11/15 Season Three, Episode 17: The Eyes Have It-Scarecrow and Mrs King

Francine, the third wheel, enters the room.
Ahhh she has the knack!
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[Francine can’t deny what she sees here! But just what will she make of it?!]
Francine: Well isn’t this cozy? [‘cozy’ she likes to use that word to annoy Lee me thinks..same as what she said in FFFT and the triumvirate when interrupting these two!]
Lee: Oh please, Francine, not now…  [iwsod would argue: Not ever! 😉 ]3.17 TEHI.avi_002050850_thumb
Francine is silent for a moment. Interesting.. she doesn’t push it and listens to Lee..
Has Amanda ever seen Lee tell Francine to back off like this? All the times I can think of Lee doing this – Amanda isn’t there – anyone?? help??
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wants Francine to get to the point:…What did you find in those hospital files?
Francine: First I went over your medical chart.
Amanda: Here let me take a look at that. [me too! I want to look too! Winking smile ]
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Amanda starts looking at the file as Francine continues talking. Confidential Schnonfidential!
Francine: Okay. And then I made a list of everyone you came into contact with at the hospital,…
[whahahahaa! You mean who his contacts could have been in contact with?!]
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Lee seems to watch as the file is handed to Amanda..
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and it’s like he tries to tell Amanda not to look at his file or something..
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but then he just shuts his eyes and lets her as Francine continues.
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Was this a little moment of Lee wanting to exert some control? but he relents and trusts Amanda with it?
Lee turns back to Francine..
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…. all the way up to and including Goldberg who’s the head of the trauma unit and the N.E.S.T doctors.

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[Okay what are we all thinking of Francine’s brooch? snazzy?.. for her- understated! No crown ;)]
Lee: Okay, good. I’ll take the doctors’ bios, you take the nurses and Amanda, you take the orderlies.
Amanda: Yeah, okay. [Amanda is fixated on something in Lee’s chart]3.17 TEHI.avi_002074074_thumb
Francine: Anything on Brody?
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Amanda: Uh, there’s no medication prescribed for you.
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: What?
Amanda: There’s no medication prescribed for you. There’s nothing here.
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What about those pills?
Amanda: Don’t know what those pills are but there is no medication anywhere prescribed for you. I think we ought to call a hospital.
Lee: Wait. Wait. Hold it.
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Lee pauses for a moment..
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and.. then silently reaches down to his left side.. chuckles.. shows Amanda the pills.
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Francine is riveted by this little exchange – she’d have no idea what they are talking about!
Heh, I didn’t take the pills.
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: Wha….? You didn’t take them

Amanda is also silent a moment.. but.. relief seems to win out here.. she can’t really mind! Winking smile
Francine: Who gave you those pills?
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Lee: I don’t know.
Amanda: Here.
( she gives the pills to Francine)
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They were just there in the hospital room on the nightstand.
Francine: I’m gonna take them to the agency for analysis right now.
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: Okay, good. If you find anything let us know huh?
Francine: Sure.
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She waves bye to them both and leaves.
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As soon as Francine has left, they seem to share a wordless look – about Lee not taking the pills..
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Amanda: Well……
Amanda motions ‘oh well’ and moves on from it. Nothing needs to be said about it..
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They’re silent a moment.. and Lee lets out a massive breath and closes his eyes.
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…gonna get some sleep now?
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This seems to jolt Lee awake a little. lol.. he suddenly has too much work to do! 3.17 TEHI.avi_002118451
Lee: Amanda, I’ve gotta…3.17 TEHI.avi_002119252
He stops mid sentence and takes Amanda by the forearm
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….look, I appreciate everything that you are doing but I do not need to be mothered, okay? 3.17 TEHI.avi_002124858
[I actually thought she was not being terribly mothering in the way she asked if he was going to get some sleep now.. okay maybe earlier when she was pouring him water or stroking his forehead.. but it wasn’t that ‘bad’ Winking smile because she was umm feeling the bump on his forehead 😉 Though LOL feel free to see things differently and share!
Hmmm me thinks there isn’t much logic to Lee’s protestations here.. I think he’s just unsure what to do in situations like this. Or how to receive this caring.. so he views it as mothering..
And Amanda.. ever gracious, doesn’t push or defend herself.]
Amanda nods.
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Amanda: Okay, sorry and I understand….
Amanda gives him what he wants. no more ‘mothering’ Winking smile but she’s not unhappy with Lee either.. she just organises her files to get up and leave..
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: No.
Amanda: I’ll just go over these files and leave you alone. 3.17 TEHI.avi_002132599
Lee: Noooo.
Having grabbed Amanda by the arm to stop her from leaving. Amanda sits back down on the bed again.
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They silently share a look. I think Amanda waits for Lee to explain himself.. but it’s not forthcoming Winking smile
Amanda: What’s the matter?
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Lee very quietly: Stay for a minute.
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Amanda smiles at hearing this – squeeeee
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: I’ll sit with you for a minute.
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: Hmm.
Lee closes his eyes again.. [Jenbo/Bitsy Beans – just how in heck did you manage to transcribe this without swooning???!! We Salute you!!!]
Amanda whispers: Just try to go to sleep
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[I think staying with someone while they fall asleep is an incredibly intimate and trusting thing to do Smile especially for a spy!]
Lee: Yeah.
Lee takes another deep breath.. and in the wide shot we see Amanda is holding his hand which is on his chest.
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Silently again their eyes meet.. Then Lee closes his eyes again.
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Amanda notices the photo on his bedside table.
She takes a deep breath as she looks at it. [I think she is thinking about Lee’s uncertainty with this whole people caring for you thing – and his loss of his parents] lol I’m sure others can express that way more eloquently! you know.. that thing!
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Ah! Lee’s thumb is doing it’s tapping Amanda’s hand thing! lol.. you know the thing!
Amanda: Your folks, huh?
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Lee turns to look.3.17 TEHI.avi_002154487
Okay. Lee looks nothing like his parents! Winking smile
[Iwsod resists the urge to mention how fugly the frame is- okay okay.. totally fails to resist]
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Lee: Mom and dad… [Ah the way he says this is quite reverent] …Did I ever tell you my mother was British?
3.17 TEHI.avi_002158491[what do all the British smk fans make of this little fact?
]3.17 TEHI.avi_002159292
: Yeah I think you did.
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[did he? on screen I mean? lol because it’s quite possible they’ve had that conversation off screen]
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: My dad was in Army Intelligence. They met when the NATO pact was signed in ’49…3.17 TEHI.avi_002168902
…I was five years old when they were killed.
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Poor Lee. Such a vulnerable and sad little moment..
[so sad and vulnerable.. I won’t bother to do the maths! 🙂 ]
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Amanda very quietly: Yeah I know…
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Lee just looks at Amanda and gives a bit of  grunt.
He closes his eyes again. Then he opens them and has another look at his parent’s photo.
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very quietly: …Try to get some sleep huh?
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Amanda strokes Lee’s cheek. [Is it mothering? why does a tender touch have to be mothering?]
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Lee: I’ll try.
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If you need anything I’ll be right outside
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Lee gives a sleepy little smile
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Amanda gets up off the bed careful not to disturb him. But pauses at the door to one last time tell him:
…I’m right outside if you need anything, all right?
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LOL I keep thinking – stop talking Amanda and let him sleep lol.. Lee gives a tiny little nod.. [lol at his legs hanging off the end of the bed!]

next thing.. we see another exterior shot of Lee’s apartment..[phew he hasn’t moved apartments since the last exterior shot! 😉 that’s the last thing Lee needs right now! 😉 whahaha]
It cuts back to Lee.. still laying on his bed, and looking at one the files.. 3.17 TEHI.avi_002211878
But then it falls closed..
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and he’s asleep…
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[we could have some fun with memes for this image!]
Me confused. I thought he was pretty much asleep when Amanda left him. I guess he pretended to be asleep and then went back to reading the files some more because he’s so concerned and all.. but now he can’t fight the sleep any longer.. thoughts?

It’s umm interesting how Lee’s room doesn’t really have any privacy from the living room.. you can see straight through those curtains.. would make it hard to sleep with the lights and moving around no?

I’ll stop here for the moment.. *sign* what a sweet little scene! This is the scene I always think of when I think of this episode – and it does make the whole episode worth watching!!! 🙂 As always I can’t wait to hear what you all think of it and any thoughts you’d like to share- thanks for reading!!

105 thoughts on “11/15 Season Three, Episode 17: The Eyes Have It-Scarecrow and Mrs King

  1. Personally I think of Amanda’s actions as more “caregiver” than “mothering”, especially her touches. I’ve seen other characters in T.V., movies, and books use the same touches, particularly between two people with a romantic interest in each other. To me it’s like a hug or gently rubbing someone’s back for comfort or a kiss on the forehead — yes you use the gesture with your children, but it can also be an intimate form of touch between two adults romantically or on the verge of being involved romantically!

    And I don’t think Lee’s “mothering” comment was meant as literally how he sees her touches. Rather it’s a general remark directed at how she is making him go to bed and take it easy and he’s protesting. This also seems to be a frequent protest between stubborn males and the women who know better, both in fiction and real life! LOL


    1. You know, if you rewatch it closely, you can kind of see Lee doesn’t actually take the pills or spits them out, but it’s easy to dismiss because they’ve done that on other shows where I’m assuming the actors have had just too many takes of swallowing disgusting tic-tacs!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hmm…i don’t mean to sound out of line here..but i didn’t really like this episode. Sorry😥I certainly have a couple of issues with it. First,Amanda not knowing where Lee was..i felt was weird. I mean they are in a very comfortable place in their relationship…Lee has begun to share tthings with Amanda,they work together and they are patners. I feel it is odd that she didn’t know. He didn’t have to tell her the nature of his assignment but he could at least tell her where he was going. He of all persons should know how worried she would be…
    Then i did not like the part of Amanda mothering him..I found it out of character. I liked the part where the love and concern is shown just by touching..unspoken words. Amanda just seemed to come out looking like a over protective mother than a caring passionate woman whom Lee desires…
    I feel the small moment they had at the end before they entered the elevator was more romantic than that whole mothering scene. But i do apologize if i was out of line here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing your point of view! I think (hope) you will find we are a warm, welcoming and respectful group and love to hear other opinions that are different from our own.
      I would have love for the show to explore the stress that the zero contact mission would have on them in more depth. Can you imagine if Amanda was on assignment and wasn’t able to tell Lee anything?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes..very true,Cindy..totally agree with you😊👍Most of the time,i feel the writers were not thinking clearly🤷‍♀️Imagine if it was any one of us writing it🥰😂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Cindy I love your attitude, thanks so much for this comment!!!!
        It’s a team effort here,together we produce a welcoming, open and inclusive space to enjoy smk together – even when there are moments some of us don’t enjoy (which is true of us all at varying times and that’s okay!).


  3. Hmmm….this is one of those episodes where i have a couple of issues. Sorry abt that. I know how many of you love this episode..
    I didn’t like the fact that Amanda didn’t know where Lee was. I mean they are at a very comfortable place in their relationship…besides she is his partner!i would think he would tell his patner that. He didn’t have to tell her of his assignment but where he was going,he couldn’t tell?Very strange,indeed.
    And i hated the whole mothering scene. It was out of character. It made Amanda seem more like Lee’s mother than the passionate and caring woman Lee desires…
    I actually loved the last scene before they enter the elevator..that was romantic.
    I know i am being silly..sorry.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. nothing silly in this comment as far as I can see 🙂
      All views when respectfully shared with an smk style spirit are VERY welcome!! Encouraged even!
      Heaven knows there have been episodes that have gotten my goat while others rave about them. lol.

      I guess they had to go with mothering Amanda so Lee would trick her into thinking he had taken the medicine.. when.. drum roll… he hadn’t ?!

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    2. Vasugi Vasugi, I think Billy said that Lee had to leave quickly and was unable to contact her. HOWEVER, why didn’t he call her from the airport while he was waiting for his flight, right? I think you’re right that for where they are in their relationship, something should have been said to Amanda. But, I also think that this is Lee’s first relationship that has any sort of substance, and maybe he’s never been in the kind of relationship where you call your significant other before you leave or when you get home. He’s never had anyone worry about him before.

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      1. I think he’s also still trying to figure out how to balance the secrecy aspect of the job and need to know and how you balance telling people where you are when you’re close to them. This is a first for him. Plus given the seriousness of the mission — his contacts are in danger of being exposed — I can see how he’d let that detail slip his mind this time.

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      2. Maybe he had to leave so quickly in order to catch a flight with short notice because it was too long until the next one? In that case, he might have had to basically run through the airport and straight onto the plane right as they were getting ready to shut the doors and take off. And if there were any layovers, they could’ve been pretty short, too. Just barely enough time to make the connection. And of course as soon as he hit the ground, he had a job to do and would have had to be 100% focused on his mission. He knew Amanda had a whole agency to take care of her and potentially fill her in on any details she had a Need To Know (insert trademark symbol here (and possibly also an eye roll)). But there was a whole list of people whose lives depended on his ability to do this job.


  4. I know I am reading this very late. I loved thinshowed and I just found your blog. I have been having fun. The picture of Lee’s parents is actually Kathleen Kennedy on her wedding day in the 1940’s to a British soldier. He had a noble title and was killed not long after the wedding. Big scandal. She was obviously catholic and he was not. Her parents would not come. The photo is cropped. A very young JFK is standing next to her. Very sad. She died after the war in another plane crash.


    1. Welcome Maureen! It’s never too late – we are likely to go around and around with the episodes so it’s all good 🙂

      I hear ‘Kathleen Kennedy’ and I immediately think star wars!!


    2. Ha, I was wondering if anyone else spotted this. (Yes, I realize I’m posting this from 2023).

      I’m enough of a history dork that the photo was jarring to me as it was so recognizable.

      And I truly cannot understand why production would use that photo as a stand in for his parents? So weird. There are so many photos from that era to choose from to not use something (relatively) famous and identifiable.


  5. FWIW, the maths do work out, Lee’s parents met in 49, at the beginning of the episode, the doctor said that Lee was 36, which would have made his birthday in 1950, which would be a year after his parents met. He said he was 5 years old when they were killed, which would make it 1955. Sooo … all the math actually does work out haha.

    As far as the colonel, I think that it was his father’s brother, not his mother’s.

    also, great insight about why he is annoyed with Amanda’s “mothering”, I never thought of it that way, that he didnt want to be someone she coddled, and mothered, because that is who Amanda is, she is a very mothering, caring person and she would do that to/for ANYONE. My take on it here is that Lee doesnt just want to be “anyone” he wants to be “HER one”, and that is why he was annoyed with her mothering him, so he inadvertently tells her to leave, but he didnt mean it like that, for her to leave I mean, he meant to say “stop mothering me, and coddling me and patronizing me (she did so unintentionally of course) and treat me like a MAN … a man who loves you … and who YOU love in return!”

    just my two cents, too 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  6. I really like that even after Francine walks in neither Lee nor Amanda make a move to stop touching. Their arms are nearly intertwined and she has her hand on his arm. It seems as if both need the physical contact at the moment.

    But what bugs me about this episode: why is nobody really looking for the chicken hawk/mole/traitor in the family? My understanding was that the traitor put the names on the lenses, as Lee IMHO didn’t know that he was looking for contact lenses in the opening scene… so what would stop the traitor from writing that list down again?

    Or did I miss this part of the story? I’ll have to go through the next posts and look whether they find him or not…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. “FRANCINE, NOT NOW!!!” Lee is not the only one saying / thinking that!! Haha. Although Francine barges in and kind of kills the moment, Amanda makes no move to get up or remove herself from being ‘thisclose’ to Lee. Love that! Some other fun points from this post:
    “Stay for a minute”… ❤ ❤ ❤
    The “fugly” frame: LOL
    And I too, think of this scene when I think of this episode. It’s one of the two scenes that I remembered from the whole series, even after I hadn’t watched SAMK for years (before the DVD’s came out). I remembered this scene as well as the hand hold in The Triumvirate.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Hollywoodi- welcome back!!! 🙂 Glad you can join us again!

      It’s one of the two scenes that I remembered from the whole series, even after I hadn’t watched SAMK for years (before the DVD’s came out). I remembered this scene as well as the hand hold in The Triumvirate.

      Oh I agree! I remembered the scene well – but I had forgotten the context of it.. was delighted to finally get to it in the walk – oh and that hand hold scene in the Triumvirate!!!

      Since it’s a favourite or permanently engraved in your mind kind of moment – can we tempt you to head over there and share with us your thoughts on it? 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I made some mothering comments in the last post so I won’t do it again here, but I’m enjoying reading all they different comments and views on this. I rather enjoyed this scene when I first watched it and just took it for what it was. I think that it was interesting that after Lee’s mothering comment they went to the picture of Lee’s parents and then he commented on his own mother. It would have been nice if at some point they would have connected Lee’s mother and Emily Farnsworth in some way.

    For some reason Francine’s cozy comment made me flash back all the way to Season 1. Francine has been watching these two for a long time and is just filing things away. In Saved By The Bells she goes to Amanda’s house and lets Amanda know how Lee committed treason to save her. Francine stated that as much as she hated to admit it that Lee would probably contact Amanda first. She has known for a long time that there’s something different about this partnership and has sometimes been in denial about it. At least her snarky-ness was diffused by Lee.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Here’s my take on it. I think Lee’s comment about mothering was more in relation to being told where he can lie down, being made to take medication and then the suggestions about sleeping rather than any touching. He doesn’t like being told what to do and he snaps a little. Add to which he’s feeling pretty crappy and being stubborn about getting the rest he needed. Amanda takes it with pretty good grace and then Lee realises his over reaction hence the very frustrated no and arm grab. I think he decides actually a little tenderness from Amanda is what he wants and who can blame him. It’s a lovely little scene about his folks. It’s just a sweet scene where Lee is letting his vulnerable side show through…..I guess when we all feel ill nothing beats having your family take care of you. Since Lee has been endlessly referencing family aka his network this is a scene to highlight loyalty to family of choice in the absence of his own. Or maybe I am reaching there lol

    Transcribing this was a very dirty job but someone had to do it 😉

    Oh and the mum being British makes me just want to know where abouts his mum was supposed to be from lol

    Liked by 3 people

    1. This is exactly how I see it too, bitsybeans. Thank you for capturing the thought so eloquently — I’d been struggling to put words around in my mind.

      The “mum being British” thing always seems a bit random to me. I wonder what inspired that scripting? Sorta makes we wonder whether one of the script-writers was using their own personal story as Lee’s back story.

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      1. To me, Lee’s British heritage has always made him a more interesting character. Not just a cardboard cut-out American spy but someone with a really interesting back-story and heritage.
        I always imagine his mother came from a well-to-do background – perhaps a well-thought of London family, or perhaps land owners/farming/estate owners from the south of England.
        I would imagine Lee has dual citizenship, which of course would come in handy in the intelligence business, and would give him some mana (power, respect, effectiveness) with MI5 and MI6.
        Super talented intelligence operative that he is anyway, his value to the Agency is more enhanced due to his dual heritage.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. After having explored this – I’m left agreeing with this: I can see the whole making him lie down, take his meds and wipe his chin when he slurps thing did have a motherly edge to it!
      Everyone’s thoughts on this has helped clarify my own – I like the way you’ve expressed this bitsybeans! 🙂

      It’s just a sweet scene where Lee is letting his vulnerable side show through…..I guess when we all feel ill nothing beats having your family take care of you. Since Lee has been endlessly referencing family aka his network this is a scene to highlight loyalty to family of choice in the absence of his own.

      Your insight that there’s loads of references to family and etc.. is really interesting! There’s definitely a theme of unbreakable connections and responsibility going on..

      Or maybe I am reaching there lol

      For me, I would never think someone is reaching. we all experience the show different and see different things.. lol I guess it’s up to you bitsybeans to say you are reaching haaaa.. 🙂

      Oh and the mum being British makes me just want to know where abouts his mum was supposed to be from lol

      lol yes for some reason I don’t automatically assume she was Scottish.. but why I don’t know.. I’d kinda like if it Lee had some Scottish heritage – “You can take my lenses… But you can never take my freedom!!!!!”

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I would imagine if his Mum was Scottish, he would have said “Scottish”.
        Perhaps some of our UK based contributors could lend their knowledge here, but in my experience when someone says they are British or talks of someone being British, it usually means from the England part of the UK, as opposed to Ireland, Wales, Scotland.


    3. That’s how I took it too — and that he’s a stubborn male and they are not great with accepting medical care or taking it easy at the best of times!

      Again, I know I saw a similar face touch at least once with Jennifer and Jonathan on Hart To Hart and they didn’t have kids. I’m trying to remember if I’ve seen it on other shows too.


  10. I recently watched “A Relative Situation” & in it Colonel Clayton says “you should have seen Lee when he first came to me.…Seven years old and the first thing out of his mouth was ‘Nooo!” But here, Lee says his parents died when he was five. An error, or did Lee spend time elsewhere before he ended up with his uncle?


    1. I know there is a lot of fan fiction that figures Lee was raised by a grandmother for a couple of years before she died. I haven’t watched season 4 in a long time so I don’t know if this is an invention to explain the continuity issue or actually canon. In ACM Kid, did Lee mention something about being in foster care or juvie and that is why he was spoiling the kid (Alexi?). Maybe he was in foster care before the Colonel could pick him up. Also having Lee’s mother British caused fans to go through many hoops and contortions to explain that one since Colonel Clayton was definitely not British and not named Stetson.

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      1. Yeah! I wonder if they changed their minds about who Lee’s mother was and how the Colonel was related to him. When we first meet the Colonel, it’s natural to assume that the Colonel was Lee’s mother’s brother, but this changes that assumption.

        One theory I had that I’m not sure anyone else mentioned was that the Colonel might not have been related to Lee by blood. Didn’t he once mention an “Aunt Sally”? I think it was when he said something like “Amanda working for the Russians would be like my Aunt Sally working for the Russians.” It might have just been some kind of sarcastic expression on Lee’s part, but maybe the Colonel was married to Lee’s aunt at one point, and maybe she’s deceased now, too. The Colonel seems like the type who would be married to his work, but maybe not.

        Liked by 2 people

            1. hiya! this is not directed at Cindy specifically.. but more as a general, friendly reminder to everyone – JWWM isn’t really a place for discussing fan fic contents..
              I don’t mind the odd brief mention on JWWM- but for continued discussion please head over to the fan fic thread at Nedlindger’s or start another thread at Nedlindger’s.
              Feel free to post the link here so you can continue fan fic conversation over at Neds..
              Does Nedlindger’s have a fix continuity boo boo’s with fan fic thread? If not, maybe someone would like to start one? Thanks guys!!
              I’ve gotta run.. as usual… next post is up – and I’m really enjoying hearing from you all and hope you are all well – byeee!


        1. I’ve always read that particular phrase on Lee’s part as being related to the phrase “My Aunt Fanny” which is used to call bulls**t in some vernaculars, but it may have gotten translated to Aunt Sally because of the algebra mnemonic “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally” (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiply, Divide, Add, and Subtract).

          I have always assumed Uncle Bob was from a second marriage for Lee’s grandmother because it was the 1920s which means there was a lot more early death (Spanish flu, for example) and a lot fewer available men due to the war. My uncle Peter was only a few years older than my aunt and mother, but his mother died when he was only 2 or 3 in 1924 and my grandfather remarried very quickly.

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      2. I thought the Colonel was Lee’s father’s half-brother – this explains the different last name of Lee’s father and Colonel had different fathers.

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  11. A thought just struck me about this little moment:
    Francine: Who gave you those pills?
    [Lee hands them to Amanda]
    Lee: I don’t know.
    -Technically, Amanda gave Lee the pills!! 🙂
    and.. there is not even a millisecond where Lee considers this – he just automatically takes Amanda at her word. ‘Automatic’ is IMHO significant.

    And lol.. it was so automatic – that I didn’t notice it 🙂
    but IMHO it adds to the whole idea of Lee being vulnerable and needing to trust in others at this time.
    Lee is fully trusting Amanda – no question! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Okay guys.. I’m still pondering this whole motherly thing. And all your comments have just made it that much more interesting to me!
    Because we seem to have a few varied ideas about this..
    So I have a question [or 3] for you all!
    What’s the key ingredient/ingredients that makes a touch ‘motherly’? How is this different from non-motherly tenderness?

    I ask this not to make a point. [I don’t have one! ha!] I ask this to get my head around this whole motherly/non motherly thing that plays out here between Lee and Amanda – and which has played out between them in other parts of the show..?

    How do we each define a touch as motherly or not?
    How do you think Lee defines it?
    How do you think Amanda defines it?

    And.. if Lee’s mother died when he was five, and for all appearances he hasn’t had much tenderness in his life from the opposite sex – can he really accurately distinguish mothering from a lover’s tenderness?

    I have no answers.. but I’m trying to form some.. help? 🙂


    1. Hmmmm…lots to think about. I define a motherly touch in three ways – how my mother touched me, how I touch my kids, and the context of a situation. I have no idea how Lee would define it – but it would probably involve a lack of romantic interest by the person touching him (think Amanda in the elevator with his badge or with his tie in her kitchen). I have no idea about Amanda either, but I suggest it might involve the same thing as Lee – her romantic interest in a person or lack there of (think of the same examples I gave for Lee). I think her forearm resting on Lee’s body is not motherly, but the facial touches are – I don’t rest my forearms on my kids but I do touch their faces to get their hair out of their eyes or check their temperature, etc. So to me that is why I see what I see as motherly or not. Plus my touch of my husband when he’s ill is more to his body and not to his face. So that’s my view, I wonder what other people will say about their view. This is kind of interesting!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hey! glad it’s not just me who finds exploring this interesting!
        It’s funny.. when we are walking through Amanda putting on Lee’s badge in the elevator and fixing his tie in the kitchen – I’m pretty sure I was exclaiming: see! she can’t keep her hands off him! 😉 same with the bullet wound in ALCE! I guess that doesn’t mean it wasn’t motherly (sorry for the double negative!), it probably was motherly -but the reasons and feelings behind the touching.. and the need it met – was anything but motherly?
        Is that possible?

        Lack of romantic interesting.. Yep.. I can see that – so it’s more chaste touching you think?
        I’m not challenging here at all.. I don’t even think we all need to come to an agreement on any of this.. just exploring 🙂

        I don’t have kids so this one doesn’t automatically seem obvious to me..
        Interesting that you compare the way Amanda touches Lee to the way you touch your husband – but I think a key piece of this little fascinating puzzle is that Lee and Amanda at this stage are not husband and wife – and it’s a pretty confusing (though fabulous) phase in their relationship.. still teetering on the edge.. but not quite there yet..

        Is it just me or would you (BJo or anyone) have been surprised if Amanda had touched Lee in a more sexual or romantic way here? I would have been very surprised..
        Whooo more comments! cool!
        Thanks for sharing your ideas BJo! 🙂


    2. I guess I’m not getting the whole mothering/non-mothering controversy here. Amanda and Lee are not at a place in their relationship where Amanda would be overtly intimate with Lee (like maybe laying down and snuggling up next to him until he went to sleep), yet they are certainly very comfortable being in each other’s space. I see Amanda’s ministrations as a situationally appropriate, if somewhat confusing, mixture of intimate and friendly care-giving. It is perfectly in sync with how both of them are trying to figure out where they are in their relationship.

      I also think Lee’s comment about her mothering him comes from the fact that he’s just not used to being vulnerable and doesn’t like the thought of needing to be taken care of. Having had very little tender nurturing in his life, he probably equates it back to his concept of how a mother acts.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hiya 2 Goldens.. I wouldn’t label this a controversy myself.. I think we’re far too easy going for that 🙂
        For me there is no controversy.. there may be a few different views.. but that is quite common.. and sometimes random thinks spark an interest for different people.. this is why it’s so great we are all different 🙂

        Amanda and Lee are not at a place in their relationship where Amanda would be overtly intimate with Lee

        Oh I agree! 🙂

        I see Amanda’s ministrations as a situationally appropriate, if somewhat confusing, mixture of intimate and friendly care-giving.

        this is a great description of what’s going on here!

        I also think Lee’s comment about her mothering him comes from the fact that he’s just not used to being vulnerable and doesn’t like the thought of needing to be taken care of. Having had very little tender nurturing in his life, he probably equates it back to his concept of how a mother acts.

        Yes I’m tending in that direction too.. Lee is certainly out of his comfort zone here.. and his area of ‘expertise’ shall I say! Whatever mothering is for someone – I think most of us would agree that Lee is no expert on it 😉
        But then.. neither am I 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Hi, iwsod. I didn’t mean to imply anything unfriendly or contentious in using the word “controversy”. I just never would have thought of bringing this topic up myself since Amanda’s actions and Lee’s reactions seem quite natural to me. I was just surprised that it is generating such an interesting discussion. I’m constantly amazed how we all see such different things in SMK…it’s just what taking a walk with friends through an interesting and beautiful landscape should do! 🙂

          Liked by 2 people

          1. I didn’t mean to imply anything unfriendly or contentious in using the word “controversy”.

            All good 2Goldens – I never thought you were implying unfriendly – but yes I thought you were saying you thought the motherly query was contentious – thanks for clarifying so I understand better what you mean’t.

            yes true – it’s funny what random things spark an interest in each of us and how it is different. I think for me I felt a particular interest because I was needing to understand this scene and where they were coming from in order for me to grasp the wider understanding of where both the characters are at.. Or at least, I thought it might give me a clue!
            I’m still pondering it..
            I’ve been out all day and haven’t had a chance to get back here all day.. just quickly wanted to respond to you – and I’ll try and get back here tomorrow.
            I think the walk is going to be a bit slower the next week or two sorry.. I’m way behind writing posts.. have just been too darn busy. but – all the transcriptions are a huge help – thanks everyone!!! bye!


    3. Mothering… hmm. Sometimes I think Lee is referring to the way Amanda is trying to get him to do what is best for him in terms of his health, like that little scene when she tells him he must go into his bedroom. He even gives her a little flack just like my teenage sons would. Maybe it is the way she touches his forehead and wipes his lip after he sips the water. That looks very maternal to me. Maybe he chafes a bit because he has been on his own without care taking for so long, maybe it is because he doesn’t want people to dictate what he can and cannot do right now when his network is in danger. Nut I tend to think Lee’s comment is more about wanting Amanda in a different role and not knowing any other way to communicate that to her at this moment. I think that is why he says he appreciates everything she is doing for him, and then is so quick to grab her and ask her to stay. I hear frustration in his “nos.” Frustration that she didn’t understand what he was trying to say and frustration that she apparently took what he did say as criticism. I think if he could, if he could get the guts up, he would rather just tell her that he loves, her and he needs her and he doesn’t want to be alone and he just wants her to be near him. But he can’t do that, not at this point, in this situation (with all of those other agents out there) and because I still don’t think he is one hundred percent sure if and when he should proceed. I think all he does know is that he wants her with him in that moment but not because she has to (moms do that sometimes) and because he desires her touch as a man desires the touch of the woman he loves and needs.

      And I agree with 2 Goldens. Amanda has no other way to respond. I suppose she could respond simply as a colleague, but there is too much personal friendship between them for that. She cares deeply for him, intimately even and yet she has no green light to relate to Lee in any other way that in a care taking mode. And being maternal is what Amanda knows. I like the way she is trying to touch him and lovingly care for him. I like the way she recoils a bit when he tells her he doesn’t want her mothering – it is almost as if she feels rejected. But then he calls her back and I think the way his voice sounds must jolt her a bit, and yet thrill her, but she chooses to respond pleasantly. She still does not have a clear green light from Lee.

      So basically I think this line of Lee’s about mothering isn’t so much about what Amanda is doing as much as it is about what she isn’t doing. But the dilemma is the fact that Lee has not given Amanda permission to relate in any other way, although I sort of think his “no, stay a minute” is an invitation. Amanda is too much of a lady to take advantage of that. Poor Lee is going to have to figure out how to walk through the front door with Amanda if he is going to get anything else from her other than mothering and friendship, I think. And I think he knows that. Its good for you, Lee, my boy 😉

      Liked by 6 people

      1. Morley just quickly wanted to say – sorry- I’ll come back and respond to your comment when I have more time. I don’t want to rush it. I want to savour 🙂 So glad you shared your thinking with us all!


      2. I really enjoyed these comments Morley – it’s as I imagined.. exploring the touch.. calling it Motherly and Amanda’s reactions has shed a light on what’s going on for these two at the moment..

        Everyone’s comments on this has – thanks for sharing your thoughts guys!

        I agree, 2 Goldens summed up Amanda so well!

        Poor Lee is going to have to figure out how to walk through the front door with Amanda if he is going to get anything else from her other than mothering and friendship, I think. And I think he knows that. Its good for you, Lee, my boy

        Especially loved this Morley!!! 🙂 Oh I bet you are going to have fun writing your stories about all this!!

        Liked by 1 person

    4. I’m going to pick up on what iwsod said about Lee’s mother’s death and how he interprets touch. I’d argue that there are two broad groups of “touches” within the context of a “romantic” (as opposed to platonic) relationship:
      1) sensual touches (possible precursors to Backgammon) and
      2) loving, but non-sensual touches (indicating a degree of caring and intimacy between two people who are very close, but not the type of touch would lead to Backgammon.
      I wonder if Lee is mistaking the 2nd type of touch (which IMHO is what Amanda is giving him here) for a “motherly” touch because he lost his mother at a young age, and his romantic relationships thus far (leaving out Dorothy and maybe Eva) have been very much physical and so full of sensual touch, rhat than non-sensual touch?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Learjet our brains must work in a similar way.. this is exactly what I was wondering about. lol!! how the types of touches are different.. or perceived to be different..
        rofl at the ‘backgammon’ references! whahaahahaa..

        I wonder if Lee is mistaking the 2nd type of touch (which IMHO is what Amanda is giving him here) for a “motherly” touch because he lost his mother at a young age, and his romantic relationships thus far (leaving out Dorothy and maybe Eva) have been very much physical and so full of sensual touch, rhat than non-sensual touch?

        Yes! I’m wondering the same thing!! playing with ideas.. but haven’t fully settled on a view yet..

        Dorothy and Eva?
        Ah now this is controversy! haaaa 😉
        Eva I would say was never genuinely in love with Lee (he was her mark not her great love)
        Dorothy? well.. now this is where I think there could be a little controversy.. we know so little about her that I think we all end up forming different views of what that relationship was like..
        But would you say the way Dorothy was touching Lee in that photo of them together was motherly? It was friendly.. but was it romantic? I wasn’t really getting that vibe! So I’ve not bought in to the relationship being a great love – I think it might have become a significant love when she died though.. does that make sense?
        anyway.. sorry I ramble.. come back to topic iwsod.. whatever Dorothy was – I’d still say Lee doesn’t have much experience with being touched in a motherly fashion.. or being touched with great love, tenderness and affection.. most of his lady friends would never have been around long enough for that to happen with any kind of genuineness..

        I think Motherly implies the way you would touch a little boy… nurturing, but you are not equals..

        this whole idea of Lee wanting more but not being able to say it – and maybe mislabelling things because he’s confused reminds me of how I use to see Lee in season 1 – in regards to Amanda’s family.. he was saying a lot he didn’t want a family and that wasn’t him. but at the same time he was longing for it.. the guy was conflicted..
        Here’s he’s conflicted maybe about what he can expect Amanda to offer in terms of touch right now?
        Thoughts anyone?

        Liked by 2 people

    5. I agree with Goldens2 about Amanda’s approach. Amanda’s concerned for Lee, she’s being affectionate. Maybe it crosses over into mothering a bit in his mind, but I don’t think she intends it that way. She’s driven more by her concern for Lee here, but there’s the developing feelings and maybe that leaves Amanda with a sense of uncertainty. Like I said in another post, I would have liked to see Amanda sit there a little longer, not necessarily ‘touching Lee’ but just quietly figuring things out while he sleeps, before she gets up and leaves. That would reveal her question of, ‘where exactly do they stand?‘ a little more. She can’t be overly intimate here (as Goldens2 mentioned), but her feelings compel her to comfort and (yes, love) him in some way.

      Morley wrote…

      I tend to think Lee’s comment is more about wanting Amanda in a different role and not knowing any other way to communicate that to her at this moment. I think that is why he says he appreciates everything she is doing for him, and then is so quick to grab her and ask her to stay. I hear frustration in his “nos.” Frustration that she didn’t understand what he was trying to say and frustration that she apparently took what he did say as criticism.

      I think this nicely captures Lee’s thoughts on it.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I like your idea of having Amanda sit a moment and ponder.. At the same time though I think she is trying to avoid delving too deeply into her and Lee’s feeling right now so she can keep a handle on the situation and her emotions

        Liked by 1 person

        1. That’s true too. She may save it up until she knows Lee’s okay and safe. It’s moments like in The Triumvirate at the Cumberland, when she and Lee are talking about relationships and the job, that led me to think she might be pondering and processing things along the way.


  13. I do get a kind of mothering vibe from Amanda here. (Think of her dealings with an injured Lee in Long Christmas Eve- buckets of concern but nothing motherly). I think Lee regretted his remark the minute he said it, he didnt mean to hurt or reject her just wanted to convince himself that he is still strong. So he becomes sincere and asks her to stay – and what follows is a really sweet and authentic interaction (or to use the correct lingo- swoony! )
    I might add-: i have rarely seen a more uncomfortable looking bed and pillow ! Franchine is Franchine ( although she was quite decent at the hospital) i suppose she serves her purpose in taking the pill off to be analysed

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I get the feeling the bed was set up to suit the camera angles, not to suit the actors or give a sense of restfulness. It is an awkward scene in some ways, which is a shame when it’s a scene that involves the “relatonship progression”.

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  14. Maybe it’s just me, but I think Francine still sees this as Amanda in ‘mothering/nurturing’ mode. I know how it ‘appears’ when Francine walks into the room, and I suspect she’s putting a few pieces together in her mind. I don’t think she’s drawn any firm conclusions yet. Also wonder if the ‘mothering’ comment was ever a jab made by Francine (about Amanda) toward Lee. I don’t recall if we’ve heard Lee say this to Amanda before.

    As for Lee, I think his comment in the moment might have been a knee-jerk reaction to not being able to work when he feels like he has to. He’s on autopilot. The comment just slipped out, because he does want her there (i.e., “Stay for a minute.” ). Fortunately, I think Amanda realizes this and the remark doesn’t really bother her.

    Random thought… If Lee left in such a hurry, how can his place be so neat? Mine sure wouldn’t look that put together.

    Okay, I need another dosage of smelling salts before I can visit more of that lovely, swoon scene. Back in a bit. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tv bedrooms are always neat☺ perhaps he took season one Amanda remarks to heart and started cleaning up or got a house keeper. The doors and transparent curtains are a bit hard to take☺


      1. How cute would that be if he decided to get a housekeeper ‘just in case’ Amanda drops by again? Okay, I think it’s time for another dose of smelling salts. 😉


      2. I don’t mind the doors. I like the style of this apartment. He lives alone, and I guess if you’re a secret agent man, it might come in handy to have a good line of sight throughout your living space – just in case the bad guys get in, which seemed to be a regular occurrence earlier on in the series.

        Liked by 1 person

  15. Really loving the closeness of these two despite Francine being there. Love that Amanda’s forearm is resting comfortably against Lee’s forearm/waist. They are not jumping apart just because Francine enters the room.

    That brooch is just plain ugly. Looks like it could double as a weapon.

    And Amanda’s full forearm goes back to resting on Lee’s body after Francine leaves…yeah, they’ve got it bad….

    I think in this post, we don’t see much mothering, but in the prior post we saw a lot. Getting him to rest in bed, giving him his pills, wiping his mouth (ugh!), and just generally telling him what to do. He doesn’t know just how hot for teacher she is, so I think he assumes that she is acting like a mother and not a potential lover.

    Love that he asks her to stay – stay with me – just not as a mother. Stay because you care and because it feels good to have you here with me when I feel like crap. You’re a soothing and constant presence and I just want a minute of feeling good because of you. Awww, swoon. Totally agree on the intimate part of staying with someone while they fall asleep! And it’s a good think Lee’s right hand is between Amanda’s right forearm and his body (parts) ahem. Lee might not get to sleep otherwise 😉

    And Lee told Amanda off-screen about his mother. And that he was a Kappa. Just what else have we missed??? Not fair! Guess that is what fanfiction is all about. Anybody know any good ones? Lol – just joking.

    That last stroke to Lee’s cheek comes across as mothering to me. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because they haven’t told each other how they really feel about each other. Or that it’s the back of her fingers and not her open palm or the inside of her fingers. Using the back of her fingers seems less intimate to me.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I agree!! Stroking the forehead I could deal with.. because she was feeling the bump. lol but the cheek stroke? meh. I tell myself it was just so Francine would walk in on something cosy 😉


        1. If they had delayed the scene just a little longer, or she decided not to get up right then (say she was planning to be outside the door if he needed her), it may have looked like she was thinking about her feelings for Lee as he slept. Maybe just a light touch on the face and that’s it. That would have been perfect. Then she quietly gets up and leaves while he sleeps.


    1. Francine is a spy. Maybe her brooch is a weapon. O.O

      They don’t really use hidden gadgets in SMK like they did in James Bond or Get Smart, but it would be hilarious if some of Francine’s more bizarre jewelry turned out to be something like that. Maybe she’s got a friend down in R&D that makes them for her.

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Just a little side note- the picture is actually John F. Kennedy’s sister Kathleen’s wedding. The man in the background is Joseph Kennedy, Jr. Interestingly, she was an American who married a British guy. So, kinda like Lee’s parents.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Interesting! Thanks for sharing, Marilyn. I wonder why they used such a recognizable American family for a photo like this. Maybe they figured their audience was too young to know who this was when you could only see it on screen for a couple of seconds. No DVD’s or world wide web like there is today. And wouldn’t his uniform be recognized as not American? Weird.


    2. So had to look these two up…it’s also weird that they both died very young – he in war and she in a place crash at age 28. No child though. Similarities, but not the same – odd. I guess many people wouldn’t remember that sibling of JFK.


    3. That is interesting. I had assumed they used one of BB’s real parents. Perhaps the kenedy photo was hanging around the lot when thevprop people were asked to produce a wedfing photo from the 40’s.


    4. Seriously? Wow, you would think there would be a heap of 1940’s wedding photos they could choose from. Why not BB’s own parents – it’s only on the screen briefly and so small.

      Liked by 1 person

    5. bad wordpress ate my comment. Hope it gets indigestion.

      Anyway, Marylin – you have no way of knowing it but you ticked off a wish of mine – I had wondered about this photo- who were they really??!!! But.. being too busy in RL I moved on from it. I always assumed it was a real couple – lol it looks too authentic! haaaa..

      So the groom.. errr Lee’s dad – would be wearing a british uniform then in the photo? rather than an American one? [I was wondering about that too!! i.e. is the uniform the correct uniform? ]

      Thanks so much for sharing this with us Marylin!
      Nothing surprises me about these photos anymore – they had no clue we would be all owning the show and freezeframing things phew..

      I’ll never forget the moment I was happily enjoying discovering the apartment of Rene Russo’s character in Lethal Weapon 3 – while Mel Gibson’s character snooped a bit to learn about her while she was out of the room – and shock! he finds a photo of her two brothers on the mantelpiece – it turns out Amanda had a third child after everything was said and done guys.. because the brothers of Rene Russo’s character were Jamie and Phillip 🙂 tee hee..
      [ lol sooo not only is smk real, umm lethal weapon 3 is real? oh dear.. I need a good coffee!!] Bye!

      Liked by 2 people

  17. That looks like the kind of picture frame Lee would have made as a little boy for that very special photo of his parents. I can imagine it was his most valuable possession in his childhood…something that he carefully and lovingly packed in all of the moves he made with his uncle. I agree that it’s probably been put away in a box for several years now, and has just recently been retrieved as Lee begins to dare to imagine himself as part of a family again. Since it’s on his nightstand it certainly seems that the photo represents some deep, personal feelings that he is working through. Otherwise I would think it would be on display in the living room.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Ah what a scene. They just don’t make them like this anymore. I think this scene is pretty steamy actually. But on to the mothering first. Actually I think it is the steam that is messing with both of them. I do think Amanda is in caretaker mothering mode and I can’t find fault in it. She has had a scare and she is trying to be as professional as she can be while assigned to the man she is falling in love with, she is walking a fine line. And to add to that thin line, she and Lee have not made their feelings for each other known in any way. How can she do any differently than she is. But Lee, I think, would like her to. I think Lee is aching here for her to be present for him as a woman would be for a man that she loves. I think that is what he is cranky about here. I think he is saying to Amanda that he doesn’t want to be another person that she coddles and takes prodigious care of, he wants her to be with him in an intimate and tender way, he can’t say that to her now, but I think that is what he is saying here.

    I also love the picture of his parents. In my SMK world I don’t imagine that was a picture that Lee had out earlier in his life. I bet he dug it out of a box that had been pushed into a dark corner for a very long time and I like to think that he only recently dug it out. I think he had been thinking about his family of origin and the love that he remembers his parents having for each other and for him. I think he is a place in his life where he can entertain thoughts like that now. And I a sure he was eager to share it with Amanda someday.

    Both of these things build a rich background to what is happening to out Lee. He is plumbing depths I don’t think he ever thought that he would. And Amanda is getting a good glimpse of how much he has opened himself to her, but I still think she is not sure how to respond to him.

    Francine is getting another eyeful. And I love Lee’s blunt response. Its as if he is saying, get over it Francine. It is what it is and we are about business right now, so get to it too.

    But the way he says, “no, stay a minute”… Wow! Talk about strong, masculine vulnerability. So lovely!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Interesting what you say about the photo. I would have assumed he always had it around. He did talk about his parents a few times even in season one so i thought they were always a big deal with him. But perhaps he didnt keep the photo beside his bed until he started getting close to Amanda. But interesting speculation


      1. Hmmm, I think given his previous bedroom and apartment activities, he probably would have been embarrassed to have his parents staring out at him from a photo anywhere in the home. I think this is a photo he has recently felt able to retrieve from storage. Hopefully Amanda will make sure it ends up in a nicer frame – simple silver frame would suit I think.

        Liked by 3 people

    2. I also love the picture of his parents. In my SMK world I don’t imagine that was a picture that Lee had out earlier in his life. I bet he dug it out of a box that had been pushed into a dark corner for a very long time and I like to think that he only recently dug it out. I think he had been thinking about his family of origin and the love that he remembers his parents having for each other and for him. I think he is a place in his life where he can entertain thoughts like that now. And I a sure he was eager to share it with Amanda someday.

      I’ve been meaning to come back to this.. it almost slipped by!
      I loved this thought of Lee having brought the picture out!
      I see 2 Goldens likes it too 🙂

      I think this works well.. we didn’t see any such frame when Amanda was in Lee’s bedroom in Remembrance of things past… it isn’t something a playboy bachelor would have on his bedside table..
      so I like the idea that he brought it out of storage..
      But.. it begs the question – when did he do that?
      What do we all think? Is there an episode or a scene where you would guess Lee got this framed picture of his parents out of storage?
      Do tell!!
      We may not jump ahead here.. but there’s nothing to stop us from going backwards in light of the new things we learn!

      Actually, I’ve been wondering – how would you guys feel about me putting up a feature post on the home page? as I need to slow down the walk at the moment – maybe it would be fun to together revisit older episodes? In light of what we’ve since discovered in the walk?
      Thoughts? Terrible idea? Or ‘not bad’? If you are happy with it – you want me to start at ep 1 and continue? or.. choose a random ep?
      I’ll keep walking through the eps as usual though – just slower (because I have little time for post writing- if only I could write posts on the bus!! lol.. but this is not possible!) bye guys!


      1. I’m not sure I’m visualizing what the feature post is just yet, but go for it. There’s nothing on this blog that I haven’t enjoyed. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Hi Sara, thanks for responding – I really appreciate hearing what you guys think!

          I can see it’s not immediately obvious what I’m talking about – it’s been a while since I put up a feature post. I might put one up to show you what I mean!


      2. My 0.02, so ignore if you wish 🙂 I love this blog so whatever you ultimately decide I am fine with, but — my gut reaction is that I would not want to interrupt the flow of the walk. If there was a way to link off the home page to the past episode with out it inserting itself into season three (eg, the links on the top would not do <—10/: Season three: Episode 17 The Eyes Have It – Scarecrow and Mrs. King ——– 1/6 Season two: Episode ?: A Class Act —–>) But like I said before, just my two cents worth, and we don’t even have pennies in Canada anymore. Of course, I reserve the right to change my mind, as it is morning and I haven’t had my caffeine yet.


        1. Sounds okay to me. 🙂

          No more Canadian pennies? O.O Every once in awhile, I get one in change here in Arizona. They look so much like US pennies (about the same size and color), it’s an easy mistake if people don’t look closely. But are they part of a dying breed? Should I be hoarding them?


        2. Hiya Cindy – open and frank feedback is worth much more that 2 cents 😉 thanks!

          Just as an experiment.. I might put up a post to show you what I mean.. and then please give me feedback?

          I am not looking at inserting older posts into the newer posts – it would just be stuck to the top of the home page.. so if you press the button to navigate back to the previous post in the walk there will be no interruption – the blog posts are organised by date – so I’m not changing any dates or the order. I’ll go ahead and pick a random post and stick it to the top of the home page – then you guys let me know if this is too obtrusive or breaks the flow (be honest please! 🙂 )

          Another option is for me to create a post saying here is a link to a random blog post – then I can just put the link to it in the body of the email and people who want to read a random blog post can follow the link and then comment on the post if they want to.. [I can do an example to show you once you’ve seen the first format]
          -and if we don’t like it we can delete it 🙂

          These two ideas are a way that we can have a number of readers reading the same older blog post – and maybe commenting with each other about it.. but it doesn’t interrupt the structure of the blog. so have a little explore and please let me know what you think everyone! If we don’t like it – we won’t do it! 🙂


  19. On to the swoony stuff: love this scene. In fact, watching this scene in this episode straight after the Triumvirate leaves me incoherent and dizzy. I agree with you, Iwsod – Amanda is not mothering here (although I definitely think she did in the bit before Francine “conveniently” arrived on the scene!)

    The question is why does Lee think she is mothering him. I’m relying on Morley and other gifted commenters for the answer to this question, but my theories are:
    1) He’s remember how she acted in the previous part of the scene, not reacting to how she treats him here
    2) He hasn’t had a mother since he was a little boy and so misinterprets Amanda’s care and concern as “mothering”
    3) He’s doing an “elastic band” – he feels she’s got a little close and he’s pulling back.
    I’m going with 2)

    To be more flippant – that pillow looks miserably uncomfortable, and so shiny that it hurts the eyes to look at it 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  20. “Francine: Okay. And then I made a list of everyone you came into contact with at the hospital”

    What I really want to know is who came in contact with the contact lenses. Or which of Lee’s contacts’ contacts came in contact with the contact lenses…

    Francine’s brooch reminds me of my idea of the infamous aluminium sun…

    Liked by 3 people

    1. …and Francine needs to contact Lee as soon as she figures out which contact got the contacts and whether that person contacted anyone about the contacts that have the names of Lee’s contacts…

      Liked by 3 people

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