3/16 Season Four Episode Three: Unfinished Business-Scarecrow and Mrs King

Having hustled Amanda out of the office, Amanda gives the door one last regretful look before leaving. 4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000400467
[I think she knows something is up and struggles with not being able to help. It’s such an important thing to her, to be able to help. But Lee has literally closed the door on that! ]

Back inside the Q bureau, Lee sits down and pulls two folders out of the envelope.4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000413880
A CIA file?!
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It’s a bit tricky reading this whole document..
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And a close up..
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Here’s the transcription of the document provided by Learjet. [Thanks Learjet!]

Address: 355 Lincolndale Road
Washington, D.C.
Case Officer: H.W. Alward I.D. No: RF-49883
Secret Intelligence Service operative, European
theater. Recommended to S.I.S. by “reliable party”
(identify unknown), 1941.
(one and a half lines redacted)
conference, Washington, 1949: met and married
Matthew Davis Stetson (M.I.D.) May 14, 1949.
(two lines redacted)
contacts. Subject fluent in both French and
German; therefore had
(half a line redacted)
foreign nationals and alleged informants.
(one and a bit lines redacted)
To British Charge d’Affaires.
(half a line redacted)
4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000421888

Lee takes it all in.. and then says to himself:
Lee: British intelligence? My mother?
The scene ends here.
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[I wonder what set him on this path.. that he requested these files.. I guess we’ll see (hopefully)!

Given this document was sourced from Joseph Blackthorne (who I hear is rich and single Winking smile tee hee.. okay okay.. who murdered Jennifer Hamilton Stetson) – I don’t know if I can believe this.. Other than she married Mathew Stetson!]

Moving on, we see a man outside a massive building..
4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000427293
He walks toward Lee and holds out his hand for a hand shake.
: Hey, Stetson.4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000433500
(Lee declines the offer of the handshake) [Ouchie!]4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000434701
: How they treating you out in the low-rent district, huh?
: Why don’t we talk about Madrid, McCrary, the apartment, the girl, the…?4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000440106 [lol these random little tidbits are hilarious]
: Come on, Stetson. For crying out loud.4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000441708
: Hey, what’s the matter, pal?4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000445111
[well for a start, his tie is awful, but I’m guessing Lee doesn’t care!]
: Look, ah, I have got season tickets to the Skins. 4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000450116
: Oh.4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000451317
: Now they’re yours. I mean they’re just yours. I’ll tell my wife I’m bored with football.
: No, I don’t think that’ll do it.
: Come on, Stetson, cut me some slack, huh? What do you want? [I agree.. get to the point! I guess maybe this is Lee partially teasing this McCrary guy?]4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000460727
: I need a name.
: A name? That’s it?4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000462929
: I want to know the original source of these reports. [How interesting – that the opening scene had Mathew and Jennie Stetson blackmailing Blackthorne to get some information they wanted.. and here? Lee is doing the same thing!! Chip off the old block 😉 ]4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000470136
(Lee takes a small envelope out of his pocket and hands it to McCrary. Who takes a look.)
[What report is he referring to? because that earlier field report identified the source: Joseph Blackthorne. I wonder if the name was suppose to be redacted and it’s a blooper.. Not sure what this all means.. but.. I’ll hang in there! Smile ]
: Well, this is pretty routine stuff.
: Not to me.4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000473139
McCrary: OK, it’s a deal… 4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000480547
(McCrary holds out his hand for a handshake, and this time Lee obliges)4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000483149
…Just give me a day to poke around. You’ll get your name. 4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000483350
[I don’t know why Lee was so mean straight off.. why didn’t he ask the guy first? and if he said no then remind him of his girl in Madrid? Oh.. whatev..  Do you think this McCrary is CIA?]The scene ends here.

There’s an abrupt edit straight to Amanda the next morning,  bursting into the Q bureau saying loudly: Amanda: Good morning!!
4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000487554
LOL. I think she was hoping she’d walk in and surprise him in the middle of something. But.. Lee’s not there.
Fishy is there though! He wiggles his tail to wish Amanda a good morning too! Glad to see things are going swimmingly for him.. But.. can’t they get him some pebbles or something?! Winking smile Maybe pebbles are a security risk! lol.. err sorry I digress! ]

Amanda fixes the flowers on her desk, then looks up and notices the mess on Lee’s desk. So she heads over to tidy up. She starts organising the paper files. 4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000508375Sitting right in front of her on the keyboard is the CIA files. [Ummm would Lee really have just left them there?!  Maybe he subconsciously wants her to find them! Winking smile Didn’t Freud say there are no such things as accidents?!] 4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000511378
She then notices the side tabs say “STETSON, JENNIE” and “STETSON, MATTHEW, …”.
4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000514581
[Why ‘Jennie’ and not Jennifer? Whatev..

Whooooo.. Amanda’s pinkie ring magically vanishes for a second 😉 ]
She opens the files- both of them. [naughty naughty Amanda!]
4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000521187
At that moment, Lee opens the door and walks into the office. 4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000522789
LOL it takes her a second to notice!
Amanda.4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000524391
(Very brightly!)
: Hello.
[ha! Her turn to be smiling super massively to hide what’s going on ha!]4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000525191
Wh-what are you doing here?4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000527594
: Well, uh. 4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000527994
I thought I told you to take the day off. [Aie, Lee doesn’t know what day it is! Come on Lee, let Amanda help you!!]
: Well you did, that was yesterday, not today.4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000531798
: Yeah, well what are you doing?4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000532599
: Well, I was just straightening up your desk.4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000534000
: Well you know that, uh, I can never find anything,…
4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000536002
…anywhere, when someone straightens up my desk, right?
(As he says this he leans over to pick up the two CIA files and begins to head out the door)
[LOL Lee are you worried Amanda will put them in alphabetical order? Stones, Rolling?! tee hee.. they’re files, she’s allowed to organise them Winking smile okay okay.. maybe not thooooose files!]
: Well, I’m sorry. I just thought I’d, uh…Where are you going?4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000542809
(Lee looks back at Amanda as he leaves, but doesn’t stop heading in that direction!) 4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000543610
Lee: I’ve got some things to do.
And with that.. Mysterious Lee is gone.
4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_000548214
Amanda looks concerned..

Hmmm…but not hurt I’d say – what do you all think?
I find it so sad to return to season 4 and find they are ‘apart’. I guess whatever is going on with Lee’s parents is not something he is currently willing to share. I can’t wait to discuss this with you guys!
For a spy Lee has come a long way in trusting Amanda – but evidently, he hasn’t quite gone all the way with this and there are currently still limits! Given this is personal, I don’t think this is a ‘need to know’ professional situation. But Lee currently thinks Amanda still doesn’t have a ‘need to know’ – or maybe Lee currently thinks he doesn’t have a need for Amanda to know!.. (awh!!)

Hmm this is going to be fascinating to watch and explore. I do love that Amanda is not hurt – she’s just concerned for him. I think this shows she’s pretty secure! [IMHO of course, and if you see things the same or differently please share! 🙂 ]
What do you all think so far? Doooo tell!!! Any and all views welcome!! Smile 

53 thoughts on “3/16 Season Four Episode Three: Unfinished Business-Scarecrow and Mrs King

  1. It took me watching this at least four times (and rewatching The Eyes Have It) for me to understand why Lee was so surprised to read the file about his mother. I didn’t realize he didn’t know she was British Intelligence but they actually don’t say anything about that the only time he talked about them in Season 3. I guess he knew his dad worked in intelligence, but not his mother:)


  2. There are so many great comments here. I mentioned in an earlier comment about Lee being a lone wolf. To a certain extent he has gone back into that mode, but without being rude to Amanda this time.

    Someone mentioned Joe King and it made me think of WWH and how Lee pressured Amanda to tell him what went wrong with her marriage. He told her that for the first time she was his case and that he needed to hear what happened, even though it might be difficult. Amanda opened up to Lee and their relationship transitioned. He let Amanda see what he thought of her and what she deserved. And while he was there for Amanda, he’s not yet ready to let her be there for him.

    We know that Lee has struggled with his emotions for most of his life. His uncle tried to suppress some of it and he’s kept so much of himself to himself. He knows that he can trust Amanda and tell her things, but he isn’t doing so. He’s once again in uncharted territory and unsure of what to do or how to handle it. Amanda is concerned, but I think she knows and is the type who will tread lightly. The question is whether or not she will wait for Lee to come to her or take matters into her own hands. I wonder how long she would have kept reading the files if Lee had not walked in.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good question. I waver between her reading the whole file and stopping if there was some very personal stuff she thinks Lee should tell her instead of her finding it out on her own.


  3. hi Everyone! been enjoying your comments..
    I’m currently like Amanda at the start of playing for keeps 😉 so the brain’s not really working so well.. I’ll get here when it kicks in again -if it does.. haaaaaa


  4. I’m in agreement with the comments here. Not much to add. Lee has really come a long way. He’s not going to blow up at her, which would be Season 1 or 2 Lee behavior. This is still a gentler Lee. I don’t like her snooping either, but I understand why for reasons others have mentioned. I’d expect him to walk out of there, thinking about how much she cares, but still tucking that thought away as other thoughts consume him.

    Completely unrelated… Poor Fishy has no filter in the bowl, either. I agree that pebbles and some greenery would be nice. It would also be cute to put something with a spy-like theme in there. A miniature spyglass and maybe some files marked confidential (lol)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love that you added your agreement 🙂
      There is always something to add – even if it’s just that 🙂

      He’s not going to blow up at her, which would be Season 1 or 2 Lee behavior.

      So true. a real absence of anger here – love this!

      I don’t like her snooping either, but I understand why for reasons others have mentioned.

      I agree! Amanda has some form with snooping 😉 she did it in wizard when Lee was so upset and he wouldn’t talk to her – remember she accessed his file to read the history of the wizard?

      I’d expect him to walk out of there, thinking about how much she cares, but still tucking that thought away as other thoughts consume him.I’d expect him to walk out of there, thinking about how much she cares, but still tucking that thought away as other thoughts consume him.

      Yes that’s how I see it too..

      rofl! Sara I love that you brought up fishy. lol I forgot all about him haaaaa.. he looks a bit desolate there in his bowl with nothing but water – and he is likely missing Lee too 🙂

      A miniature spyglass and maybe some files marked confidential (lol)

      Love it! He could hide his barnstorm list in there! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Ah!!! I just watched the episode… well some of it! Good thing we started walking through this part of season 4 as my summer break commences because I LOVE this episode! I think it is one of my favorite and also one of the most important for the characters development! But, enough said… don’t want to rush ahead.

    First of all, that scene with Lee and McCrary may just be highlighting how seamy this spy business is. Plus that guy sounds like he has got a lady on the side somewhere and I find it interesting that Lee is bringing that up as pressure fodder and also mentioning the guys wife. Its a dirty business this exchange of classified info and Lee is into it up to his eyeballs. He is playing hardball here.

    And I find it interesting that he went straight to his mother’s file first. Was he surprised to see that she had a file too? Or was he most interested in info about his mother?

    But this really has sent the guy into a tizzy. He is almost as messed up as he was in Wizard, but he seems even less focused here. For so long he has been very aware of Amanda and right now he can’t even remember what he said to her or what day it is and I am getting the feeling that Lee is delving into some territory that he has pushed out of his awareness for a very long time and now he is swimming is some rather confusing and fretful personal waters and he is lost in himself and in the world around him. But I don’t see him getting angry? Wasn’t that how he used to handle difficult emotional matters?

    I am not viewing Amanda as either secure or insecure here, in herself or in her relationship with Lee. I think she is extremely worried about him and she does have a precedence for prying ( a bit). She isn’t just a work colleague. She has been invited into a more personal intimate relationship with Lee. Didn’t he just say that he wanted to know as much as he cold about her, and I would assume the undercurrent here is for that “knowing” to go both ways. Too much water has gone under the bridge of their relationship for her to just shake the dust off her feet at him and walk away. She knows he is keeping something from her, but I think she also knows him well enough to know that it must be something of real importance and knowing his character she may recognize that he might be needing some help. She cold take that snooping too far, but this quick glance at the files and noticing that this is about his parents is giving her some clues as to how she should handle this situation. My own personal opinion here.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I agree fully with what you said about Amanda not being insecure in herself or the relationship but extremely worried about Lee. I think that you summed this up perfectly. I may also add that this kind of mature loving reaction on her part is a refreshing change from all the artificial angst that immediately hits any couple who get together in tv land.
      I am surprised that it is your favourite episode as it is one I never cared for much. Having said that, watching it as the season opener and reading what everyone is say is improving it for me.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. The slow, natural development in the characters is one of the things I love most about SMK. Its there even though it isn’t part of the A plot. One of the things that drew me into the SMK fan world was considering the work the actors did in their own character development and internal backstory. Bruce and Kate had to develop a rich understanding of their characters inner lives and how they were going to change and grow as they interacted with each other. It is there in the little mannerisms and reactions to one another that change so much over the four seasons. I love thinking about what those back stories and inner thoughts are. And this episode really shows how much of themselves have been changed and touched and even healed ( we hope that is what will happen here, right now we are all a bit concerned about that) ; Trying not to jump ahead.
        For me, that is the real story of SMK, and that is a real love story! That Is why I love this episode!

        Liked by 4 people

        1. I second this response of yours, Morley! Every one of your thoughts and interpretations are spot on! There’s even an eloquence to your response that mirrors the eloquence of Bruce’s and Kate’s performances.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. And this episode really shows how much of themselves have been changed and touched and even healed ( we hope that is what will happen here, right now we are all a bit concerned about that) ; Trying not to jump ahead.

          Nice try Morley! Hold that thought – and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the overall episode later!! 🙂


        3. I’m really looking forward to reading your thoughts on Lee and Amanda’s inner thoughts. I love S4 for what it is on the surface, so walking through it and reading yours and everyone else’s thoughts about what’s going on at a deeper level will hopefully make it even more loveable for me.

          Liked by 3 people

      2. I may also add that this kind of mature loving reaction on her part is a refreshing change from all the artificial angst that immediately hits any couple who get together in tv land.

        whooo hooooo!!! Love this Michele!! 🙂

        I am surprised that it is your favourite episode as it is one I never cared for much. Having said that, watching it as the season opener and reading what everyone is say is improving it for me.

        Interesting! Lets see what you think at the end of the ep!
        I’d have to say, I don’t know that I would have thought of this one as a fave up till now – but I am currently enjoying exploring it!
        Maybe at the end of season 4 we can share our new favourites 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Did you watch beyond where we are up to? would be very cool if you held off watching 🙂

      So far I’m really enjoying this ep too! Way more than I did when it was after the stems!

      Its a dirty business this exchange of classified info and Lee is into it up to his eyeballs. He is playing hardball here.

      I can get onboard with that interpretation! 🙂

      And I find it interesting that he went straight to his mother’s file first.

      cool observation Morley! I think it makes sense, he had previously known his dad was in military intelligence (he didn’t say when but judging by the context I thought this was saying during the war). But he didn’t know his mother was involved in any of this.. so yeah I’d say he was extra curious to see she has a file at all!

      But this really has sent the guy into a tizzy. He is almost as messed up as he was in Wizard, but he seems even less focused here.

      Indeed. Though he seems less wound up than in Wizard..less anger.. yes!

      I am not viewing Amanda as either secure or insecure here, in herself or in her relationship with Lee.

      fair enough! I see an absence of insecurity – which I interpret as an indication she is secure. Sometimes what I don’t see tells me something.

      I think she is extremely worried about him and she does have a precedence for prying ( a bit).

      Yes she has form! 🙂

      She knows he is keeping something from her, but I think she also knows him well enough to know that it must be something of real importance and knowing his character she may recognize that he might be needing some help. She cold take that snooping too far, but this quick glance at the files and noticing that this is about his parents is giving her some clues as to how she should handle this situation. My own personal opinion here.

      I’m in complete agreement here Morley!


  6. I also find the scene between Lee and McCrary distasteful. It reminds me of Lee with Augie where he would be uncharactistically and unnecessarily unpleasant. I just thought the writers thought it was the expected macho thing and didn’t worry too much about it.
    I don’t really think that Amanda was snooping. She was tidying up the desk (which she does a lot I gather) and saw the files on it, they weren’t hidden or concealed or even put to one side. I wouldn’t blame anyone looking at something of mine if I left it in open view although I would probably kick myself! So I can’t criticise Amanda for this. It would be different if she did actually go snooping, that I wouldn’t like at all. I do not believe that dating someone gives you the right to go snooping into their affairs.
    I don’t really think that Lee is doing anything wrong here in keeping his parents privacy. I don’t think that he (or anyone) is under an obligation to share everything at the beginning of a relationship. I don’t think that it shows a lack of trust in Amanda but I suppose he should have guessed how persistent she would be! He has had experience of it before.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I also find the scene between Lee and McCrary distasteful. It reminds me of Lee with Augie where he would be uncharactistically and unnecessarily unpleasant.

      Exactly! It reminded me of Lee and Auggie too.

      But if the attitude is because this McCrary is cheating on his wife, maybe I don’t mind it so much haaaa..

      No one has commented (maybe I’ve missed it) on where I wrote in the post:

      [How interesting – that the opening scene had Mathew and Jennie Stetson blackmailing Blackthorne to get some information they wanted.. and here? Lee is doing the same thing!! Chip off the old block ]

      I thought it was interesting to see. But the vibe in the parental blackmail scene was much less personal..

      I guess there is that nasty side to the spy biz, but why start off playing hard ball when a simple request will do? whatev!

      I don’t really think that Amanda was snooping. She was tidying up the desk (which she does a lot I gather) and saw the files on it, they weren’t hidden or concealed or even put to one side. I wouldn’t blame anyone looking at something of mine if I left it in open view although I would probably kick myself! So I can’t criticise Amanda for this. It would be different if she did actually go snooping, that I wouldn’t like at all. I do not believe that dating someone gives you the right to go snooping into their affairs.

      Yep I agree with you Michele! Amanda’s not a saint (though Lee did try to imply she was mother Teresa?! ) – and I like that!

      I don’t really think that Lee is doing anything wrong here in keeping his parents privacy. I don’t think that he (or anyone) is under an obligation to share everything at the beginning of a relationship. I don’t think that it shows a lack of trust in Amanda but I suppose he should have guessed how persistent she would be! He has had experience of it before.

      I agree with this too! I think Lee can have his privacy, I just find it hard to watch him hurting and not letting Amanda in when she can help. So while I totally get it and think it’s natural he would hold something so close, I cheer him on – come on Lee! Let Amanda help you!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes – I wish he could have just explained to her that he had something personal to deal with and he needed time before he could talk to her about it. I’m sure he would now how hard it would be for Amanda to sit back and watch, but I think she would have respected it and possibly been less hurt because he would have given her some reassurance.

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Amanda should not have been snooping, but I would have done the exact same thing! And I would have felt guilty about being caught but not about doing it.

    I too like that Amanda is not seeing this as Lee rejecting their relationship, but rather that he’s struggling with something. It sounds like the perfect opportunity for her to use her people skills to help Lee through a tough moment and perhaps even teach him a few things about personal trust. Funny, I have no doubt that Lee trusts her fully as a professional partner and would trust her to do the right thing if his life were on the line, but he is not comfortable with that same trust when his private life is on the line. Our inner self is such a personal and vulnerable thing….

    Liked by 5 people

    1. His inner self is a personal thing, but I am thinking that the crux of the issue here for Lee is that he hasn’t ever really opened this part up to his own self yet and so he has no way to know how to let Amanda in. I think this is a real beginning of something new for him and he is in so many ways off balance here.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. At this point, I just felt confused about Lee.. and knew he was struggling.. it hasn’t started to come together for me till the next post.


      2. I like this idea and can relate. I would much rather expose myself to unknown information, especially if it had the potential to hurt me, in private so no one would see me getting hurt. At this point though, we don’t know yet what is going on – just that Lee seems to be confused about his mother’s past. It feels like it could be potentially hurtful to Lee rather than be something joyful and happy.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. The day Lee booted Amanda out of the office, he wore a blue shirt & bold diagonal striped tie. Now, when he leaves her high & dry, he’s in a white shirt & different tie. I find it hilarious that he is so totally focused on his parents’ file, that he doesn’t recall going home and changing his clothes!

    I do feel for Amanda, though. Makes me wonder if it reminds her of Joe King, who was so totally focused on Africa, he abandoned his wife and 2 sons. I’m thinking she’s in love with Lee and is NOT going to let him “go it alone.”

    We’ve not been told WHY Lee is suddenly researching his parents. My guess is that, as his relationship with Amanda grows, he becomes curious about his own parents’ relationship. Perhaps having her love and devotion, seeking answers is no longer painful for him.

    When Francine read Billy’s newspaper, weren’t the two names Rene Sinclair and Thomas Blackthorne? Hmm … the CIA file cites a Joseph Blackthorne. The plot thickens!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. supposed to be working.. ahem..

      When Francine read Billy’s newspaper, weren’t the two names Rene Sinclair and Thomas Blackthorne? Hmm … the CIA file cites a Joseph Blackthorne. The plot thickens!

      rofl Nancy! that’s hilarious!! Great catch! haaaa.. maybe it is father and son blackthornes after all haaaaa 😉

      bye all hope you are well!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. I really like your two middle paragraphs! Yes! I think Amanda still has some unresolved questions about Lee in reference to her own experiences with Joe. I felt back in the tag of ATWAS that Amanda was still holding back a bit due to the way she kept her arms between them when they finally embraced. But, I also think that Amanda knows and loves Lee enough to believe he was worth the risk and so I don’t think she would run, even when his behavior get erratic. And now that she has seen the names on those files, she won’t let go for anything, unless Lee makes it clear that he really doesn’t want her around at all, and that would only be after numerous tries on her part.

      And I love it that you are wondering why on earth Lee would be digging into this stuff now at this point in his life. I want to know the same thing! And I am inclined to think the same as you. It has to have something to do with what is growing and changing inside of him as his relationship and love for Amanda grows. Maybe he has spent all his energy is past years distancing himself from childhood memories, or thoughts of himself as a man, husband maybe even father. And how has he viewed women in his life? as potential wives or as the furthest thing from that so that he would not have had to come into contact with any associations and thoughts of his mother as a wife or even as a person and therefore run into memories of feeling associated with those thoughts. But now that Amanda has awakened these types of feelings and therefore thoughts, maybe the lack of closure has begun to niggle at him enough for him to begin a search? Maybe?
      This is why I love this episode. so much fodder for my brain. 😉

      Liked by 4 people

      1. I really like your two middle paragraphs!

        thanks Morley!

        And now that she has seen the names on those files, she won’t let go for anything, unless Lee makes it clear that he really doesn’t want her around at all, and that would only be after numerous tries on her part.

        yes seeing the two names on those files was a great lifeline here..

        as I was just commenting to natsned, Amanda has form here! 🙂

        But now that Amanda has awakened these types of feelings and therefore thoughts, maybe the lack of closure has begun to niggle at him enough for him to begin a search? Maybe?

        The possibility is there for sure, I’m enjoying exploring Amanda’s reactions to Lee.. indeed – lots of brain fodder!


    3. I find it hilarious that he is so totally focused on his parents’ file, that he doesn’t recall going home and changing his clothes!

      Yeah I think it fits.. and it’s a sign of Lee’s distress – he’s lost his orientation to time!

      I’m thinking she’s in love with Lee and is NOT going to let him “go it alone.”

      Me too! but.. it’s interesting to explore that it is a possibility 🙂

      We’ve not been told WHY Lee is suddenly researching his parents. My guess is that, as his relationship with Amanda grows, he becomes curious about his own parents’ relationship. Perhaps having her love and devotion, seeking answers is no longer painful for him.

      ha! I say the same thing in the next post (post 4)!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Well I personally give Amanda a break for snooping. Here is someone she cares for very deeply is obviously hurting and shutting her out. What would you do ? Also he did leave them out. As well as these two have grown closer over the last 3 years, all of a sudden, something is tearing them apart and she has no idea what IT is. I think Amanda is a person who cares deeply and for as long as she’s hidden her true feelings about Lee, l don’t think, she’s about to just let him go. I think Lee has to learn how to let someone in.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. natsned, you have a point given that Lee is her romantic partner. But not if Lee was still only her work partner….I guess, I’m still stuck in S3 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, this was what I was thinking – thus why I said in the post that Freud says there are no accidents…
        Lee’s subconscious is seeking out understanding and support from Amanda 🙂
        Okay- If I didn’t want to get all psychodynamic, I’d say it’s because Lee is sleep deprived that he leaves them. it’s the only reason I can come up with!


    2. Amanda snooped even when they weren’t romantic partners.. their close friendship was enough to send Amanda snooping when she was very worried for him in Wizard.
      I think Amanda’s propensity to snoop is proportional to the amount of concern/distress!
      Which.. I think is fair enough! I don’t mind that she looks.. all while I say naughty naughty Amanda! 🙂

      I think Amanda is a person who cares deeply and for as long as she’s hidden her true feelings about Lee, l don’t think, she’s about to just let him go. I think Lee has to learn how to let someone in.

      We’ve seen this a number of times in the show, not that I’m thinking they are all the same, but at this point, Lee knows being tenacious and not giving up on Lee is how Amanda will respond.
      We saw it very early on.. we could even argue it’s present in The First Time – it’s like when he said help me please at the train station – she took on helping Lee with strong commitment!!
      We saw it in Saviour (and Amanda helping Lee to see he has options!)
      We saw it in Burn out (everyone else had given up on Lee -except Amanda. Even when Lee points a gun at her and shoots, without a word spoken she knows he will not hurt her)
      And.. we saw it in Wizard – where she went snooping to try to understand what was going on with Lee because he was really out of sorts..
      I bet it is one of the qualities Lee loves most about her! 🙂

      Sooo Amanda has form, and I think Lee deep down knows she isn’t going to let things pass, but his thoughts are so jumbled and he isn’t really thinking logically.. At this point, all we know is he’s struggling, and not sharing..

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      1. Sometimes, when a person really needs help, the hardest thing to do is ask for it. I think the absence of anger on Lee’s part is a sign that somewhere in there he is wishing and hoping for Amanda’s help. I like the way you listed all the times Amanda stuck by Lee. I agree, it must be one of the things he loves most about her.

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        1. I agree. I think he must at least subconsciously want her to know what’s going on. He just isn’t in a place to verbalize it. I don’t think there’s any way he would have left those files on his desk and out in the open unless he was uncounsiously willing Amanda to find them and to be her tenacious self and not let it go until she could help him. She’s done it so often when he was really struggling as in Wizard and when he was pretending to be like in Saviour and Burn Out.

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  10. I find the scene between McCrary and Lee distasteful. Yes, it’s clearly very personal to Lee but does he have to be nasty about it? Surely there is a nicer way of getting what he wants from McCrary? I’d have thought Lee had grown beyond this type of behaviour. I guess it indicates how strongly Lee feels about these files…

    Also don’t like Amanda snooping around on Lee’s desk. I share an office with one other person, and I’d hope that she’d respect me enough not to fiddle with my work and personal stuff. I’d be annoyed if I were Lee!! That aside, I think this scene is a big reason why this episode is at the beginning of S4 for me – Lee has finally admitted his feeling for Amanda to her and they’re (presumably) in a relationship. But he’s held on to his privacy and handling his troubles himself for so long that he isn’t yet ready to share with her. Opportunities for growth ahead…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. learjet1: “I find the scene between McCrary and Lee distasteful.”

      There must be some bad blood between them, don’t you think? A guy doesn’t just give away his Redskins football season tickets without huge cause. McCrary knows he wronged Lee, but we don’t know how. Some of this scene must be on the cutting room floor.

      learjet1: “Also don’t like Amanda snooping around on Lee’s desk.”

      I agree with you! Don’t like her doing that at all.

      learjet1: “But he’s held on to his privacy and handling his troubles himself for so long that he isn’t yet ready to share with her.”

      In the A Relative Situation episode, Lee shared quite a bit with Amanda about growing up with his uncle. Later, in The Wrong Way Home episode, Amanda chose privacy when she refused to discuss her divorce with Lee. Could that have set a precedent in Lee’s mind?

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      1. Later, in The Wrong Way Home episode, Amanda chose privacy when she refused to discuss her divorce with Lee. Could that have set a precedent in Lee’s mind?

        Oh I don’t know, for me Amanda not being fully open in WWH doesn’t bother me.. I think she shares just enough.. after all, she is disclosing person information about Joe as well as herself when discussing her marriage, so a bit of reticence is not a bad thing. I think her reticence is born from a desire to respect Joe as the father of her children.
        Plus, I think it’s not a bad thing to keep a little mystery about previous romantic relationships 😉
        A different kind of dynamic than here with Lee.. but it does at this point remind me of the difficulties he experienced in Wizard..


    2. yes I like this idea of opportunities for growth too!

      I tend to think naughty naughty Amanda for snooping.. but.. I also completely understand why she does it, and Lee leaves them right there – of course she was going to look 🙂 tee hee..

      But he’s held on to his privacy and handling his troubles himself for so long that he isn’t yet ready to share with her.

      yeah at this point I’m just sad to see Lee struggling, and thus Amanda struggling.. he looks like he could use some help.. and Amanda is ready and willing to help!
      It’s tough to watch.. but if we get growth it will be so worth it 🙂


    3. I find the scene between McCrary and Lee distasteful.

      This scene has never bothered me. Thinking about it now, Lee’s behavior here fits with the job. Spies have to use tactics like these. If Lee had been nicer about it, I’d be worried about his ability to perform in the field. I’m glad he’s opened up his heart to Amanda, but I don’t think he can change his heart where his job is concerned for fear of his safety. So in a way, I’m glad to see Lee can still do his job effectively and efficiently – he gets right to the heart of the blackmail.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi BJo!! Wonderful to hear from you!!! Seems life’s been keeping you busy! Me too!! great to cross paths here on JWWM 🙂

        he gets right to the heart of the blackmail.

        His own blackmail here with McCrary? or his parent’s blackmail of Blackthorne?
        I found it really interesting that Lee was also blackmailing!! A hint maybe that his parents may not be baddies…

        Thinking about it now, Lee’s behavior here fits with the job.

        This is very true! At the same time, I feel the same as Learjet though.. hmmm.. why?!
        I think maybe what’s off kilter here for me is that McCrary doesn’t seem to be a real low life. The knowledge he was cheating on his wife was maybe suppose to be enough for the audience to find him distastful.. but I don’t know.. maybe the actor played the guy too likeable..

        I remember there have been moments I’ve felt the same about the way Lee treats Auggie. lol. he is a bit of a low life, but then he comes off more as a likeable goof – so Lee’s hard man seems a bit… harsh.. though absolutely – it fits with being a spy 🙂

        I wonder if we’ll get to see Auggie again.. [don’t tell me!!]


        1. Haha! I wonder if we’ll get to see Auggie too! I think I maybe like the fact that Lee still can still play the bad boy so to speak at work even though he’s given up the bad boy persona when it comes to women. I can see why you and Learjet would see this as distasteful – McCrary comes across as a likeable guy and Lee has matured in the past few years.


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