Francine’s Fashion Faux Pas: Part one

Francine: we all love to hate her. (A few people actually do love her ). We probably don’t know enough about her background and her motivations to understand her more kindly…. But these posts are not about analysing Francine’s personality, insecurities etc – I’ll leave that to a Francine fan. My aim is to celebrate … Continue reading Francine’s Fashion Faux Pas: Part one

SMK Disguises part one: Francine, Billy and Emily

Welcome to the first of a series of posts showcasing the highlights (and lowlights!) of the fashions of SMK. I’ll be swimming in the shallow end of the SMK pool – nothing deep and meaningful here; just a bit of fun. Plus I am the world’s most unstylish person, but I am opinionated. Feel free … Continue reading SMK Disguises part one: Francine, Billy and Emily