11/19 Season Four Episode Two: Stemwinder Part 2

So, we left Billy making a phone call in his office.. next thing..
Billy is walking down the corridor of IFF.
[Whoooo I wonder who he was calling??!!
LOL there’s now a desk right in front of that corridor that is suspiciously always empty Winking smile  Is it just me or in the shot above- can you totally see a crease in the picture of a corridor that is trying to pass itself off as a corridor?! whooo.. ]
Dr Smyth pounces on Billy. not even saying hello, he just immediately launches into his speech.
Dr. Smyth: I don’t care a fig about your bruised sensibilities, Melrose…
[Billy doesn’t seem to be surprised. lol]
…When you’ve got an infection you don’t put treacle on it, you burn it out. I acted accordingly.
(Billy crosses behind Dr Smyth to his other side.)
Billy: In the field, my agents risk their lives…
…Stetson trusted me. I can’t betray that.Stem-II.avi_001594961_thumb_thumb
[Call me crazy, but I’m starting to think Billy wouldn’t just continue on at IFF and not put his job at risk when Lee and Amanda are being hung out to dry. Seems to me he is drawing a line here with this new assertiveness. Lee’s trust in him has inspired Billy to new heights of loyalty for Lee and Amanda.. ]
Dr. Smyth: Stetson no longer has agent status; Mrs. King never did.  Stem-II.avi_001597263_thumb_thumb[whoa!!!! oh yeah??!!! well.. who would want agent status at this place anyway??!!! and lol I guess she had been a probationary agent rather than a full one. Whatev! Choke on your agent status pal!]
Billy: It’s- it’s not a matter of status.
Dr. Smyth: No, Melrose—it’s a matter of time. Either we grab Scarecrow before he takes a walk on us, or you and I’ll be dusting off our résumés.Stem-II.avi_001610377_thumb_thumb
(Francine joins them and hears the end of this threat)
Dr. Smyth: I find job hunting so déclassé. Don’t you? [KC notes – déclassé : French for lower class/downgraded]
[I think Billy already knew before this conversation that his job was at risk here. This is not new information.. I don’t think Dr Smyth is really concerned that he could lose his job – I think he’s probably far too smug that they are going to get scarecrow to really worry. but just IMHO]
(Billy’s jaw is grinding away at Dr Smyth’s threats)
(Dr Smyth walks off.
Francine immediately goes to jump in and say something to Billy…
…But he cuts her off)Stem-II.avi_001619386_thumb_thumb
Billy: Okay, Francine—don’t give me that look. I won’t blow my top just yet. We can do more for Lee and Amanda on the case than we can off.Stem-II.avi_001626092_thumb_thumb
[Ah! Okay he doesn’t want to lose his job. Fair enough, but I think he is willing to if it comes to that. Francine? ugh.. no comment!

I’m thinking Billy is pretty limited because Dr Smyth will be watching him like a hawk. I’ll be interested to see how this plays out, and if or how Billy can help. If Francine can help I’ll be shocked Winking smile  Anyone else not know what’s ahead?]

Billy walks off.. and the scene ends.

We cut back to the King house.. Jamie is trying to do his homework I guess, but Phillip throws a ball at him without warning.
Phillip: Ho.
(of course, not knowing it was coming, Jamie doesn’t catch it)
Jamie: Oh. Good shot, moonhead…. Mom said no playing basketball in the house.Stem-II.avi_001633266_thumb_thumb
Phillip: Thanks for reminding me.Stem-II.avi_001634467_thumb_thumb
(Phillip thwacks Jamie with the ball.)
[Charming this Phillip.. ahem.. Hey had Phillip’s voice broken before this scene? I never noticed it before. Time to grow up Phillip! Winking smile ]
Jamie: You’re welcome.
Phillip (under his breath and tossing the basket ball in the air): Geek eyes. [Yep. Real Charmer..]
(Joe and his sexy cardy surprise Phillip and grab the basketball.)
Joe: Hey…. Just ‘cos your mom’s not here, doesn’t mean you can break the rules.Stem-II.avi_001642575_thumb_thumb
[Interesting to see Joe back and needing to be the disciplinarian!]
Joe: You know, I’m gonna give her a full report when she gets back. [lol okay so he’s not a disciplinarian, he’s a note taker!]
Phillip: Ah—I was just putting it away, Dad.
[Yeah right!]
Jamie: What? So you could actually do some homework for a change?Stem-II.avi_001647480_thumb_thumb
[Is it naughty of me to cheer for Jamie getting a dig in at his brother?! Winking smile ]
Phillip: Why don’t you- Stem-II.avi_001650583_thumb_thumb
(Phillip gives Jamie a shove)
Joe: Hey, hey, hey… (more quietly)… Come on, guys, come on… (Joe bends down to their level behind the sofa) …
Now—no fighting….
…Look, we gotta stick together. Look, uh… I’m not supposed to say anything, so you can’t ask me how I know…  but your mom’s okay.
Jamie: Did you talk to her?Stem-II.avi_001666499_thumb_thumb
[I’m wondering myself! Smile ]
Joe: I said no questions. Now, you’re just gonna have to trust me on this.
Jamie: Mmm… we trust you, it’s just… Well, I don’t know about Phillip, but I’m a little scared. Not much; just a little.Stem-II.avi_001677210_thumb_thumb
[Something would be wrong if you weren’t! So yeah, haaaa maybe Phillip isn’t scared haaaa!! Kidding!! ]
Joe: You’re doing a lot better than I am, ‘cos I’m a whole lot scared.Stem-II.avi_001680714_thumb_thumb
[lol umm that’s so reassuring! not!! haaaa.. especially to two non adults! .. Lee said something similar to this to Amanda didn’t he.. haaa and didn’t she make a crack about it? or am I remembering wrong? I’m not going to look it up, I’ll rely on you guys correcting me!]
(Group hug time!!)
[lovely to see them together]Stem-II.avi_001687520_thumb_thumb
Joe: We can be scared together, okay?
The scene ends here..
[Sweet! I wonder if this is something of a one off scene, or if we will be seeing more of Joe in future. Not sure I want to see a lot of Joe in future. LOL.
You know it just struck me how husky Joe’s voice is.. Amanda must have a thing for men with husky voices! Winking smile ]
What do you all think??!!! No Lee and Amanda in this post – but they are very, very present!! 

10 thoughts on “11/19 Season Four Episode Two: Stemwinder Part 2

  1. Billy’s line here: Okay, Francine—don’t give me that look. I won’t blow my top just yet. We can do more for Lee and Amanda on the case than we can off.

    It gives me a smidgen of hope that Francine isn’t as much of a jerk as she’s been portrayed in the Stems so far. He makes it sound like he and Francine have been quietly working together the whole time to help Lee and Amanda and that they are keeping each other on task so they don’t lose any little bit of leverage they have. Even back in the first one when Francine was so awful replaying the tape of Lee saying it was as easy as falling into bed, maybe Francine and Billy were working together to show Amanda that she had to run and help Lee because staying at the Agency meant all the awful interrogation and mind games the awful psychiatrist was telling Billy about. It is right after that that the two of them watch her go and hope they can keep track of her.


  2. I will try not to say this again, but when Dr. Smyth is in a scene, I genuinely don’t understand what happens. He speaks a whole other language. He is a black belt confuser to me!!!!

    This scene with Mr. Rogers, er, I mean Joe…I get so confused about that line that he knows she’s ok!!! I mean, they all know that, right? From the note she sent? Or has Billy let Joe know more details? I have tossed around the idea that when Joe says, “Look, uh… I’m not supposed to say anything, so you can’t ask me how I know… but your mom’s okay,” that he means, “I know she is with Lee, and he will take care of her, she is in good hands.” Lee did take awfully good care of Joe (and Amanda…and the boys…) in WWH. Joe must have a lot of appreciation for Lee for all he did then, even if he were jealous of any relationship brewing between Lee & Amanda (not saying he is, just speculating).

    But I think it’s funny Joe comforts the boys to tell them she’s ok and then follows it up with saying he’s a whole lot scared (maybe not such a comforting thing to say….) 🤔

    Nevertheless, I do love that Joe is able to be there for the boys in addition to Dotty, since Joe is more aware (I think) of Amanda’s life with the agency and has more accurate information- he can be less of an emotional basketcase than poor Dotty who can only theorize (I’d be that way, too, Dotty).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lee’s trust in him has inspired Billy to new heights of loyalty for Lee and Amanda.

    I would say that it is Billy thinking that Lee’s lost trust in him has inspired Billy to these new heights – especially since it was as a result of Dr. Smyth’s actions.

    I find job hunting so déclassé. Don’t you?

    I think this is Dr. Smyth’s worst line. The two qualities I most despise in people are dishonesty and arrogance. Given this is the spy business, we can’t really get around dishonesty…so I’m giving that a pass. But this arrogance by Smyth is truly repugnant. I think this line also firms up Billy’s resolve even more to help Lee and Amanda. Boy, maybe Dr. Smyth’s actions will turn out to be a blessing in disguise.

    Anyone else not know what’s ahead?

    I remember the general scene, but not the details. I don’t recall how it all shakes out with Dr. Smyth and Billy – so I hope there is another scene between them.

    Not even going to talk about the scene with the boys and Joe…except to say lame-o.


  4. I’m not a huge Francine fan as a rule, but I’m not hating her here. I think she does not have enough stroke (certainly not with Dr. Smyth) to really do much of anything to help Lee and Amanda except to be supportive of Billy in his efforts. Rule-follower Francine is so black and white in her thinking that she temporarily struggled with the creative scenario Alexi created to frame Lee; however, a big part of her wants to believe in Lee (and Amanda) and so she’s back on track now, helping to clear up this whole mess with Billy.


  5. Dr. Smyth is so annoying in his narrow view and selfishness. It seems to be that those two attributes would make for a very poor performing spy and consequently I agree with Nancy and valeriejw; Dr. Smyth must have got his position through patronage and does not have field experience. I imagine had he ever been someone’s partner he might have bit the big one via friendly fire. I dislike Phillip almost as much. I’m not sure if the writers intended for Phillip to be such a little puke or if Paul Stout just played (over acted) him that way. Jamie is definitely my favorite.


    1. I imagine had he ever been someone’s partner he might have bit the big one via friendly fire.

      rofl!! 🙂

      such a little puke

      oh double rofl! haaaa poor Phillip seems we all find him a little puke and cheer for Jamie! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Dr. Smyth is continually helicoptering on this case. He’s so arrogant. I don’t like that he referred to Billy (and Francine?) as children before and that he keeps butting in and throwing out these French words. If he’s so upset with how Billy is handling things why not just take over the case. Of course, he can’t do that because he wouldn’t have anyone to blame should Lee do what he assumes Lee is planning to do.

    Smyth must have gotten his current position through some type of patronage since he has an aversion to job hunting. I would love to see his resume. Billy and Smyth are wearing similar looking ties.

    Love Billy here and how he says he can’t betray Lee’s trust. Also love the fact that he considers Lee as more than just an agent. This runs deep for Billy. He knows that he has to suck it up and deal with Smyth so that he can stay on the inside to help both Lee and Amanda. Still on the fence about where Francine is.

    Philip is truly a piece of work and such a slacker. I like how Jamie gets back at him and sort of tells on him at the same time. Not that it matters though, because Joe just seems to be a present adult body. There are these identity theft commercials here about monitoring security. The person says they don’t do anything about the situation they just monitor it and notify you about it. That’s Joe, he’s a monitor. I wonder if there was a discussion at some point about what is role is now in regards to discipline.

    They say that children take after their parents. Jamie certainly seems to be more like Amanda, so I guess that means Philip must be like Joe. Maybe it’s a side we have yet to see. Lee said that Amanda portrayed him as more mild-mannered. Maybe Philip acts out because Joe hasn’t been around. Either way he needs an attitude adjustment.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “Smyth must have gotten his current position through some type of patronage …” I agree! He’s a brown-noser and shows no sign of having field agent experience or the ability to use a firearm.
      “Love Billy here and how he says he can’t betray Lee’s trust. Also love the fact that he considers Lee as more than just an agent. This runs deep for Billy.” Sure Billy can’t betray Lee since he showed up for the Agent’s final appeal in good faith; however, Dr. Smyth obviously has no such scruples. Plus, on at least 2 occasions (“Savior” & “Burnout”) Billy sent Lee undercover and Lee never betrayed Billy’s trust. Lee has an exemplary track record on this type of mission, but Dr. Smyth’s too busy being useless.
      Phillip is now a teenager and that means he’s testing authority and boundaries. He needs the guidance of a strong father, but Joe was an absentee dad who failed in discipline and earning their trust.


      1. I agree! He’s a brown-noser and shows no sign of having field agent experience or the ability to use a firearm.

        Well put! Agents are disposable to Dr Smyth and field work is beneath him!


    2. If he’s so upset with how Billy is handling things why not just take over the case. Of course, he can’t do that because he wouldn’t have anyone to blame should Lee do what he assumes Lee is planning to do.

      Love this Valerie, I think you are on to something! He’s a wimpy manipulator!

      Smyth must have gotten his current position through some type of patronage since he has an aversion to job hunting.

      I soooo agree! 🙂


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