?), go to his hotel room and move to where he kisses her.:
    She breaks the kiss, turns away.
    Alan: I’m sorry
    Amanda: No, no , don’t be. It’s just that….
    Alan: Is there someone else?
    AManda turns from Chamberlain, thinking, She nods.
    Amanda: I guess there is, yes (note from Learjet: YES YES YES)
    Alan: He’s a very lucky man
    Amanda starts to say something but decides against it. She finds her purse
    Amanda: Thank you for dinner. It was lovely
    He then invites her for breakfast (“for old times sake”)


    1. I like that they decided to film a version of this scene where the fact that there is someone else occupying Amanda’s thoughts is implied rather than said out loud. So in a way what was in the script and what was filmed amount to the same thing, but in the filmed version it is more subtle. And I suppose they chickened out for PG reasons on filming the scene in Alan’s hotel room – that would imply that Amanda was maybe contemplating being “back before sunrise late”, as opposed to just “late night late”.
      And on a less serious note, the dress is very pretty I suppose but nothing like the more revealing evening dresses she has worn for Lee. But then I suppose she was trying to make her family believe it was a business dinner, and maybe her professionalism kicked in as well reminding her to not tempt fate (or tempt Alan 😉 )
      I don’t see Alan as being a total sleaze or out to use Amanda – I think Amanda’s pretty savvy in that regard. She would have picked up on that vibe at the outset and wouldn’t have been harbouring the fantasy of romance with such a man.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi, glad they let the hotel room scene drop. I like that Amanda realices with that kiss that Alan is not her man with own hair. So a kiss in the open and a walk is ok (grrrr) but that scene in a hotel room it goes a bit too far for innocent white dressed Amanda.
        Like what you wrote kiwismh 🙂


        1. Less is definitely more. I love that SMK implies rather than shows, and stays squeaky clean. It’s so refreshing.
          Also did not enjoy that kiss.

          I miss those beautiful season one and two dresses in black and midnight blue. This dressy feels a bit “granny” for an attractive woman in her mid-thirties.


    2. oh yeah!!!! good catch there Learjet.. linda likes bald men.. and Dotty and Amanda seem to value having their ‘ownhair’! lol!!

      Not sure what to make of it! 🙂

      Regarding the script- Ohhhhh myyyyyyy gossssshhhh!!!!
      Soooo glad they didn’t head in that direction! wow.. they really changed things huh! I can’t even imagine Amanda doing that in season 1 much less season 3..

      Yes I think they took a step back from Amanda verbally acknowledging to someone else she is realising she has feelings for Lee – I think they changed things to keep this overt kind of admission in the subtext. For now!!!! I like it.. because it’s another way to draw things out – without annoying roadblocks and significant others – it fits the characters and maintains the integrity of the characters..
      but I digress!

      Thanks so much for sharing that part of the script with us Learjet!

      thanks Learjet for your kind words about my ideas on SAAB the fantasy/the reality and ALLA..
      There are so many reminders of SAAB that I can’t help but wonder if it is deliberate.. but either way – I find it resonates with me!


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