4/21 Season Three, Episode 22: All the World’s a Stage–Scarecrow and Mrs King

We cut to a theatre exterior – Parisian Intrigue signage going up.3.22-ALL-THE-WORLDS-A-STAGE.avi_0004[55]Hmm Lee said it was on at the Georgetown theatre. this theatre has ‘Beverly’ in the title.. I guess the Georgetown theatre could be the Beverly? that or.. it’s a tribute to Beverly Garland Smile 

Inside, Lee and Amanda enter the theatre – do you think this is the same one where they filmed DOA: Delirious on Arrival?
Amanda is all excited.. and Lee is smiling and attentive Smile
Amanda: There’s just something about the smell of the theatre, isn’t there?3.22-ALL-THE-WORLDS-A-STAGE.avi_0004[30]
Lee: Yeah, stale air conditioning…3.22-ALL-THE-WORLDS-A-STAGE.avi_0004[38]
[Ah Lee. You are such a romantic Winking smile you just errr sometimes try to hide it! Winking smile ]
(they both pause and look up at the stage.)
…Ah, that’s Martinet talking to the blonde at the bar.3.22-ALL-THE-WORLDS-A-STAGE.avi_0004[46]
Amanda: Mm hmm.3.22-ALL-THE-WORLDS-A-STAGE.avi_0004[41]
Lee whispers: Good luck, I’ll see you later.
[Squeeeee Lee is confident to leave Amanda to her job Smile Loving this!]
Amanda: Yeah.
[I think Amanda’s excited to meet Martinet.. what do you think? Hmm whoa. hey why does Lee and Amanda not recognise nasty Castille?! lol.. okay okay.. maybe this Tony is Castille’s evil twin. Err no wait. Maybe Castille is this guy Tony’s evil twin! err I feel dizzy.. focus iwsod!]

Lee walks off, toward Valentine.. we see him make contact with him in the distance and walk off with him. 3.22-ALL-THE-WORLDS-A-STAGE.avi_0004[19]

Tony is on stage directing the blonde in her performance.
Tony: The bottles are sugar glass so you can really bash him,.. 3.22-ALL-THE-WORLDS-A-STAGE.avi_0005[17]
[whooo I’m guessing I’ll need to remember that for future reference?!]
… and just spit your line in his face.
Blonde: Your corruption is complete! Swinehund!
Tony: Good, but even more venom.
Happy, Tony catches sight of Amanda.. he gives her  a smile
(he seems to be expecting her) and walks over to meet her. 3.22-ALL-THE-WORLDS-A-STAGE.avi_0005[35]
Amanda: Hello Mr. Martinet? Well I’m Amanda Keene from Washington after 5.3.22-ALL-THE-WORLDS-A-STAGE.avi_0005
Tony: Yes hello, I’m sorry to keep you waiting, I’ve been tied up with my producer.
Amanda: No problem at all, I hope this is a good time for you.
Tony: If you promise the cover of your next issue, I’m yours.
Amanda: Ah well.
Tony: Over here.
(He directs her over to another part of the theatre.)
[Tony seems nice enough.. no jerk radar going off..]
The scene ends there.

We see a Georgetown vista..
Lee is playing the role of earnest interviewer of Carl Valentine.
Valentine: I’m doing this play because it interests me.
Lee: But a producer of your stature, why Martinet?! His track record is pretty shaky.
[lol this is pretty obvious flattery! But.. maybe Valentine is arrogant enough to accept it 😉 ]3.22-ALL-THE-WORLDS-A-STAGE.avi_0005[11]
[Oh no Lee your hair is getting long in the back.. edging into mullet territory. Me no fan Sad smile focus on the wonderful suit Lee is wearing Iwsod!… and Lee in the great outdoors is always good 🙂 ]
Carl: But his dramatic work is solid, it’s profound, it’s even visionary. Dramatic tastes go in cycles and I think Martinet’s time has come again.
Lee: Ah, so you think that Martinet’s play can pay off?3.22-ALL-THE-WORLDS-A-STAGE.avi_0005[7]
Carl: Well, that’s what I tell my backers! It isn’t called show art, Mr. Stedman, it’s called show business. That’s the bottom line…3.22-ALL-THE-WORLDS-A-STAGE.avi_0005[15]
… Now please excuse me, I really have to leave you now.
Lee: Ah one more thing, err off the record,…
(Lee makes a show of switching off his tape recorder)
3.22-ALL-THE-WORLDS-A-STAGE.avi_0005[24] …we haven’t seen the Bolshoi Ballet in DC since 1981, now are you planning to bring them back at all?3.22-ALL-THE-WORLDS-A-STAGE.avi_0005[25]
Carl: Oh, absolutely not! I will have-  I took such a bath on the Bolshoi, the overhead was monstrous, the artists were temperamental and the red tape was simply
endless. No thank you, I will never do business with the Bolshoi again. 3.22-ALL-THE-WORLDS-A-STAGE.avi_0005[20]
(That said, Valentine walks off)
Lee chuckles and calls after him : Well, that’s our loss isn’t it?
So, does Valentine really not like dealing with the Russians? Or.. has he found a new way of dealing with the Russians?! 🙂 we’ll see!! Is anyone else walking through this pretty blind like me?! tee hee..

Back to Amanda Keene’s interview for Washington after 5 with Tony Martinet!
Amanda: So, after the off off Broadway production of Institutions in ’76 ….3.22 ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.avi_000582182
[off off broadway? oh dear!]
Tony:  Ah how shall I put this, a period of intense introspection. [Where Tony took on the persona of Robert Castille and tried a new occupation! 😉 ]
3.22 ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.avi_000587387
Amanda: Hmm well I know the audience for Neo-Absurdism theatre kind of dwindled.3.22 ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.avi_000592992
Tony : I couldn’t get arrested. You know Neo-Absurdism?3.22 ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.avi_000594994
[Why is that so absurd? Okay.. I know it’s absurd but.. I don’t know Absurdism nor Neo-Absurdism. Am I absurd?]
Amanda: Well I’ve read all your plays, I was even in a production in college. Tiger Tracks, I was the Wailing Walrus.3.22 ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.avi_000604037
Amanda is genuinely enjoying his work. She’s perfect for this cover!
[Whooo was that around the time of I am the Walrus?! So come on guys – anyone a theatre history buff? anyone able to enlighten us on all this? Is it legit? this Neo-Absurdism? or.. truly absurd? do tell!]
Tony: Oh yes?..
3.22 ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.avi_000605505
[Awh. A weight seems to come off Tony’s shoulders, he’s thrilled to meet someone who loves his work – likely the work he was passionately crazy about.]
…Well you’re perfect.
3.22 ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.avi_000605739
Amanda: Ah, I think my favourite line was, um, “I don’t care what the king says….3.22 ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.avi_000608541
Together: …pickle that herring!”
[rofl!! what a fabulously absurd line of dialogue! I think the writer had loads of fun with this ep!]3.22 ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.avi_000612545
Tony (laughing): I think you do understand… 3.22 ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.avi_000614647
[I can hear a whoosh sound.. very loudly.. anyone else? It’s this meaning going right over my head!!!!]3.22 ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.avi_000614848
(A thought strikes Tony – pow!)
3.22 ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.avi_000616249
…You know, we just lost the understudy for the female lead. Would you be interested? [Don’t be absurd! Winking smile ]3.22 ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.avi_000619252
Amanda: No, I couldn’t do that,.. [Amanda seems to automatically say no here I think]3.22 ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.avi_000620253
…No,  no absolutely not. That was in college.3.22 ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.avi_000623356
Tony: Just read a scene, please?3.22 ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.avi_000626259
[I don’t know if its intentional, but her reticence makes her above suspicion as anything other than a reporter. She’s really selling this cover! Smile He’d never guess she’s with the errr civilian auxiliary.. ahem.. yes iwsod is being tongue in cheek- and rather absurd..]3.22 ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.avi_000626760
Amanda shrugs.. 3.22 ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.avi_000629763
Tony passes her the folder containing the dialogue.
Amanda: Well, I’ll give it a whirl.3.22 ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE.avi_000631765

The scene ends here.
Oh drat! We are left in suspense.. how did Amanda do?!!!!

Okay! I’ll pause here.. wonderful to see Lee in the great outdoors again, in a lovely suit.. and with my favourite tie on no less.
Lee does a good job with this cover.. it’s been a  while since we’ve seen Lee do a cover not for laughs (i.e. obviously poorly). would you say? It’s not just Lee doing a great job with a cover!!
So is Amanda!!! Amanda is sticking as close to the truth as she can.. and she’s doing a great job wouldn’t you say?

50 thoughts on “4/21 Season Three, Episode 22: All the World’s a Stage–Scarecrow and Mrs King

  1. I just listened to the German dubbed version of Amanda´s Iinterview in Stage and here is what I got:

    1. English original
    Title of the production: Tiger Tracks
    Amanda´s role: the Wailing Walrus.
    Amanda´s favourite line: “I don’t care what the king says…. …pickle that herring!”

    2. Real German translation
    Titel of the production: Tigerspuren (or Fährte des Tigers)
    Amanda´s role: das heulende Walross
    Amanda´s favourite line: “Es ist mir egel, was der König sagt… … pökelt den Hering!”

    3. What they gave us in the episode (and re-translation to English)
    Title of the production: Die rote Schlange (The Red Snake)
    A`s role: das rosa Kaninchen (the pink rabbit)
    A´s fav. line: “Es ist egal was der Löwe sagt… … alle Macht den Heringen!”
    (I don´t care what the lion says…. …all power to the herrings!”

    THAT I call ABSURD !!!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. LOL, that should be highly effective, Cindy!

        Very weird, I wonder why would they feel they have to entirely reword it for the German-speaking audience.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Very weird, I wonder why would they feel they have to entirely reword it for the German-speaking audience.

          I don’t know, Raffle, I really don’t know… And I guess I never will. 😦

          The only thing I can think of is the wailing walrus. Amanda is neither a wailing person, nor is she as fat as a walrus. A pink rabbit is much cuter… So they tried to make it sweeter and more fitting to Amanda’s personality (perhaps???). Although I can’t see her as a pink rabbit either – she is far too tough for that!
          The rest of the dubbing is pure nonsense to me. 😦

          Liked by 2 people

  2. That Beverly Theater looks like the one in Beverly Hills before it was remodeled. I guess they were hoping we weren’t looking that closely at the name of the theater, but what was on the marquee.


    1. I just went back and listened, and it sounded like Lee said the play was showing at “A Georgetown theater” not “THE Georgetown theater”. Georgetown is a neighborhood of Washington DC, so that would make sense.


  3. The jumper that Tony is wearing has been trotted out by at least two other characters in the last season or 2. Lee wore it once, and I’m sure someone else wore it. It doesn’t look any better with increasing familiarity…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Isn’t it still to come, when Lee wears it? There is an ep. in S4 in my mind…? Or did he already wear it and the jumper I’m thinking of is another one – I´m not sure…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t know about season 4 – we’ll have to keep out eye out for this grey sweater L&A!

        But great catch Learjet! I found one instance where Lee wears this same grey sweater:

        It’s in season three here:

        It’s very briefly at the end of Welcome to America Mr Brand 🙂

        Is there more? Anyone find any?

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Aw, rats, me and my late 70’s/early 80’s “fashion sense” — I like that sweater/jumper! 🙂 But I can see where it might not be for everyone. Thanks for accepting me here anyway, ladies!!! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    3. I just asked in the previous post if we’d seen this sweater before. I could have sworn it was on Lee once. Thank you sooooo much for solving this mystery!!!


  4. hi everyone!
    Just an FYI- I’ve upgraded the plan JWWM was on so we shouldn’t have to deal with ads anymore hoorah!!

    Also, I’ve added a new little feature at the end of posts where wordpress attempts to guess what other posts the post is related to. LOL. looks to me like a great way to have 3 random blog posts suggested haaaa!

    Enjoy! 🙂

    Liked by 5 people

  5. – anyone a theatre history buff? anyone able to enlighten us on all this? Is it legit? this Neo-Absurdism?

    Not sure about neo-absurdism, which suggests from its name that it is a new interpretation of absurdes theatre. There is such a thing as absurdes theatre. I remember studying it in high school drama classes as well as university English classes. One more well known absurdist play is “Waiting for Godot” by Samuel Becket.
    Here is the Wikipedia definition:
    Their work focused largely on the idea of existentialism and expressed what happens when human existence has no meaning or purpose and therefore all communication breaks down, in fact alerting their audiences to pursue the opposite. Logical construction and argument gives way to irrational and illogical speech and to its ultimate conclusion, silence.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I read a review by someone who referred to Neo-Absurdism as a style of writing which uses reality as a base to leap into a fantastical imaginary world filled with strange characters and comedic situations. He referred to it as a genre of comedy.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Oh, but I like this. I can feel my brain starting to flip. “Their work focused largely on the idea of existentialism and expressed what happens when human existence has no meaning or purpose and therefore all communication breaks down, in fact alerting their audiences to pursue the opposite.” Isn’t this a bit like what we have seen happening inside of Lee over the past three seasons? Hasn’t he been changing because his friendship with Amanda has had him reflect on the meaning of his life and his work? And if he doesn’t find a way to communicate the way he feels about to, I wonder if he is concerned that some sort of silence will take place between them…? You know the kind that grows when too many things have gone unsaid and trying to climb all over the unspoken becomes what feels like an insurmountable task and you can’t figure out how? Sometimes I wonder if the sum of all of those interrupted moments might begin to do that to Lee.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Two great things about the anonymous “pretty blonde at the bar” in this scene. First, that’s Faith Ford who would break out as a comedy star on Murphy Brown not so long after this and she’s always a treat to watch, even on a throwaway bit like this. 🙂

    But second, and most important, there’s a nameless pretty blonde at the bar and Lee’s attention is completely on Amanda. And no wonder – she is looking absolutely adorable in this scene.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh yeah!!! well spotted clagnanet! Yeah you never know what goodies we can find on this show! 🙂

      Go Faith Ford! she’s great! 🙂
      and her line here is funny 🙂

      But second, and most important, there’s a nameless pretty blonde at the bar and Lee’s attention is completely on Amanda. And no wonder – she is looking absolutely adorable in this scene.


      Liked by 1 person

            1. Chanteuse is French for singer so I thinking they are telling you her role in the play rather than her name.Not that we ever see her sing in the play and based on her lines and costume, I’m guessing they could have more realistically listed her as “Judy (Hooker)”

              Liked by 1 person

  7. I think Amanda is glowing here (I think that is the appropriate expression). All the planets are aligning and even her assignments are perfect for her real life experience and interests. She is totally convincing as a theatre groupie. (I went through a brief theatre groupie phase myself at college). I even think it is quite sweet that she is so pretentious over neo absurdism (of course it may not meant to be prestentious!)
    Lee is also glowing imo. He is very convincing in his cover and is looking very good, even with the little mini mullet.
    I may add that it is not suprising that Amanda is so good with dooplehangers – after all she had one of her own and one of her ex husband. Seeing her fave playwrit appear to be a twin of a man who kidnapped her should be a doddle after seeing her husband’s double attempt to kill a president . (for myself I still prefer to think that Martinet is really one and the same as Castille) .

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I agree Amanda is glowing – a really great description!

      mini mullet


      I may add that it is not suprising that Amanda is so good with dooplehangers – after all she had one of her own and one of her ex husband.

      rofl true! It is all upside down and all over the place! But… then when she saw Sallee was a dead assassin why did she assume no he wasn’t dead? and why wasn’t it a doppelganger?
      Ahhh the old Amanda instincts I guess!

      (for myself I still prefer to think that Martinet is really one and the same as Castille) .
      Seeing her fave playwrit appear to be a twin of a man who kidnapped her should be a doddle after seeing her husband’s double attempt to kill a president .

      yeah I like to have fun with it too 🙂 I guess I’ll have to wait and see what I really think of Martinet before I decide he deserves to be Castille in disguise 😉 or that Castille is now in Martinet disguise.. oh dear!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. So true, Michele – she is shining. It feels like everything is coming together for her – a culmination of a season where she has grown professionally in leaps and bounds, and her personal relationship with Lee has grown and changed as well. I sense we’re moving to a big climax (because of course, I can’t remember how this episode ends 😀 😀 )

      Liked by 3 people

    1. Yep, exactly. And she’s great at it. While I like how she’s handled events in the past (i.e., the fundraiser in 3 Little Spies), I’m sort of glad this isn’t a bake sale or a fundraiser this time.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Its as if both Lee and Amanda are becoming more integrated, in all aspects of who – they are, individually – now they just need to get their relationship with each other fully integrated…


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