8/14 Season Three, Episode 21: Three Little Spies-Scarecrow and Mrs King

Back to the Beverly Hills mansion..
We find Skylar and Jentry in discussion..
3.21 TLS.avi_001528428
Randall Skylar: Change the schedule? Heh. We’re leaving in two days. 3.21 TLS.avi_001531231
[whooo Amanda’s volunteering already! We see her collect some envelopes]3.21 TLS.avi_001532232
Pam Jentry: But why wait? Everything’s ready! 3.21 TLS.avi_001534034
[Amanda follows them listening in and trying to look busy]
Randall Skylar: Oh Pam, we got a monster PR package in place: radio, TV, the press, MTV. You c
hange the departure schedule now and the whole thing unravels like a cheap sweater. 3.21 TLS.avi_001543443
Pam Jenty: But we’ve got reports that there’s a weather front blowing in that could ground the planes for weeks. Do you wanna feed people, or you just want PR? 3.21 TLS.avi_001551251
[Oh this woman is low!!!]
Randall Skylar: Both.
Okay, so I like show, huh? I’m human. 3.21 TLS.avi_001554854
(Randall sucks on one of his fingers and sticks it in the air)
…Hey we’ll keep a wet finger in the air, huh? We’ll see what happens.
[LOL appealing to Skylar’s caring for others at the expense of the high and PR he gets from helping others doesn’t seem to work. Skylar isn’t half as selfless as he may first appear 😉 LOL and lucky that as it foils Pams’ evil plans.. well maybe foil. I guess we’ll see..]
Pam Jentry: While thousands die, huh? 3.21 TLS.avi_001565065
[Pam is appalling!!! Now I’d agree with Petrovich here – Disgusting!! Using starving people to distribute nuclear detonators.. disgusting!]
Randall Skylar: Pamela, baby. Hunger’s been happening for centuries. I mean, what difference is a couple more days gonna make? 3.21 TLS.avi_001568268
Pam Jentry: Maybe the cover of Rolling Stone, huh?
[Ah! the appeal to his ego!]
Randall Skylar: Maybe. If it helps our cause… [ the cause and his ego are rather intertwined from the looks of things. the guy is not all about ego I guess, but nor is it all about feeding the starving.. hmm.. thoughts? ]
…What’s the matter with that? ….
Hey. We’re gonna wait. Okay? End of discussion. 3.21 TLS.avi_001580080
[Skylar tries to end things with some authority here]
Skylar walks off.
Looks like Amanda heard the whole thing..
3.21 TLS.avi_001582282
Pam motions for another staffer to come over..
3.21 TLS.avi_001589089
Umm is this Jill?? the repeating extra???!!!! don’t tell me she gets a line of dialogue? She deserves it wearing that fugly sweater!!!!
Pam Jentry: We’re rolling tomorrow morning at 8:30, sharp! So let’s load as many trucks as we can tonight…3.21 TLS.avi_001593693
…Then bring in a crew at 4:30 tomorrow morning to finish, okay? And keep this quiet. Skylar’s still insisting on tons of press, and they’re gonna muck things up.
3.21 TLS.avi_001598298
Jill leaves to do as she’s been instructed. [No dialogue for Jill? Boo!] Pam turns to notice Amanda is standing behind her.. and may have heard things.. hmm.. 3.21 TLS.avi_001605905
Amanda continues what she’s doing, not giving away that she was taking note of everything..
The scene ends there.
Back at the plane, Amanda briefs everyone. So um where did they all sleep last night?! Winking smile
Looks like Chang has been to the plastic jacket shop! gah!!
3.21 TLS.avi_001612112
Amanda: They’re gonna load as many trucks as they can tonight. Then they’re gonna have a new crew come in at 4:40 in the morning and then finish up. They’re gonna leave at 8:30 sharp.  3.21 TLS.avi_001619719
Lee: Why the sudden change? 3.21 TLS.avi_001620720
[Because your white jacket was fugly Lee!!! Ohhhh oops.. err you mean about the shipment? sorry.. just sooo happy to see the last of that awful white jacket! Here’s hoping he is wearing jeans.. darker jeans!]
Amanda: I don’t know, but Skylar didn’t seem very happy, and Pam was awful nervous. 3.21 TLS.avi_001623923
Lee and Petrovich share a thoughtful look. 3.21 TLS.avi_001626926
[random: in an episode of The Closer last night – I saw Petrovich!! If you’re interested the episode was ‘Red Tape’ sorry I digress- was just such a coincidence!]

Chang: We should be nervous. Once they get out of your airspace, there’s very little we can do about it.

3.21 TLS.avi_001630730
[Plastic jacket or not, I still think Chang is dreamy Smile though.. ahem.. no competition for Lee.. of course!]3.21 TLS.avi_001631531
Lee: Alright then, we’re going in…
[Lee gets up. blue jeans? blue jeans??
3.21 TLS.avi_001636336
Is that blue jeans?!!]
(sorry I’m so distracted! Lee walks over to the safe and continues while he opens it)
…Now the detonators give off a trace of radioactivity.
We’ve got a lot of ground to cover. So if the detonators are in the trucks or the warehouse these Geiger counters will let us know…3.21 TLS.avi_001647347
(Lee takes three Geiger counters out of the safe)
[Is it just me or do they look hilarious?! Not sure why.. because they’re so massive maybe?]
…Any questions?
(Lee hands a Geiger counter to Petrovich)
Petrovich responds: No.
He looks over the Geiger counter, then up at Chang.
3.21 TLS.avi_001651951 Chang gives a grin..
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So does Petrovich.
3.21 TLS.avi_001654954
I think they are happy to be making a move.
LOL! That or they also find the massive Geiger counters hilarious Winking smile American excess! Winking smile tee hee..
The scene ends there.

We cut to night time, and a view down an LA street. 3.21 TLS.avi_001657157
whooo Capitol records! any Hollywood sign? oh come on!!!

We see a dark warehouse exterior.  3.21 TLS.avi_001661961
Cue the sneaking music!!
Inside, Amanda is sneaking between the food for flight crates.
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Amanda sneaks over to a side door. She opens it to let in..
3.21 TLS.avi_001670470
Petrovich, Chang… 3.21 TLS.avi_001674874
and Stetson! Smile
[why was she in the warehouse letting the others in? had her volunteering given her access to the warehouse? Is this covered in the script? anyone?]
Amanda: Okay, come on.
3.21 TLS.avi_001678345
Geiger counters ready to go..
Amanda: Did you find anything in the trucks? 3.21 TLS.avi_001681748
Lee: Zip. Let’s hope we’re luckier in here. 3.21 TLS.avi_001683350
Amanda: Okay.
Lee: Keep an eye open. 3.21 TLS.avi_001684551
We see sneaking and searching by Chang, Petrovich..
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and Lee using their Geiger counters.
Someone calls out: There’s nothing here!
3.21 TLS.avi_001702369
More searching.. Petrovich enters a side office. Amanda sees the flashlight- and sneaks over to investigate. 3.21 TLS.avi_001726593
She watches him take something out .. he flicks a switch.. 3.21 TLS.avi_001734401
…she takes note through the window. 3.21 TLS.avi_001735201
Petrovich looks up to make sure he’s not being watched while he puts it under the table. 3.21 TLS.avi_001737971
Amanda ducks out of the way.
Petrovich is careful to put the chair back under the desk and he makes his way out of the office. Amanda hurries away undiscovered.

Out Petrovich comes, looking very sneaky in his sneaking! He looks around a lot and hurries back over to where he was suppose to be searching. 3.21 TLS.avi_001751584

Amanda hidden between the boxes, comes out once Petrovich has passed her. 3.21 TLS.avi_001755588
Amanda sneaks into the office Petrovich just left. She carefully turns on a light.. so she can see under the desk.. She finds the box, and pulls it up. 3.21 TLS.avi_001785618
Uh oh.. 8 minutes? A bomb?? I guess it could mean the time 8:00 also.
3.21 TLS.avi_001787821
What the heck is Petrovich doing?! Maybe he is wanting to destroy the detonators so the USA can’t have them back. I have noooo idea.. [lol which is probably obvious to you all Winking smile tee hee]
Amanda totally keeps her head here! Alone with a bomb – she seems to not panic. . She puts the bomb down on the desk, and realises this is the office of Pam Jentry..
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And the scene ends here.
No idea if Amanda pressed that red button.. or left the bomb or what she did.. looking forward to finding out. Great work Amanda!

After a tense commercial break we are back on the plane.. we find Lee taking one of those boxes out of a briefcase. I guess he put it in to show it is the same? 3.21 TLS.avi_001802669
Anyway.. it looks like Petrovich is in the hot seat.. [I wanted to see Lee’s face when he realised Amanda found a bomb and did good!]3.21 TLS.avi_001807874

Lee: XL-87 plastique, standard KGB issue with a timer set for 8 am tomorrow morning. Now I want an explanation, Petrovich, now! 3.21 TLS.avi_001812278
Petrovich: Mr. Stetson, our governments have different priorities, different needs.
Lee: Dammit all, there is only one priority here, and that is those detonators. Now, what were you up to? 3.21 TLS.avi_001818485
Petrovich: I sent photos of Pam Jentry to the KGB. They identified her as an arms dealer, who has been operating in the Mideast for years, especially in Afghanistan. She disappeared two years ago.  3.21 TLS.avi_001821087
[Big deal. so what. we know she’s dirty.. who cares if she’s been doing it for years! Okay, I guess they didn’t know for sure if she was involved.. it was just highly likely with her suspicious moving the plans forward and all that.. but to me that seemed to confirm she was a baddie..]
Lee: The same time those detonators were stolen.
3.21 TLS.avi_001835101
Petrovich: Not a coincidence, I assure you. Miss Jentry is a much sought-after enemy of the state. 3.21 TLS.avi_001837103
[Okay so you have confirmation she’s a baddie: You tell the team. You don’t blow her up!  rofl.
Hmmm maybe Petrovich was under orders]
Lee: Yeah, well right now, she’s a much sought-after enemy of the world. [Hoorah!]
3.21 TLS.avi_001845912
Chang: Are you sure she’ll still use the caravan? [caravan? I guess this means a caravan of trucks. lol.. in Australia a ‘caravan’ is what we call a ‘trailer’]3.21 TLS.avi_001847113
Lee: She has to. Those detonators are too visible, too delicate, to ship any other way. Now we didn’t find them in the warehouse. They’ve got to be someplace else and we’ve got three hours to find her before the caravan rolls. 3.21 TLS.avi_001850917
LOL.. Oh dear.. this is all a bit pedestrian! They’ve tried to up the tension here with the bomb.. but it all seems a bit pointless-  the old ‘we’d prefer to just kill her.’ Meh!

How did Petrovich see this playing out as their team continued to work on finding the detonators?
Just doesn’t make sense to me… The only good part of all this is how Amanda handled it. Or is it just me?
This ep so far, other than the fabulous scene between Lee and Amanda (when he says a friendly face helps), is a bit of a yawn.. Is it just me who feels this way?
However, well done Amanda for not forgetting Petrovich is not on her team! She did a great job for a civilian auxiliary (boooo!). I guess this is another win for the women??!!

What do you all think?

17 thoughts on “8/14 Season Three, Episode 21: Three Little Spies-Scarecrow and Mrs King

  1. FWIW, my impression of Chang and Petrovich reacting to the hand held geiger counters was that they were impressed. I doubt Russian or Chinese technology had advanced to hand held AND produced in such quantity that Lee gave them each one so nonchalantly. This mission would be vastly different were Russia or China the host nation!


  2. [why was she (Amanda) in the warehouse letting the others in? had her volunteering given her access to the warehouse? Is this covered in the script? anyone?]

    I’ve got two theories about this:

    Amanda volunteered loading those trucks to get access to the warehouse. Than she stood (unknown and unseen by all other helping hands of course) behind to be able to let our three male spies in.

    While our male spy trio searched the trucks with their amazing Geiger counters, Amanda picked the lock.
    Does she already know how to pick a lock? Why is it only Amanda? Where are Nadine and Jin Sung? Why is Amanda hiding behind the crates before she lets the men in?

    As much as I like that 2nd theory it leaves too many questions…
    I guess I prefer No. 1.


  3. The 80’s were just a fugly time as far as fashion was concerned LOL, there is just no other way around that one. Is it bad of me that I still think Chang is the hottest out of the three (sorry Lee, you know I still love you … haha)? Not just physically … I rather like his demeanor, too; poised, confident, shrewd etc …

    LOL Skylar is the quintessential 80’s rocker / celeb though, still, he IS helping people, so what if he gets some PR while he’s at it?

    The geiger counters make me laugh! Actually all the 80’s tech featured throughout this show, from the antique ‘green screen’ computers with their floppy disks, to that monstrosity of a laptop that was featured in the Triumvirate, it always makes me realize how far we’ve come!

    Also, where do you guys think this episode’s original place was, judging on Lee and Amanda’s relationship? do you put it before TBWWBK, and DMLNT?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The 80’s were just a fugly time as far as fashion was concerned LOL, there is just no other way around that one.
      So true Norma! though I think the 70s were worse (IMHO), I figure we can’t fight the fugliness, so we may as well have fun with it 🙂

      I still think Chang is the hottest out of the three (sorry Lee, you know I still love you … haha)? Not just physically … I rather like his demeanor, too; poised, confident, shrewd etc …

      Again – so true Norma! Chang isn’t led by his emotions – he comes across as much more savvy and ‘top spy like’.. and yep – he is looking much more sharp dressed man than Lee – just what is the world coming to?! 🙂

      LOL Skylar is the quintessential 80’s rocker / celeb though, still, he IS helping people, so what if he gets some PR while he’s at it?

      Win/Win! I’m digging it 🙂

      rofl yep like 80’s fashion, the 80s technology is an opportunity to laugh and enjoy! I wonder what we have now that we’ll be laughing at in 30 years time?!

      Also, where do you guys think this episode’s original place was, judging on Lee and Amanda’s relationship? do you put it before TBWWBK, and DMLNT?

      Great question – what do you think Norma?
      My thoughts on all this are not fully formed yet – but yeah I’m leaning toward this being before both!


  4. Did anyone else think the look exchanged by Petrovich and Chang as Lee got the detonators was conspiratorial? It looks to me like Petrovich had shared with Chang his intention to bomb the warehouse, and Chang was in full agreement. I wonder if their female counterparts had any clue of the plan? And no wonder Lee earlier felt as though he couldn’t turn his back on them for a moment — here they had all just agreed to work as a team and let the American’s take the lead, and then “ka-boom”!


      1. rofl. Now that could have started world war III. A Russian bombing on US soil?! [ or a Russian/Chinese bombing if you are seeing them as being conspiratorial here]


    1. Did anyone else think the look exchanged by Petrovich and Chang as Lee got the detonators was conspiratorial?

      Sorry Raffie, I’m not seeing it. but that doesn’t mean it’s not there 🙂

      I wonder if their female counterparts had any clue of the plan?

      Plan? there’s a plan?! 😉 tee hee.. I’m thinking their ‘plan’ is pretty amateur given they are suppose to be 3 top spies! [were they ‘top’? I guess if the country could only supply one agent then that agent would likely be top!]


  5. Skylar’s attitude before seemed a bit ditzy and maybe that was played up for what he took to be reporters. But here we see that he is basically out for PR and his ego. At least he admits where his heart truly is. I think it’s funny how he thought he put his foot down with Pam and she totally ignores him and does what she wanted anyway.

    I think I remember fast forwarding some of this while watching the DVDs. Some of the stuff you want to watch, they don’t show and the stuff you don’t want to see, they show.

    Once again the women are sort of in the background and just watching the men. Interesting how Chang only had bugs to spy on the others whereas Petrovich decides to bring bombs. None of these men were trusting the others.

    Everyone seems to be in these darker colors, except for Amanda in her bright white with the upturned collar. Such an 80s thing…the collar that is.


    1. Enjoyed reading your thoughts Valerie!

      I agree I like Skylar’s honest.. he’s a realist in some ways.. but lol.. also not a realist in his mansion? lol. He is growing on me as I learn more about him – I really didn’t know what to make of him!

      Once again the women are sort of in the background and just watching the men. Interesting how Chang only had bugs to spy on the others whereas Petrovich decides to bring bombs. None of these men were trusting the others.

      rofl love this about chang has bugs – petrovich has bombs whahahaa.. what does Lee have? Amanda!!!! And she’s in the thick of it here at the warehouse – so IMHO she flies the flag for the women in that respect!

      I wonder if the whole idea of women really being centrally important to getting things done is at the heart of this episode hmm.. it just stuck me that Jentry is what really makes food for flight work. Not Skylar – he said so earlier and it didn’t really register at the time.. but here a man is really dependent on this woman to run the show!
      And.. as you pointed out Valerie, she is the boss – not Skylar.. because she just goes off and starts doing what she wants anyway!!
      I’m curious to see what skylar does when he finds out??!!! or maybe he is all hot air?..

      Does this tie in with what we are seeing with the 3 little spies and their lady counterparts?


  6. Yup! That is Jill! Wearing a totally fugly sweater!!

    And taken out of context, that picture of Lee and Amanda holding on to the door knob together could be a great one for many memes! Dotty is not around to interrupt them 😉


  7. Major highlight of this scene – Lee has shed his white jacket, and Skylar is wearing grey pants in exchange for his clown pants. But what is that attached to his left ear {gag}.

    I find the exchanges between the three little (male!) spies rather tedious. Where are the three big (female) spies? Only Amanda is on show! I was hoping for better after Jin’s stepping forward in the last scene.


  8. I think Skylar is honest and I like that. So his motives aren’t perfectly altruistic, but he is still trying and he isn’t hiding his own ego and that isn’t a bad thing. And all of his honesty is displayed against Jentry’s treachery… Maybe we are seeing more of those stereotypes being turned on their heads?

    Did you see how Lee and Amanda both hold on to the doorknob at the same time?

    At the moment I don’t have any other comments except that I like the way Lee has that line about Jentry being the enemy of the world. That’s it for right now, I guess. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Skylar is refreshingly human – a mix of some good motives and selfishness. And yes, at least he’s honest about it. Jentry’s “appeal to his better nature” turns my stomach given her motives!

      Liked by 1 person

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