13/16 Season Four Episode Three: Unfinished Business-Scarecrow and Mrs King

So at the end of the last scene we had this:
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And bam! We cut to this:4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_002095895
Rather jolting!! Look what the cat’s dragged in! Winking smile ha haaaa
Meeeeooow! This Sinclair is quite the man about town.. he’s stylish!
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Blackthorne: Sinclair. (He sounds surprised to see him)
Sinclair: Up so late, Thomas?
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[Oh my! these props are hilarious! Blackthorne is clearly compensating for something! Winking smile Sure Freud would have a field day with him!]
: Just having a nightcap. Join me?4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_002102502
(Sinclair puts his jacket aside as he joins Blackthorne)
: No, thanks. I’ll be leaving tomorrow after my speech at the Plaza, so I came to say goodbye.
: Oh. I know you’re anxious to get back.
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[Ah Blackthorne, his modus operandi seems to be overwhelming his prey with massive amounts of empathic caring.. and then.. Pow! They’re stuffed for posterity!]
: You must come back to Ile de Marin soon. And don’t be surprised if all the schools are named for you.
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[Oh the irony! I think everyone will be surprised at that eventually Winking smile  That Sinclair is so taken in could be interpreted as him being a bad judge of character.. but I’m guessing it’s more that Blackthorne is an excellent liar.
Sinclair thinks Blackthorne cares about schools and people! Look around you Sinclair! The guy likes to kill and stuff living things for recreation and then sets them up throughout his house as trophies! If you’re not careful, you’ll be next!
And.. I’m still worried about Goldie! haven’t seen him/her for a while.. hope Goldie has escaped!]
: Well, I’m looking forward to it. Don’t work too hard, now.4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_002125091
: Don’t worry. After seven years of revolution, I think I’m due a little peace and quiet.
: Good. Have a safe trip, friend.
(Lots of arm slapping and fond looks.. and Sinclair heads out)
: Thank you.
(Here comes trusty sidekick Landers for a baddie update!)
Landers: It’s all set. By tomorrow afternoon, Mr Sinclair will no longer be a problem. [this Landers is rather dull isn’t he!]
Blackthorne: Excellent. 
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[Muahahahaha! Winking smile
Boy have the secret service been fooled by these two – they are going to be apologising to Billy by the end of this ep!

I think on the surface this Blackthorne is rather dull, like his sidekick! But.. when I consider him more deeply, he’s beginning to become an interesting baddie. I think he has been so successful up till now with fooling people because he is excellent at identifying people’s emotional vulnerabilities. With Sinclair – it’s the love of his country and how hard he has been working.. with Lee –  Blackthorne shut him up with his so-called integrity in reporting what he heard, and capitalised on Lee’s pain and powerlessness in that moment over his parent’s fate. Blackthorne is very cluey, and seems to fly under the radar.. not the most fascinating television but LOL his home decorating style seems to make up for it Winking smile – just my random thoughts on this baddie.. feel free to share your own insights and thoughts!]

Back to IFF and I guess it’s the next day.. Speech at the Plaza Day for Sinclair!
We find Lee and Amanda in the Q bureau briefing Billy.
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Lee: Then in 1953, Inter-Ocean Freight was bought out by Pan-Coastal Shipping, which went bankrupt in 1954.
Amanda: And Sir, we can’t find any evidence that these companies ever actually conducted business.
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Billy: So?
: So, every one of these is a dummy corporation which can be traced to the same company. Redmont Supply.
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Amanda: Started by Thomas Blackthorne with money that he got somehow during the war. [Ah! Soooooo Blackthorne is a crook.. that’s as much detail as I need to know 😉 ]4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_002167434
[Whoa! now that is information that should blow your hair back! Seems to have worked on Amanda! Only.. Billy doesn’t really have any.. which may explain his response…]
Billy: I thought I told you to lay off Blackthorne.
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Amanda calmly: Sir. We haven’t been anywhere near him. This is just research.4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_002174140
Lee: Come on, Billy. Doesn’t this tell you something?4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_002177944
Billy: Yes. Yes, it tells me something. It tells me that you have developed an obsession. It tells me that you need a couple of days off.
[Okay. I gotta say. I feel for Billy’s character! We need a defender of Billy’s dignity! (A DOBD!) The writers seem to regularly give him lines that make him sound like a blockhead! Sad smile
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Billy knows Lee and Amanda well enough to not immediately jump to a conclusion they are obsessed! It’s obvious it’s based on something – and Billy hasn’t even inquired why they began to question Blackthorne in the first place! If Billy is going to accuse every agent who chases up their suspicions of being obsessed I think IFF should close up shop now and go play some goofy golf!]
Lee’s response to Billy’s conclusion that Lee is obsessed and needs a few days off is spot on
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– he’s quite speechless!4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_002183650
Billy: And don’t argue with me…4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_002185151 …I’m doing you a favour by giving you a couple of days to cool out. As of now you’re on leave. I want you to turn this material over to Francine…
(Amanda looks shocked and disappointed)
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…and let her sort it out. If there’s any real crime involved, we’ll follow it up. Understood?4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_002197464
Amanda: Yes, Sir.
(Lee remains silent!)
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[Amanda knows when to shut up and agree… but yes, understood. Billy you can’t be reasoned with because you are being unreasonable. It’s like he’s obsessed with Blackthorne and staying away from him! Winking smile
Thanks for the ‘favour’ Billy! Not! I don’t really get Billy’s logic, Lee and Amanda have done further digging and uncovered evidence of potential criminal activity by Blackthorne – So therefore Lee is obsessed?! Billy knows nothing of Lee’s parents and that whole story line!
Oh and yet Billy wants the evidence turned over to Francine so she can follow up this evidence of the obsessed?  What am I missing?! They haven’t even talked to Blackthorne again! Oh whatev. Seems Billy’s door is closed on Lee and Amanda, but.. Francine may open a window Winking smile 

I think at the end of this episode, the secret service and Billy will be apologising to Lee and Amanda! [Hope Amanda can adopt Goldie!!]

This scene ends with Amanda turning around to Lee – who is glaring at the back of Billy as he leaves.
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I don’t think Lee’s going to take a few days off. He’s obsessed! 😉

Obsessed Lee and Amanda are walking along an IFF corridor obsessively! Winking smile
Amanda: Well, we tried.
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Lee: We’re not finished yet.
[What’s the verdict on Amanda’s outfit people? I love the colour, but umm.. it’s not working for me.. thoughts?]
Amanda: Yeah, I know we’re not. [LOL I love this – she knows! Of course Lee wasn’t going to sit on his hands and take a few days off! It’s amazing Billy thought it a possibility!]
…You know, I think this stuff in the margin is shorthand.
4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_002208675[oh rofl! really?!]
Lee: Well, it’s not like any shorthand I’ve ever seen. [Why hasn’t crypto had a look at it?]
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[Whooo the back corridor that never has people in it now has a guard! Gotta stop any extras from trying to walk down there and hitting the picture haaaa!]
Amanda: I know it’s not. I think this could be an old method called Pitman,
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…and I think I’ve seen Francine use it before.
[So I guess I did remember the shorthand, I just didn’t remember remembering 😉 ]
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[That is one massive logo!]
…Why don’t I find her and we’ll meet you back upstairs?
Lee: All right.
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[Why do they split up? I dunno!]

They part ways.. and we see a shot of extras in the corridor. LOL. but can I get a clear shot of it? 4.03 UNFINISHED BUSINESS.avi_002225692
Noooo.. I hope all of season 4 isn’t going to give me trouble – it’s been tricky to get clear screen captures! Sad smile If it’s all of season 4 – I think you’ll be seeing less images in posts!

Interesting that IFF looks to have gotten a season 4 upgrade! Did anyone catch what the placards are indicating?
I think the first one they walked past was forensics and the second one is black something but I can’t see it. anyone?

Any thoughts on this post you’d like to share?

49 thoughts on “13/16 Season Four Episode Three: Unfinished Business-Scarecrow and Mrs King

  1. Is it just me or does someone on the SMK writing staff really have something against the last name Sinclair? I think there are three separate villains we’ve had with that last name. (It sticks out for me too, since one of my favorite heroic characters on the TV show Counterstrike was Peter Sinclair!)


  2. Ugh! Wrote a comment and word press says it couldn’t be posted… hmm?

    Basically I wrote how much I love the commentary on Blackthorn’s décor and I really appreciate it that I can laugh during the boring baddie scenes because of how you write them, Iwsod.

    I am thinking along the lines that Billy is out of sorts because he knows Lee is up to something and he hasn’t come clean about it. I think that can make Billy nervous. I also am wondering if there isn’t some pressure on Billy from higher up or possibly due to the interagency tension due to Lee and Amanda’s earlier actions with Blackthorn.

    Love the way Amanda knows they aren’t taking any time off. She isn’t arguing anymore like she did when they stole the drug earlier. She knows that she is going to help Lee or he is going to do it himself and there is no way that he will be doing this alone. She is with him. I also like the way these tow can transition so well between personal experiences and professional work. They have gotten really good at this now.

    And the blouse is lovely. The skirt messes the loveliness up. Usually Amanda does a good job with color coordination. I wonder what happened?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hmmm is right, Morley. I’ve not idea why WordPress would say that. Maybe iwsod would know, but I guess the point is moot by now. Glad you were able to post something 🙂


      1. HI!!!! BJO!!!! (waving enthusiastically)
        It is a moot point. And I think it may be my computer because it has been doing odd things all morning. Typical of me and technology.

        I am just glad to be back


    2. “Usually Amanda does a good job with color coordination. I wonder what happened?”

      My best guess? Since KJ is the director of this episode (Woo-hoo!), she was focused elsewhere and simply forgot to look at herself in the mirror.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I agree on the lack of coordination. I actually love her top and think it would be lovely paired with a navy skirt, but this one just isn’t doing it for me. I sure miss Fashion Police Officer Kiwismh! She’d know just what to do!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. This Sinclair is quite the man about town.. he’s stylish!

    I can see why Francine would be interested in this guy! He seems like her type. 😀

    Is it just me or does Landers remind you of Joe/Tucker? The hair, the nose, the lines on his forehead. He’s a little tall, but looking at these screencaps, it reminds me of Joe/Tucker.

    Oooh! A new top for Amanda. I like the change. The shoulder pads don’t look enormous and it is flattering on her because it is not super blousy like so many of her tops. I do not care for it paired with this skirt though.

    Whoa! now that is information that should blow your hair back! Seems to have worked on Amanda! Only.. Billy doesn’t really have any.. which may explain his response…


    I don’t share your thoughts on Billy here though. I think Lee is a bit obsessed, and Billy has already yelled at him to lay off Blackthorne. He’s not spending any time on Agency work. It’s already been at least 2 days, I think. We don’t know how much Lee and filled Billy in on either. If I were Billy, I would have insisted on Lee telling me just why he is sooo interested in Blackthorne and where he got his information from. Who knows what he told him before this scene in the Q? I think Billy agrees that there is something to check into after hearing about Lee/Amanda’s research, which is why he says he’ll give it to Francine to check into. The fact that he’s giving it to Francine tells me that he is serious about having someone check into it. He’s not giving it to a low-level agent. This response may be a bit strong, but we’ve only got an hour to sort it all out… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Back in Wrong Number, Lee and Amanda got into this big argument about Will Towne in front of Billy. He let them argue with one another for a bit before he calmed them down. He told them that he agreed and disagreed with them both, but sent them off to find more answers to back up what was going on. He ultimately listened to what they had to say and accepted Amanda’s discovery of the MSG issue. As the leader, Billy can’t always accept hunches and conjecture and has asked for some proof or evidence at times. However, they have it and he’s still not listening.

    This is a different Billy that we’re seeing and I agree that it was somewhat contrived to heighten the drama. I’m not sure if with was meant to heighten Lee’s determination to see this through or something else. It makes the earlier yelling look worse.

    The menagerie of animals does get creepier and creepier. For some reason that’s Blackthorne’s go to room. I can’t see him as a big game hunter. He doesn’t seem like the type to want to get his hands dirty in that way.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I love your comments about the creepy decor!! That’s actually pretty scary! I do agree that on the surface, Blackthorne seems pretty harmless. Lee’s parents obviously believed they’d trapped him and he was going to cooperate. But did they not share their suspicions with anyone? (They needed a Billy)
    I also agree that Billy couldn’t let L&A continue this case on the record so the time off is his way of looking the other way. Amanda is looking very Nancy Drewish but Lee- sorry man but that jacket is ugly.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think Blackthorne’s cardigan with shirt and tie ensemble is supposed to cue us in on the fact that he is harmless and old (maybe that’s a sign that he’s aged even though he looks the same as he did 30 years ago?). But the cardigan hides an evil soul…


      1. Ah! got it.. cardy = harmless/wimp in smk world!

        Blackthorne turns out to be a wimp but not so harmless I guess..

        But the cardigan hides an evil soul…

        Whoooooo a cardy can only hide it for so long before a man’s true character is revealed!!


    2. Thanks natsned! yeah they are freaky!

      Lee’s parents obviously believed they’d trapped him and he was going to cooperate. But did they not share their suspicions with anyone?

      Yeah good question. It seems not..
      I struggle a little because all we know about Matthew and Jennifer is from their field reports we saw – which Blackthorne wrote! and Lee did say his dad had worked in military intelligence but I was confused about if that was just during the war. The field report I think has Matthew in military intelligence still in 1955 when he died..
      and looks like Jennie was in MI-6 but retired.. when? don’t know..
      Maybe we are to assume it’s all accurate except the bit about them being traitors..
      Anyone figured this all out? help?

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I think Billy’s behaviour is out of character and I can remember wondering if this was to be a season 4 thing, i.e. More angst and drama. (I actually can’t really remember the answer to my wondering but we will find out). I prefer the reasonable Billy we know and love and who basically does whatever Lee tells him to do.
    The prop people who did Blackthorn’s house must have had fun. I have never ever seen such a collection of poor dead animals, it is creepy but so extreme that it is very funny. I find it distracts me from Blackthorn and Sinclair and from the plot.
    I too like the blue colour on Amanda but I’m not crazy on Lee’s outfit.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m seeing things the same way you are Michele. Oh gosh. I hope it’s not a season 4 thing! Or we are really going to need to start a Defender of Billy’s character department 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Actually, the Q Bureau is for resolving open cases … the ones not yet closed due to unresolved questions (as I understood the explanation back in S3). Lee & Amanda just came across a case waiting to be solved for 30 years. Seems to me, they’re doing EXACTLY what the Q was set up to do!

    I’ll cut Billy some slack here because he is still waiting for Lee, as Senior Agent, to come clean on what’s really going on. He’s watched Lee mature with Amanda’s influence and now he’s backtracking! By putting another set of experienced eyes (aka Francine) on this, it gives credibility (in other words, a CYA) for Billy in whatever she discovers and I do believe she is his ace researcher. I agree with Cindy and Sara that Billy is giving his top team time away from the office to take a step back, not let this appear to be a personal vendetta and get focused on the big picture. Plus, he doesn’t want to attract any more attention from Treasury or the CIA.

    I approve of Lee’s suit and really like Amanda’s blouse. Were she to wear a solid skirt in a matching soft blue, it would be awesome. The soft pink skirt does nothing for that blouse. It’s akin to wearing a plaid skirt and a striped blouse. Hmm … maybe Billy can’t stand the combo, either and is giving her time to go home to re-think her fashion choices!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Were she to wear a solid skirt in a matching soft blue, it would be awesome.

      This would be lovely!

      Hmm … maybe Billy can’t stand the combo, either and is giving her time to go home to re-think her fashion choices!

      Aha! there is the explanation!! 🙂 call off the search!! 🙂 tee hee..

      I’ll cut Billy some slack here because he is still waiting for Lee, as Senior Agent, to come clean on what’s really going on.

      Yeah I cut Billy slack too – and it’s only because of the nature of the walk (splitting up scenes and taking time) that this is really getting much focus from me..
      I’d get on board with Billy wanting his senior agent to come clean – if I’d seen him asking questions and getting no answers. We never see this!
      I cut Billy slack and blame the writers for trying to turn Billy into a major roadblock.. lol but then it seems it is very quickly forgotten after the next commercial break and they move on and all is well haaaaaa.. I guess we were to chew our finger nails over that ad break before the assassination plot was thwarted!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. So Lee and Amanda are investigating Blackthorne while sitting in the Q Bureau. Ummmm, isn’t that the purpose of the Q Bureau to investigate leads, hunches that aren’t yet obviously a case yet? Whatever. I don’t mind that Billy is giving this to Francine, I am sure his spidey sense is now tingling that there is something more to Blackthorne and putting Francine on the case ensures more ‘manpower’ to uncover what is gong on even if it doesn’t involve Sinclair. And of course, I don’t think he believes for a minute Lee and Amanda are going to backdown and giving them a few days off basically allows them unfettered time to do what they want and plausible denialbility for him.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Maybe Billy hasn’t had his coffee (and donut) yet. 😉

        I think you could be right about Billy. He’s subtly telling him to keep any investigation far under the radar.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Maybe Billy hasn’t had his coffee (and donut) yet. 😉

          good call Sara! 🙂

          I think you could be right about Billy. He’s subtly telling him to keep any investigation far under the radar.

          This is an interesting idea! I see this differently though – I went back and looked for a hint of this, but I can’t see it myself. Not that I have an alternative explanation – I don’t! lol!

          Usually when they are getting in trouble but Lee is really subtly telling them to keep things under the radar, Lee and Amanda would react in a more upbeat way – so I don’t see Lee and Amanda as interpreting it this way either.

          I’ve put it down to the need to insert some drama at this point of the story – it doesn’t damage the ep for me at all as a whole.. it’s still wonderful to me 🙂
          But I put it down to a contrived roadblock to keep the story interesting and add an additional layer of tension.
          For me it doesn’t flow…
          I feel like I missed the scene where Lee and Amanda told Billy and Francine about the new information Lee had about his parents and that blackthorne is somehow involved.. but whatev! Still love this ep! 🙂 And… love hearing different ideas about it from everyone! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          1. He’s subtly telling him to keep any investigation far under the radar.

            Sorry, please disregard. My first impression changes more often than not, but not before I post something I wish I could have deleted. 😦

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Hey Sara! oh nooo you regret saying something? are you okay? want me to delete something?

              Sorry if you have changed your mind and I haven’t gotten to it! I think we all change our minds.. I know i do! I see it as part of the walk that my view will and can shift.. it’s all good! 🙂

              Liked by 2 people

              1. Yes, my impression did change since I posted. I know that happens. My other problem is, I’m reading/writing fanfiction, watching other SMK episodes and then coming back to the walk and I think I’m getting scatterbrained. Mostly just trying not to fall back to far on the walk. Probably better to wait and post later. 😉


                1. I hear ya!
                  Given how busy RL is for me, I’d say season 4 is going to be a much slower pace. So I hope the slower pace will work for you too!
                  [I think the slower pace may add to that lack of flow- but then, we can only do what we can do]

                  Sara I say go with whatever will maximise your smk fun! I always love to hear from you – whenever you like, however you like 🙂

                  Liked by 2 people

    1. So Lee and Amanda are investigating Blackthorne while sitting in the Q Bureau. Ummmm, isn’t that the purpose of the Q Bureau to investigate leads, hunches that aren’t yet obviously a case yet?

      Good call! it is a place of investigation!! and.. that’s what they are doing!

      I don’t mind that Billy is giving this to Francine, I am sure his spidey sense is now tingling that there is something more to Blackthorne and putting Francine on the case ensures more ‘manpower’ to uncover what is gong on even if it doesn’t involve Sinclair.

      Gosh I wish I saw this! But I just see Billy as trying to fob Lee off so he’ll take the time off – someone will be working on it! But.. it goes nowhere anyway so whatev!

      And of course, I don’t think he believes for a minute Lee and Amanda are going to backdown

      Totally! Sounds good to me! Especially because Lee’s parents are involved.. but then Billy doesn’t know this? or.. does he?!

      giving them a few days off basically allows them unfettered time to do what they want and plausible denialbility for him.

      Looks like some of us are going with this idea.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Hmm, I thought the same about the Q too, Cindy, but without Lee’s checking into Blackthorne because of the black mark on his parents’ file, I don’t know why this would have been considered an open case? I didn’t get the impression that there was any question about Blackthorne until Lee found a very personal one.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Rather than refer to the files on Matthew & Jennie Stetson as “open,” the better terminology would be “unsolved” or “unresolved.” The C.I.A. is not actively investigating Matthew and Jennifer Stetson so they are not “open” files. To be clear, the files on Matt & Jennie are at the C.I.A., not at The Agency. Remember, Harry Thornton didn’t found The Agency until 1972, which was well over a decade after Matt & Jennie were killed in 1955.

        We aren’t given the date of Blackthorne’s unsubstantiated accusations against them, but that probably happened within 5 years of their deaths and nothing came of it except that the accusations remained on their files. Lee got redacted COPIES of the C.I.A. files on his parents from someone at the C.I.A. then asked C.I.A. operative McCrary to verify the source of the accusations.

        Your assertion is correct: Blackthorne was not under investigation by the C.I.A. or The Agency until Lee & Amanda obtained his parents’ research, which Billy found out about and turned the investigation of that research over to Francine. The unanswered details and the use of both Joseph Blackthorne and Thomas Blackthorne as sources get very confusing.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The unanswered details and the use of both Joseph Blackthorne and Thomas Blackthorne as sources get very confusing.

          According to the script Matt & Jennie and later on Lee & Amanda were dealing with the same guy: Joseph Blackthorn.
          So the confusing part is due to changing that guy’s name from Joseph to Thomas and not working thoroughly when it came to change it in those C.I.A. files…

          Liked by 1 person

          1. From what I saw on the screen shots, Joseph Blackthorne was listed as the source on the Jennifer Hamilton Stetson C.I.A. file and Thomas Blackthorne was listed as the source on the Matthew Stetson C.I.A. file. With the lackluster continuity at S&MK and Thomas Blackthorne on the front page news, I decided to have some fun speculating that Joseph was the now-deceased father & Thomas was the son. Well, that got shot down so next I posited they are the evil Blackthorne twins! Figured it’s better than banging my head against the wall!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Definitely worth having fun about Nancy 🙂 tee hee.. So glad you found your way here Nancy!

              I think the real error was that the first report which listed Joseph Blackthorne as the source – should have been redacted. whether they changed the name to Thomas or not. Because the plot played out like this was redacted. I’m guessing that’s how the error of not changing the name happened – it’s because any name shouldn’t have been seen there in the first place.

              But.. all the more for us to have fun with!!! Muahahahahahaa!!! Love it!
              I love that we can see the errors, and have fun and enjoy the show together anyway. It doesn’t diminish my love for the show!

              Well, that got shot down

              Nancy, this may just be a figure of speech- but I’ll just add that people are free to think and see what they like here. There is no smk authority 🙂 I think there is lots of room for people to disagree without an idea being ‘shot down’ – if you like the idea and everyone else disagrees that’s cool.. you stick to what you like 🙂 I think I’ve done that a few times lol 😉

              Liked by 1 person

              1. “Well, that got shot down

                Nancy, this may just be a figure of speech- but I’ll just add that people are free to think and see what they like here. There is no smk authority 🙂 I think there is lots of room for people to disagree without an idea being ‘shot down’ – if you like the idea and everyone else disagrees that’s cool.. you stick to what you like 🙂 I think I’ve done that a few times lol 😉”

                It is a figure of speech, no worries iwsod. I switched gears because a plausible argument was made against the 2 Blackthorne first names being father and son. Since the blatant incompetence of whoever on the S&MK staff created the C.I.A. files on Matt and Jennie was just too funny to ignore, I floated the idea of evil twins. When what we’re given is incomprehensible; instead of a re-write, or banging my head against the wall, I tend go toward the ridiculous.

                Liked by 1 person

                  1. Honored to be a member. Just curious, did I pass initiation by banging my head against the wall or by being ridiculous?


          2. Whoooooo thanks for explaining that one L&A! makes sense..
            so really the error is in the prop person responsible for that first field report we saw. Shouldn’t have said anyone’s name as the source, much less the character’s changed name (or his evil twin’s haaa)

            Liked by 1 person

        2. I’d say Blackthorne’s reports were made very soon after their ‘accidental deaths’.
          Hmm maybe he lodged them between finding out they had dirt on him, and his meeting with them later than night. This way he had another way of getting at them if the truck missed them..

          LOL you sound like a Lawyer Nancy. Are you a lawyer?

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Made very soon, but not too soon after their deaths. That would place suspicion on him. The other in between idea is good except for the fact that Sept. 18, 1955 was a Sunday.

            No, I’m not a lawyer or in the legal profession so I’ll stick with the statement Amanda gives Lee: “I’ve got a logical mind.” LOL

            Liked by 1 person

            1. rofl you found out it was a Sunday?! now that is a very curious logical mind you’ve got 🙂

              Okay. I will guess that on that Sunday, between meetings with the Stetsons, Blackthorne slid an envelope under the door of the Regional Office for Reporting Treachery (The RORT) 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

              1. The calendar on my iPad goes back centuries making it so easy to find the day of the week. It was fun to discover that Kate Jackson and Bruce Boxleitner were both born on a Friday … I was born on a Friday, too. Hmm, does that mean we’re related? How I wish!

                In the days of the week poem: “Friday’s child is loving and giving.”

                Liked by 1 person

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