12/18 Season Three, Episode 03 : Over the Limit- Scarecrow and Mrs King (Blog order-Episode 02)

On to the police station, and they’ve arrested Elizabeth.. Seems Elizabeth is at a different police station this time.. the exterior looks different!
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001638672We see Elizabeth and her husband Eric through a two way mirror?? is that a visiting room? or a questioning room?
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I don’t know what it is.. but it’s not a happy place!
We see Lee and Amanda exit from another room in the police station.. Amanda is worked up!
Amanda: but I don’t understand. How can they arrest her. We saw that guy and we even got part of his licence number.
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001654654Lee: the police found Magnusson’s diary when they searched his apartment. It implicated Elizabeth up to her neck.
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001659459[And Magnusson.. hello! this thing really does scream SETUP!! Stupid cops.. ]
Lee asks Amanda quietly: Alright?
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001663063Before they walk towards Manny.. Amanda lets out a deep breath and gets herself together… the message Lee seems to be sending  IMHO is- behave Amanda.. tread carefully 3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001665865here..
They greet Manny. Manny is enjoying that his job is crazy, sometimes someone confesses and makes it easy, but sometimes it’s ‘ a can of worms’.
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jumps on this passionately: well if all you’ve got is a can of worms then why did you arrest Elizabeth?
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001676676Lee warns Amanda: Amanda. Magnusson’s diary is the kind of evidence that makes US attorneys sit up and pant. 3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001685085

[ Oh so now they are stupid too?!]
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_0016858853.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001689489Seems Manny isn’t completely stupid: Still, that’s a good question. I mean a con on the loose, he doesn’t usually write everything down.
Go Manny! Like you again!! Smile Love how Amanda looks at Manny like- well yeah! and Lee just kind of quietly says: hmm..
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001690690To me it sounds like he’s thinking yeah-didn’t think of that!
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001691491Manny stands up: if you want to see her I’ll fix it.
Amanda puts her hands out to stop Manny, with a quick look at Lee.. yes she knows she’s pushing it, but this is important!
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Amanda: Ah excuse me. But, why did you call Mr Magnusson a con?
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001698298Lee: Well, Magnusson wasn’t really his name. It was Richards, he escaped from leavenworth two years ago.
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001703103[gosh Lee, so why did you just call him Magnusson then? and why didn’t you tell Amanda that already?! lol guess he had to tell Amanda ‘in front’ of the audience.. tee hee.. like how I talk about them like they are real?! … I’m a very sick girl.. 🙂 ]
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001707907Manny: Elizabeth Sullivan found out and was blackmailing him or something. [Oh Manny how do you say that with a straight face?! They know there is a 3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001712312third party involved – because he got Lee in the face with the fire extinguisher! ] ... at least, that’s what it says on the charge sheet. It’s very weak.
Amanda can’t understand why Elizabeth is in jail if it’s so weak.
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001716716Manny responds that he dusts for prints and asks questions.. it’s the stupid US attorney who decides if there’s a case or not. Well.. where is he or she hmm??!! Let me at them!!!! Smile
Did Manny dust those documents at the Save our Bay office that implicated Elizabeth? if he did, he would not have found any of her prints on them! screams setup- honestly!
Okay everyone.. which setup is lamer-
Amanda got him with the steak knife after dinner when she rejected his advances??
or Elizabeth got him by planting a bomb in her own baby’s baby carriage, when the guy was going to give her back her business?
or.. Elizabeth was blackmailing Richards so he blew up Rawlings and then went back to his apartment to be happily questioned by police? whahahaaa..
okay.. they are all really lame! But KC’s cry of ‘flying lettuce’ does make me prefer the MBF set up! 😉 good one KC!
I digress!
At least Manny is being friendly with Amanda.. Lee need not have worried about touchy Manny – I think he’s only touchy with Lee! Winking smile
Lee and Amanda are led in to talk with Elizabeth and Eric.
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Eric is mad!
Sooo the cops came to arrest Elizabeth at 5am- ouchy.. 3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001749149and Elizabeth has been arrested for two murders?! oh rofl!! she stabbed Richards?? too ridiculous! She tackled Lee and got him with the fire extinguisher?! Gosh I hope Amanda the encyclopaedia lady can help them! Smile
Lee attempts to make them feel better: It’s preliminary
cases like this are volatile…
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…they’re subject to reconsideration.
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Eric looks at Amanda: what’s he saying?
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001754754Amanda: oh he just talks like that!
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(Amanda gives Lee a sideways glance and Lee lol he bites his tongue here!)
…It’s a very weak case…
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…and we’re going to do everything we can to help you I promise.
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001760760[We? the encyclopaedia lady Amanda is gonna help? Winking smile
I haven’t previously noticed Lee being especially obtuse with his explaining.. ahem.. but.. I guess this is the start of that story arc where Amanda, a normal person with people skills, teaches Lee the spy who is not normal seems to loose what people skills he had previously.. feel free to disagree but I’ve always felt this difference in them was further expanded on in season 3 to give Amanda a point of different more so than in seasons 1 and 2.. but.. I’ll go with it!]
Okay here’s a question.. and asking not as a test but I’d like to know the answer! I vaguely remember Amanda telling a third person not to worry because Lee and her were going to help them or something – and Lee says under his breath ‘thanks a lot’ – like he can’t get out of it now.. where and when was that?? anyone??
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001765965Manny returns and says there are 11 possibles on the partial car number plate Amanda got off Tarzan..

Next thing we cut to the corvette busy trackin down 3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001776776possibles.. love how Manny’s comment that ‘it could be any of them’ sounds soooo different to his previous line of his dialogue (added post production!)..
Lee and Amanda head off to track down all the 11 possibilities –but a voice over from Lee updates us.. they’ve found 8 dead ends.. and only 3 more to check (whooo Lee can do the math! Winking smile )
We see them arrive at Glengarry Meadows rest home,
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Is that Duffy who gives them directions? LOL.. now every guy with grey hair looks like Duffy to me! Amanda greets all the elderly residents as they wander looking for their ‘suspect’!
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They come across an elderly lady gardening.
Lee: Excuse me! May Carswell?…
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…Yes, I’m Lee Samson (whoo such a strong name!) and this is Amanda Smith.
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(too funny.. do you remember when she checked in calling herself smith?? with a y ?? and.. an e?? I wonder 3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001802402if this is a shout out??!!!)
May smiles to greet them as Lee continues his spiel: we’re from ah er senior’s outlook magazine.
Amanda: we’re doing an article on senior’s
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…and their cars. Where they drive, what they drive.
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001806806May laughs: drive?! I haven’t owned a car since I retired.
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001808808Lee: Oh but you did own a car,…
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…a blue sedan.
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001815215May: Ohhhh yes.. until my bursitis got me so gimped up that I-

(she cuts off a flower)
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…I wasn’t safe at any speed!
May passes the flower to Amanda and they laugh…
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3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_0018248243.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001836436Ok.. transoceanic industries managed to get this lady’s car by offering her a minibus service or something.. sounds weird. whatever..
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Love the look Lee and Amanda share on hearing the name ‘transoceanic industries’!

Just love how May is sooo cranky at the aphids.. all the way over theeeerrre!!
May: Ohhh!!! would you look at those aphids! I warned them… those!!!! (she walks off to kill all the aphids..)
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My what great eyesight she has!
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001848448Amanda and Lee move to the side to stand very very close together and discuss..
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001850050Amanda: Elizabeth told me that Rawlings and Transoceanic were like peas in a pod.
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001852052I just gotta include another pic..
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And another.. Love how the shot zooms in on Lee and Amanda standing so close Smile
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Lee: but he had more to gain by keeping him in office in that company that’s for sure.
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001860460Lee warns Amanda that the murderer will be heavily inside trans oceanic.. and is she sure she wants to go through with this? [through with what? ]
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001863663Amanda: Oh Lee, come on…
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…I can still flirt pretty well when I want to.

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[When Amanda wants to. I like it – she isn’t indiscriminate…. she is intentional- and picky about when she flirts – if Amanda flirts with you, you’re  a  lucky guy! Pay attention Lee!]
Amanda laughs and looks at the rose.
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001870870Lee smiles at Amanda..
Amanda then hands Lee the rose
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001871271Lee looks at the rose..
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Lee chuckles- Oh ho hhhho!!!
3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001872072She’s cheeky Lee! You know what I like about this?
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To me, Lee seems surprised by Amanda here. but also seems to tell himself- I should have known!
Yeah.. I know.. I can read a lot into an Ohh hoo hoo! but.. well.. it’s the body language that goes with it!
Do tell us what you think is going on here!

This plays nicely into the whole idea that Amanda had been suppressing her sexuality of late.. here we see Amanda beginning to ‘bloom’ – handing the flower to Lee and flirting, but also professionally stepping up to the challenge that is ahead of them – finding the murderer in transoceanic!

At the same time… while Amanda flirting with Lee is great.. what’s that got to do with transoceanic? did we miss something?? it’s like they’ve had a conversation about getting into transoceanic that we didn’t hear… Time to check the script in desperation! 😕
Okay, the  script has these two exchanging these lines not straight after talking with May Carswell.
Instead, they exchange these lines after having travelled to Transoceanic and clearly discussed their plan on the way there – and Amanda says this right when she is about to infiltrate transoceanic..now that makes more sense to me! I guess doing the lines at the rest home let Amanda give Lee the flower!  Smile Was anyone else confused by this?? [and I don’t just mean because it was swoony and cute! Smile ]
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Oh BTW- it’s official!!! I loathe the editor of this episode!!!!! First he sticks a tree in front of Lee when he says she sure looked beautiful- and now? He fades away as Lee takes the rose and reacts!!! ‘He’? you bet! No woman would have cut those swoony moments!!!
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Oh well…. I’ll include it anyway..
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it’s nice to see (even if blurry and faded) Lee taking the flower out of Amanda’s hand smiling at her flirting attempts…
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His smile getting bigger and bigger as he gets replaced by a flippin transition shot- boo!!
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I feel like yelling at the screen-come back! come back!

3.03 OVER THE LIMIT.avi_001875675Their gone! Sad smile  Hey this will be fun.. if you scroll down the webpage it will be like you’re watching it Smile
Ah well.. it is still a lovely moment!!! Too many pictures?? Nah.. didn’t think so!

I neglected to add Lovesmk’s gorgeous banner to this post, so in future people will be able to see the corresponding banner.. Here t’is! Smile [thanks again Lovesmk (or ‘WR’)!!!]OvertheLimit-Banner4

As always – I’m really looking forward to hearing what you guys reading think! byeeee!!

61 thoughts on “12/18 Season Three, Episode 03 : Over the Limit- Scarecrow and Mrs King (Blog order-Episode 02)

  1. Dropping in here to say that I wonder if someone in props was a fan of the play “Glengarry Glen Ross” by David Mamet (turned into a movie in 1992). The plot involves phone salesmen trying to get buyers to invest in real estate ventures – including one called Glengarry Highlands. It’s quite a grim play so seeing Glengarry Meadows Rest Home here cracked me up!


  2. An episode with poor continuity……who’d have thunk it ;).
    Why the elaborate story regarding May’s car? Seems a bit OTT.
    So glad the original of the conversation has been explained. It’s fantastic to see Lee supporting Amanda rather than holding her back.
    Go Amanda go, just show Lee what he’s missing 😉 I love your point IWSOD that Amanda is discriminate about when she chooses to flirt, she doesn’t throw it about but it’s a deliberate choice. But meh what is with the fade out.


  3. THANK YOU!!! Thank you so much for looking that part up in the script. I have never been able to figure out why they had that ‘flirt’ conversation there. If they knew they were going to have Amanda flirt her way into Trans Oceanic then why did they need to track down the owner’s car. But if they plan was to have that conversation later, then that makes so much more sense. And as a little aside… do they really call them ‘rest homes’? I know we say that in our speaking language but don’t they usually call these places ‘Senior living’ or something like that on the actual signage. ‘Rest Home’ is like screaming ‘Last Stop before the big Dirt Nap’!!


    1. Allofakind!!! How wonderful to hear from you!!! It’s been ages!!! Hope you are well!!

      Glad to see you are occassionally stopping by- Thanks for letting me know you found the explanation helpful!! I did too!!! It left me confused, and took away from all the smk goodness going on between Lee and Amanda! 🙂 that’s not good is it?!! 🙂

      rofl.. no they are not rest homes here in Australia..

      ‘Last stop before the big dirt nap’ – roflmbo!!! that’s too funny!!!


    2. They really did to call them rest homes at the time, but now it is dubbed more as senior living or retirement communities. No wonder so many seniors didn’t want to go there! Though some were very nice, indeed. (It was more about “resting” now that you were retired than “resting” eternally.)


  4. Don’t have much time tonight, but didn’t want to get behind. So this may be short and sweet and skip over a few of your questions, iwsod! I must say that this post is pretty funny! Great job!

    Yeah, I didn’t think Lee was being that obtuse either. And it didn’t seem to me that he and Amanda were saying the same thing. Whatever. Lee is not THAT out of touch with normal people. He’s been around Amanda for two years now!

    LOL – I DO think that is Duffy, err Jack 2, at the Glengarry Meadows Rest Home. I’ll examine it more closely when I get there with the stats posts. LOL. He keeps showing up doesn’t he?

    Ok, Lee and Amanda do not look at all like they are working for a magazine. Especially not Lee in his jeans and plastic jacket. Lovin’ all those extra pics though!! And the whole flower/flirting thing is weird, but having read the script description you gave, it makes more sense.

    I agree. The editor of this episode HAD to be a man. Yup, just checked IMDB. All the people listed for the crew on this episode were men. That says a lot right there.


  5. Iwsod, thank you for putting all that hard work in the crossfade scene. It must’ve been strenuous to have to look at Lee and that dimple over and over and over again 😉 Love all the new banner photos too!


      1. It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it! me, me! pick me!!! 🙂 Oh and thanks Iwsod for posting on my Jewels blog in the midst of all your work and school insanity. It’s nice to get comments!


  6. This rose business confuses me, is not Lee hating roses for some reason? And overcoming it at some point but much later in the show it think?


      1. Well put Cindy!

        Julia you raise a fabulous point – that is yet to be covered on the blog.. so hold that thought for now!! but do raise it when we cover Lee and roses in future 🙂


      1. how is it he isn’t getting the picture? Hmm. well he’s a man 😉 sorry couldn’t resist..

        I think Lee could not read into this.. Amanda flirted and gave him the rose to show she could do the job that is ahead for her. Heck, Amanda married him to get the job done 😉 tee hee.. the only thing she won’t do is share a bed! tee heeee..


        1. Yep, dense as a rock sometimes is our boy. Swoonworthy but a bit thick at times. I wonder if his heart did a little flip flop even if Amanda was just play acting? Sure it did and then he smushed it away in his long suffering Tupperware. That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it! off to the rabbit hole with ipad, helmet and chocolate in hand. Might as well grab the wine too 🙂


        2. What I meant was, how can he not see how things that normally bother him don’t when Amanda is involved.
          I didn’t mean he should think or see that Amanda is seriously flirting with him. She isn’t – she’s a bit too hurt and confused for that at the moment.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Ah! Reading ya!
            At the moment.. I’m thinking Lee sees it (that things are different and great with Amanda) – but he denies it, because it is too scary to acknowledge what he deep down knows to be true 🙂

            How’s that? 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

  7. Amanda’s Tupperware has some serious leaks here. I think she needed all of what has happened so far as a catalyst this episode to push her to behave the way she has. She is outwardly jealous to Lee (with all of the sleep you are missing and the new girlfriend). She actually flirts with him and will flirt if needed to get into Trans Oceanic. She was pushed by home (her mother), work (helping ES, shooting a gun), and Lee (what is going on with him). Something like this had to happen for them to finally move on. They both were attracted to each other since the beginning and have had growing feelings for each other since then.
    Amanda had her Tupperware sealed. She didn’t think Lee was the type of man who would settle down and want a family, so she was never going to try to have a relationship with him. She’s also heard from him so many times that its just business, and they were just playing their covers. So Lee doesn’t know how Amanda feels. Lee knows that Amanda would only want to be with a man who had potential to make a serious commitment. It’s funny how he never thought any other man was good enough for her, but I also think he questions whether he is good enough for her. He is also so afraid to lose her, that he is not about to try to move forward with her unless he is sure how she feels. He finally gets to see Amanda be jealous and flirt with him. He really needs her and unlike his other relationships that were shallow, he knows a relationship with Amanda would be based on so much more than sex as they have a deep friendship. Maybe that is part of the reason they show Dotty going on a romantic weekend. As a contrast to what Amanda wants out of a relationship.
    It’s also interesting that he is not holding her back anymore. He asks if she is sure she wants to go through with it (whatever plan we don’t know about yet). It’s not like in the past where he doesn’t want her involved. They are back to working well together.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I like what you say here too, LAAL. I especailly like your last paragraph about Lee not holding her back anymore. I think that Amanda’s professional growth is key to their growing relationship. In my mind, it is very important. As his views change from disgust at having to work with a normal housewife to now where he is really starting to trust her and her instincts and give her some choice, he is also becoming free to let that affect their personal relationship. It’s almost as if now that she is becoming a “real” work partner, and even starting to use a gun, he is finally able to look at and think about her in a new light.


      1. hiya BJo!!! I really enjoyed hearing LAAL’s thoughts too!!! Great comments LAAL!

        What you are both saying is all true and on display so far in this episode..

        I think there are a few events in this episode ahead of us that add to this discussion- in a way I can’t discuss yet. I’ll hold off saying more about it all for now. iwsod makes zipping lips motion 😉

        But yes – wonderful to see here in this flirty scene that Lee is leaving the way open for Amanda to step up professionally!!! 🙂


      2. So true. It all comes down to confidence. In Mongoose, she told Conrad that she was a “Candy Striper Agent” and didn’t think she was going to go any further. Look at where she is now. And it transfers from agency life into her personal life. She would never just settle in a relationship anymore (like Dean). She would want someone that would be good for her kids, but she needs the excitement in the relationship as well. She would now stand up for herself (remember how the event coordinator pushed her around in Charity Begins at Home). And she is not taking sh– from Francine anymore. I agree, she had to get to this point to ever develop a meaningful relationship with Lee


  8. I think Lee is definitely enjoying the flirty Amanda here. Such a change from his withheld reaction to “I used to have fantasies about spies.” (In my mind, he soooo wanted to react to that, but had to restrain himself.) This moment is too cute and too short. Grrrrr!


    1. Oh my gosh!!! Debilyn, I LOVE the contrast you draw here between earlier Lee and Lee now – I had not thought of that at all – wow!!!! you are right!!! There is no longer any feigned disgust at housewives 😉 Good Call!!!


  9. I wondered if Lee was thinking that it is looking less likely that Amanda will be able to help ES, so he is trying to be particularly sensitive to her. Probably he has also by now realised he hasn’t been particularly sensitive to Amanda lately, and he needs to pay more attention to their friendship.
    Ooooh, did everyone see Lee put his hand on Amanda’s back and give her a reassuring rub?! Check it out just as Manny says ”…I’m the one”. I never noticed that before. Wow, he is really going all out to comfort her.
    Right now Amanda’s major concern is saving ES from being unjustly charged. She seems to have put her personal issues aside, which can’t have been easy but it does show what a mature and professional person Amanda is. However, she will have to deal with her personal/emotional issues at some point – to not do so would not be healthy. Again, I think Amanda has put those issues to one side for now, to be addressed in the privacy of her own space and thoughts when she gets some down-time.
    In the meantime she is fully focused on the case at hand, she isn’t missing any of the clues in what Manny says – “can of worms”, “why did you call Mr Magnusson a con?” I doubt I could be so focused while I was in the midst of such emotional confusion.
    Yes Iwsod, they do go a little over the top with trying to make us see that Lee is not used to “normal” and needs Amanda in his life. Still, I’ll go with it – on the SMK OTT scale it’s not too gratuitous.
    Maybe that’s Duffy’s father giving them directions at the Rest Home. Sure does look like Duffy with grey hair. 😉
    Ahh, what a great looking couple Lee and Amanda make here. If they could see themselves in a mirror they might realise it too! Lee’s still very quick to put his hand on her back to guide her – he is feeling relaxed and content again. Funny how that usually happens when he’s with Amanda.
    Iwsod, agree with you, Lee and Amanda have obviously already discussed some sort of plan that involves her “flirting” her way into Trans-Oceanic. A wee bit of a continuity glitch there but as you say an opportunity for Amanda to give Lee a rose. Interesting look that Amanda gives Lee just before he takes the rose. He didn’t take it immediately – as you say Iwsod, he seems a bit surprised, but happily surprised 🙂 – but when she glances from the rose and back to him it’s like she’s not only saying, “Go on, take the rose.” but also, “Don’t forget about me.” Lee is smiling, he’s loving being with her – perhaps another moment he will recall with fondness as he sorts out his own emotional confusion. Amanda though is less forthcoming with her smiles today, for a few moments in giving him that rose she is quite intense, almost as if she is uncertain he will want to take what she has to offer. I think for those few moments she was reminded of her emotional turmoil and doubts around Lee. Does her smile start to return as the scene fades out?
    Whilst this is one of my favourite episodes jam packed with good stuff, it is also frustrating how they fade away from this scene when we really would have benefited from seeing a few more seconds of their interaction. Alas, to keep the tension up and the audience watching, they always seemed wary of giving the audience too much Lee and Amanda goodness. Fortunately our fertile imaginations are here to fill in the gaps. 😉
    Another fab banner Iwsod!


    1. Duffy’s father? whahahaaa!!! Maybe Duffy dyes his hair too! 🙂

      Yeah Lee is going all out for Amanda here – very true!!! He also seemed a bit on edge that he needed to protect Amanda from herself here.. he need not have worried- Manny handles her fine!

      Oh cool.. glad it wasn’t just me who found the whole ‘are you sure you want to go through with it’ confusing!!
      Glad you are enjoying the banners – such a treat!!!! We are lucky Lovesmk shared them with us – maybe she’ll stop by sometime and see how much we enjoy them 🙂

      Rofl.. not over the top gratuituous showing of Lee not knowing how to talk to normal people? haaaa I love it.. yes gotta go with it – very true!

      ‘Don’t forget about me’ ?? that’s interesting!!!
      Anyone else got thoughts about what Amanda is saying to Lee in giving him the rose?


  10. Oh, oh, I know the answer to the quiz. It was Mongoose! During her “interrogation” with Connie Barnes, Amanda tells him that Lee will help him. Lee and the British inspector are listening in. I LOVE that whole interrogation scene — it’s hysterical and so well acted!!!


    1. Hooray!!!!! well done Raffie!!! I could not for the life of me remember where that was – and I knew it was somewhere (but had niggling doubt I had made it up haaa!)

      Thanks Raffie!!!


  11. So over in the comments for post 11 I was asking what it was that Amanda had that allowed, or drew Lee to be a better man. We were comparing Amanda and Francine and BJo said, “Hmmm. Both are women. Both “have” sexuality, but Amanda would be willing to give up the power of it to let Lee take the lead. And I’m not just talking about sex, I’m talking about in almost everything.”
    But here, Amanda shows she does have and knows how to use that power…. what do you think?
    I was also wondering if Amanda was willing to do a little flirting herself because she was getting stirred up a bit by all that was going on around her, her mother’s weekend adventures and Lee and this new friend who would look great in her dress. Is she getting rather feisty and so she decided to use flirting as a tactic to get into Transoceanic? And maybe show Lee that she was a woman too? Not just a buddy/partner?


    1. all makes good sense to me Morley.. when Amanda uses her power, she doesn’t emasculate Lee – like Francine does. Amanda doesn’t compete with Lee’s masculinity – she leans into it, and looks to it for protection (see post 13!)

      Hey Everyone.. I just realised tomorrow is good Friday.. we are heading into the Easter Long weekend!!!! eeek!!!!! and.. post 14 is where we have the big introduction!!!! Is this going to work?? Those big moments we’ve all been waiting for are going to hit over the long weekend!!! Aren’t I bad!!! I’ve been busy and didn’t stop and calculate what dates they would fall on!!!

      What would you like me to do? Would you all prefer I hold off publishing post 14 (the introduction of you know who) until Tuesday? (Monday night your time for most of you, though hooray! there are a few locals on a similar time to me!! )

      the next 3 posts are:
      post 13 Lee and Amanda arrive at the apartment,
      post 14 we meet the new girlfriend
      post 15 Lee and Amanda talk alone in the hallway
      the content is what everyone has been anticipating discussing!!!!

      -should I take a short break over easter before we get into it??
      -should I publish them all in one go- and not publish a new one for a week?
      [lol! so we have a week to discuss all three- you know.. I think maybe this is my choice out of the three- just throw it out there and leave it all to be discussed for a week.. but.. I can see the others are good options too!! so happy with anything! speak up and let me know!! ]
      -should I keep going but publish less frequently than every two days? maybe every three days?

      help? I’m not sure.. I’m happy to go with the majority on this 🙂



      1. Personally, I’d rather wait and enjoy each post individually next week. Gotta have time for family and hunting down all those Easter eggs!


        1. thanks or letting me know Jule! Yeah.. maybe lots of people will be away so there is no point in publishing them all.. may as well wait till next week and pick it up again!

          I might publish post 13 now.. and then hold off and post the next one on Tuesday.

          I’m not going away as I’ve been away more or less the last two weeks – I need some home time!!! but.. safe travels and wonderful Easter to Everyone!!!!

          Hope you all have a fabulous loooooong weekend!


          1. I have free time now. Come Monday I am flying again. I lost internet access for the past 24 hours and finally have it back (I hope). Tomorrow is a busy day and then I have down time. But do what is best for everyone.


      2. Nothing changes for me – it’s just another weekend of work and open homes.
        Whatever the majority wants but it would be nice to have one post to do us over the weekend.
        All three at once I think would blow my mind – there is so much to discuss.


        1. lol we can’t have that happen kiwismh! 🙂 okay.. promise I won’t publish all at once!
          sounds like I should just keep going with publish one every two days.. ??

          I have free time over Easter too..


      3. I’ll be in and out over the weekend. Final project for my class is due soon, so I’ll be “camping out” on the computer but not necessarily on the internet. One post at a time to savor is probably as much as I could handle. 🙂


      4. Hey iwsod, I’ll be okay with whatever you decide, but here’s my vote:
        – short break over Easter – yes
        – publish them all in one go – please no!! I foresee chaos and mass confusion!! For me anyway 😉
        – keep going but publish less frequently – this always gets my vote as I usually run into periods where I’m 2-3 posts behind on my comments

        Rest assured I am a loyal JWWM blog follower and commenter, so I will stay on no matter what happens 🙂 And in case I haven’t said it lately, I love this blog and all the fun I get to have here. I crack up at your sense of humor and love Lee and all his gorgeous pics that you so lovingly provide. So thank you for doing such a wonderful job with the blog, sharing your love of SMK with the world, and letting us share our love back! Happy Easter!


        1. Awh!!!! Thanks BJo for the encouragement!! Glad we can share our love of smk together 🙂

          Thanks BJo and Debilyn for letting us know if you’ll be able to stop by.

          I’ll keep going at the usual pace – a new post every two days.. Let me know if I need to slow it down though.. I’ll see how things go 🙂
          I am wondering if we’ll want to discuss it as much as ‘the slap’ lol.. remember that?! I’ll be sure to give us the time we need to do so!!

          Happy Easter Everyone!


      5. Iwsod, I like the first part of this comment too. Those sound like words I would use to explain things. I totally agree. Can’t wait for post 13!


    2. I may just be looking at the surface, but again, I see Amanda’s flirting with Lee as part of the job. Or her way of showing Lee that she is up for the job, self-confident and willing to go through with it. She and Lee know she’d not spend the night with someone for the job (like Francine would, I think), but flirting is fair game. She is progressing and is willing to show Lee she can do it. I do think she is feeling a bit feisty this episode as a reaction to all that is happening in her world.

      Although I think she has noticed some maturity in Lee, I still think she has Lee firmly in the friend/co-worker camp. I see this flirting with him as just her way of focusing her energy on work and pushing aside all the confusin emotions she’s dealing with with Lee, her mother, and the gun. She may not be up for the shooting part yet, but she can still flirt. Right now, the job is her main focus in life outside her family – she seems to be progressing fast and is perhaps willing to take a little more risk than normal. Heck, Lee has a new girlfriend, her mother is going away for the weekend with some lingerie, so why can’t she pull out the stops and use flirting to get the job done? She’s going to put all her energy into the job right now because it’s senseless for her to put it into figuring Lee or her mother out. He’s not admitting anything and her mother isn’t answering any of her questions. What’s a girl to do?


      1. BJo, I agree. It was (on the surface) part of the job. It is always (on the surface) part of the job, isn’t it? (the marriage, the kiss, the darlings and sweethearts). And I really like what you say about Lee letting Amanda go and do the job (did you say that somewhere?). But when else has Amanda flirted? Maybe in SAAB? Mole? But she never tried it on Lee to show him that she could do it. Remember her quip about dressing up the computer in SAAB, she could have shown Lee how she could do it then, but she didn’t. I think there is a little bit of an “I’ll show you what I can do” and “don’t forget about me” going on. She is stirred up. You are right, what’s a girl to do? Use her feminine wiles, that’s what. And Lee likes it, yup, he is surprised, but pleasantly so.


        1. Hiya Morley!

          Yeah I’ve always seen Service Above and Beyond as being very much about Lee fighting the reality that Amanda, a suburban housewife was attractive.. and James Delano would be attracted to her..

          I think Lee got to see Amanda get flirty a few times in that episode.. or at the very least, be charming and admired by a man.. does that help? 🙂

          What about in TTAAC- before the baron got all weird? she seemed to be charmed by him.. remember the moment before the lint ended up in her drink? Lee was not happy that Amanda was so charmed by him 😉 tee hee..

          Is this flirty?? ‘ Well he was pretty firmly hooked!’ – it was feisty at least!!! 🙂

          I think Amanda flirted with Lee in Filming Raul.. and it was ‘much more natural’ hoooo haaaaaa!

          I do agree though, this does seem to be a first!


          1. Oh gah! how could I forget Filming Raul! There is no excuse… other than I was writing about that kiss is SOS. Wiped my brain totally clear, even of FR?
            She was sort of charmed but not overtky flirting in thise examples. I think she was flirting in FR and it freaked Lee out, completely! But here it is a little more personal, does that make sense. To me, yes this is Amanda showing Lee how she will execute the plan, but it is also Amanda flirting with Lee. And it isn’t freaking him out, he took the flower and smiled right back at her. (Friend with a black dress? What friend? Who says I have a new girlfriend?)


            1. I do think she is flirting with Lee here. What I kept if focused on being related to work than to a personal perspective is that I don’t think she is trying to win him over, ditch he new girlfriend, or get him to notice her in the hopes that he’ll ask her out or anything. I do think her doing this has more to do with her and what she’s feeling than with trying to use her feminine wiles on Lee to achieve something more than what you say there, Morley – “Friend with a black dress? What friend? Who says I have a new girlfriend?”


              1. I do agree completely. I don’t think Amanda has an agenda here. I agree that her flirting is exactly what you say, “I do think her doing this has more to do with her and what she’s feeling.” Her Tupperware has had a good shake and maybe that bit if flirt is that “off gas” someone mentioned (I think I may have taken that metaphor to its furthest extent).
                I don’t think she was trying to achieve that response from Lee, But I do think that was his response, not that Amanda was aware of that though.


                1. Is this the first time in this episode order then, that we are seeing some genuine flirt attempt by Amanda followed by a response from a mature Lee that now has some respect for and cares a great deal as a friend for her? Even though she does not have an agenda and was not trying to achieve that response?


                  1. I think it is. In VM when she startled him in his bushes, he went straight to work mode, right? I can’t think of another, but then I forgot about FR, so don’t count on me to remember things like that… Anyone else? But we haven’t had a “mature Lee that now has some respect for and cares a great deal as a friend for her?” For a long time, have we?


                    1. No, I think this mature, appreciative Lee is mostly an S3 thing. I think it started in SOS, waivered a bit in ALSALS and ARS, grew a little in OOADP, and grew a lot in LOTP, BO, MBF and VM. SOS, LOTP and BO are the three biggest eye openers for Lee for me and in MBF and VM we see that growth actually affect his actions – especially with regard to her work.


                    2. So here, he is appreciating her work and her feminine wiles (even though she isn’t using them to make him do so on purpose)
                      There is no reply button on your last comment, BJo. I guess we have hit our limit of back and forth here?


                    3. Maybe so! I guess that is WordPress’ way of saying to move on…LOL! Oh well, I’ve got to get “moving” today anyway!


  12. OMH — that Banner has me drooling.
    Thanks for clearing up the ‘flirting’ dialogue, it was kind of weird the way they filmed it (but par for the course with the lame-o case against Elizabeth Sullivan). And yes the scene switching guy should get 50 lashes with a wet noodle for depriving us that swoony goodness (though not as bad as the numb-numbs who do the cameras for dance shows nowadays )


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