1/4 Season Four:Episode Nineteen–All That Glitters –Scarecrow and Mrs King

Ready for another episode? Three more episodes after this one, and we will have finished the walk through all episodes!!!!

This wouldn’t have been possible without the transcribers who have supported JWWM and Operation Sandstorm!!!  So special thanks again to all who have contributed!

Thanks to Clagjanet for transcribing this episode for Operatthankyou2ion Sandstorm, and sharing it with us all. I can’t see any comments from Clagjanet in the transcription, so it will just be my comments in this episodes’  posts.. and Clagjanet hope we hear your thoughts as we walk through the episode together (but no pressure!).

A formatting reminder as we get started:
Clagjanet’s descriptions are in this format- (xxx)
My descriptions are in this format- xxx
My comments are in this format- [xxx]

FYI I’ve decided to change how I approach writing up these final four episodes…  I won’t be watching them fresh as I write it up, I’m finding it’s too time consuming and I’m not engaged enough with the full content of these episodes! For the final four, the walks will be briefer, I don’t think there is much to be gained by delving in great detail – other than with Lee and Amanda scenes of course..
Still – if you love this episode, or a particular scene and you would like to discuss it in more detail than what I’ve covered in the walk, go for it and share in comments your thoughts. I recognise I may be missing out on some little gems and it’s a bit of a trade off. But it’s this or I take another year to finish this walk, which is not something I want!
So thanks for your understanding, and who knows maybe one day in the future me or someone else might like to walk through one of the final four episodes in full detail- never say never!

Anyway, let’s get into this!

The episode starts with war in Grenada 1983..
I love how we see this ruined mansion along with the title ‘All That Glitters’. Such irony!

We see a lone soldier with a too big helmet find a safe in the ruins. He seems to have been looking for it and knew where to find it. He blows it open.. and finds the contents:
Some earrings..

and a pouch with the agency logo on it.
Then, he gets out of there!

We move on to a party… seems this is high society..
We hear the blonde, who is centre of attention speaking..
Elisa Danton: Senator you don’t have to hide. It’s a beautiful gift. I take it all back. Your taste isn’t just in your mouth.
[we hear this line before we even see her.. and oh boy look out I seem to be in a mood while walking through this one!!!! Hearing this line I’m thinking- I already can’t stand her! And I haven’t even seen her yet!] The crowd sounds suitably amused by her [attempted] joke.

[I love how straight away they’ve dressed Elisa Danton in a gold gown.. What’s the title of this episode again?!!! Ah yes, All that Glitters (is not gold)- thanks William Shakespeare for that one!]

Ah. Dr Smyth is there next to Elisa, and has presented her with a birthday present..
Clagjanet describes this moment as follows:  
(She opens the jewellery case and looks slightly confused and disappointed before holding up a large military medal-style decoration)
Elisa: That is sweet. [Is it really? This seems to be pretty flat, and she’s pretty quick to hand it over to Dr Smyth rather than admire it lol.]

Doctor Smyth (taking the medal from her): I think the inscription might spark a little flyback. (He reads out loud as the camera does a close up on a man we will later meet as General Garrett) “Your fundraising in support of our men in uniform will always be remembered. Best wishes and Happy Birthday, Ron and Nancy”.
(The crowd applauds.)
Elisa: Thank you Austin. And please tell the President that I shall always have a special place in my heart for the military.
Garrett: You should – we gave your daddy his first billion dollar munitions contract.

[Seems Elisa is from old money, and has loads of ties to the USA military thanks to daddy’s business interests. Is this setting up some kind of theme about profiting off the US military?
This scene does have an ‘elites live in their own little world’ kind of vibe to me. but feel free to share how you see it…]

Elisa moves on to the next gift..
One of the earrings from Grenada.. the soldier, Carpenter, watches on with a super adoring stare.

[which is to me pretty creepy!!!!
I think Elisa seems pretty intrigued and to enjoy this mystery. Why only one earring???!!!!whooooooo]
She reads the card with the earring.

Elisa: ‘Some things are destined to be together. Only tomorrow will tell.’ And it’s unsigned – how romantic. I love it. This is absolutely wonderful! (holding up the earring in one hand and a champagne glass in the other): To my little scamp out there: here’s to tomorrow!

[Seems Carpenter’s romantic gesture is a winner. Something tells me this Elisa likes romantic ‘games’!]

Moving on to the agency.. and hoorah.  A Lee and Amanda scene!!!! so of course I’m going to include all the dialogue! Brought to you by Clagjanet!
(Amanda enters the Q Bureau carrying two large potted plants.)
Amanda: Good morning!
Lee: Hi! How about a little hug? [Awhhhhhh]

Amanda: How about a little philodendron?

(she places the plants around the room)

[I love how it appears Amanda and her plants are taking over the room. I think this is a big improvement haa]
Lee: What are you doing with these? 
Amanda: Well these were looking a little bad so I took them home for a little tender loving care.

Lee: I could use some of that. (He pulls Amanda into his arms)

Amanda: I don’t think you’d like fish emulsion.
[Oh my. deadpan and KJ at her best. I LOVE this line!!!! Okay okay this episode is worth watching for this line alone!!!!!
What do we all think of Lee’s suit/tie combo today? I think he looks good in light gray. No fish emulsion needed here! 😉
And Amanda? what do you make of her? I like her in this red, I mean of course it’s way too 80s massive but the 80s were the 80s so what are we gonna do huh?!]
Lee: Well, I’ll tell you what I would like. [hoooooo haaaaaaaa do tell!]

Amanda: What?
(The door opens and Dr. Smyth walks in. They spring apart as he speaks.)
Smyth: We’re all ears, Scarecrow.

They quickly react..

Pulling apart – nothing suspicious looking in this reaction!

At all! haaaa

Uh help, a little help on the… uh..
(gestures to his desk)
[I love this.. uhhh help??!!..]

Amanda (talking over him): You need me to help you with… I said I would…

[Their hands and arms start flapping everywhere.. as they scramble… Very unconvincingly!

Uugh these two! If they were in a job that involved lying to save their lives they’d be dead already! haaaaaaa…. oh wait.. no that doesn’t work does it!

I do no like Smyth knowing about their relationship. Do you think he cares?]
Smyth: Boffo. Tune in. I’m already late. (He holds up the file he’s carrying) Visual aids, kids.

(He walks to Lee’s desk and they follow. )

[they share a look between them as Smyth isn’t looking at them. Uh oh!]
Smyth: Up to date on the Hale Collection?

[I love that zebra on Lee’s desk!!]
Lee: The Grenada Hales?
Smyth: Bonus points, Stetson. Go for the big spin.
Lee: Prominent Caribbean family. Lost everything when Grenada fell, including their priceless jewellery collection.

Smyth: Of which this was one piece. (He takes the file from Amanda’s hands and shows them the earring Elisa received last night.) We’d figured the family jewels had disappeared with some sticky-fingered Cubans until this sprinky-dink showed up as a birthday trinket for one of Washington’s top clique dwellers. Loop the circuit on this, King. I want verification of its authenticity muy pronto.

Amanda: Yes sir, I’ll get right on it. (She gathers up all the paperwork Smyth had dropped on the desk.) (to Lee) See you later.
(to Smyth) bye Sir. 
(She leaves and Lee and Smyth sit down on opposite sides of the desk.)

Smyth: Need I tell you that that jewel pries the lid off an old and very sensitive can of worms?
[uh oh. we have a spy! the Zebra has turned itself to look at Lee since Dr Smyth arrived! lol Or maybe it’s wanting to put his butt in Dr Smyth’s face to tell him to leave. haaaa.] 

Lee: Project ‘Sand Pebbles’. [Iwsod spits out their drink.. say what? Project Sand Pebbles???!!!! ohhhh my gosh that is sooooo flippin hilarious!!!!!
Operation Sandstorm outguns Project Sand Pebbles any day!!!! haaaaaa]
Smyth: What do you know about it?
[Lee knows everything and everyone!]
Lee: I mingled with Hale while he was peeling grapes with the Caribbean mainstream. The next wave of agents groomed him and suggested he start an ‘eyes and ears’ network throughout the basin.
Smyth: Indeedy do. Did a damn good job, too. Sand Pebbles was the cornerstone of our intelligence activities down there until Hale’s file disappeared with the jewels.

To summarise.. Sand Pebbles was a list of contacts in the Carribbean, and Smyth has intelligence that this list is now up for sale with it’s price being negotiated.. Whoever has the other earring probably knows where the list is.
Smyth: … I’ve activated an Alpha Seventeen Clearance. Anything and everything you wanted to know about the Grenada operation is waiting for you in a morgue file at the Pentagon. Get to it, then pop over to the Danton Estate. (Off Lee’s look) The clique dweller. Well, I understand you’ve danced cheek-to-cheek with her at more than one Presidential gala.

(Lee nods and gives a wry smile – he suddenly understands where this is going)
[Dr Smyth says something about a gala. I don’t know, I’m too distracted by the magical zebra that can move without these two spies noticing. He’s sideways again! This zebra needs a name… suggestions anyone?
Coming back to does Dr Smyth care about Lee & Amanda? I think the message here is, no he doesn’t care, so long as Lee can continue to use his contacts, sex appeal and errr ‘people skills’ to get the job done!]
Lee: I suppose you could say that.

Smyth: (laughs knowingly) Sprinkle on some cologne, get next to her, but walk the velvet tightrope. [Please, no flirting tips from Dr Smyth. gag] We don’t want anyone thinking she’s mixed up in an Agency investigation. (He stands to leave.)

[ZeesideZeebra is now the butt Zeebra again!]
…Oh, the fewer people who about this, the better chance we have of getting to that list and whole new bunch of chums in Cuba Libre land. Give my best to Elisa – and behave yourself.
Lee (sighs): I’ll give her my very best.

Smyth: Toodles.
[I usually find Dr Smyth’s turn of phrase entertaining and quirky. Today? I’m finding it annoying! it’s overkill! Maybe I like it better in small amounts… but he can’t say something simply, everything is an idiom or figurative..aie. Maybe he speaks in riddles to confuse the Zebra. Yes, that must be it!]

Moving on to Lee and Francine having a really cringe conversation in the bullpen as Lee heads for the elevator.

Francine is way too interested in Lee’s sex life…. sounds like DC cocktail parties are too. She sometimes seems so gleeful at this stuff that I worry for her wellbeing mentally haaaaa.

Lee (looking annoyed): And a job is all it is, Francine. Purely professional, okay?

[Lee don’t bother responding you only encourage her!]
Francine: Oh, how times have changed. I seem to remember lots of stories about you and Elisa that kept many a boring DC cocktail party going!
Lee chuckles though he is clearly not amused.

Francine:Oh my favorite one: you, Elisa and that little French ballerina…
…How did you ever manage all of that in the back of an Italian sportscar?

[Lee and a threesome. errrrrrrr.. is this family friendly smk?! I know we previously had the twins episode but somehow it was funnier when it was a once off for me.]

(pretends to laugh along with her but is obviously aggravated by the topic): Ahhhhhhh, she was a violinist,…

…it was a limo and it wasn’t easy…

[Guess it wasn’t a stretch Limo! I like how this alludes to the fact that all these stories about Lee are ummm maybe somewhat of an exaggeration lol. but the truth was racy enough!]
(Francine is looking disappointed at not getting more of a rise out of him)
[I think Francine is making a mental note for next time she tells the story – ahhh limo! riiight!]
…I was in traction for a week…
[Lee looks a little traumatised!]

…But that was then, and this is now, and like you’ve just said, things have changed.
Francine: You know what they say about leopards and their spots.
Lee: I’m not a leopard.

Francine: Well, maybe not, but I hear Elisa has a pretty mean set of claws…
…I’d be careful.
(Francine leaves)
[So what do you make of this exchange all??
I’m thinking Francine’s point was to warn Lee that while he might have changed – Elisa Danton has not… all while having some fun at Lee’s expense and bringing up titillating history she loves to rub in his face, teasing Lee that she loves to amuse people with stories about this at DC parties. I’ve gotta assume she isn’t really and she’s just teasing him, or I don’t see how Lee could even remotely consider her a friend.

I took a look at notes I made back in 2008 about this episode on the old yuku forum, seems one thing hasn’t changed: I don’t like hearing about Lee and other women!!!!!!!!!

A couple of memorable moments in this post – so far this episode has a few surprises!]

Okay, I’m going to pause here-  I cannot wait to hear what you all make of this!!!!

21 thoughts on “1/4 Season Four:Episode Nineteen–All That Glitters –Scarecrow and Mrs King

  1. Lee and a threesome. errrrrrrr.. is this family friendly smk?! I know we previously had the twins episode but somehow it was funnier when it was a once off for me.

    I’m afraid it is more than just one other time where they have implied that Lee has engaged in threesomes and/or dated “sisters” (and perhaps I have a dirty mind, but to me, these “sister” references also suggest threesomes; who “dates” two sisters at the same time??). He also has a thing for Russian circus performers. It’s like an ongoing joke for the writers. Here are some of the other sister references:

    A Lovely Little Affair: The “Federova twins,” trapeze artists in the Russian circus.
    Need to Know: The “Petrovich twins,” tumblers in the Russian circus.
    We will also hear a reference to the “Orgalovsky sisters” in an upcoming episode (that’s not a spoiler for the episode; it’s just an offhand remark).

    There’s also that scene in Car Wars where Lee reminds Gino of the time he “bailed him out of trouble” in Baltimore for something having to do with “two sisters who were exotic dancers.” That doesn’t suggest a threesome, but it is definitely … icky. What is with the writers and their obsession with sisters!

    I remember pointing this stuff out before and someone remarked that people weren’t really thinking of these references in a sexual way in the 80s. I disagree! And I think this reference to the activity with Elisa and the violinist in the back of the limo could not be clearer. Lee was a kinky guy back in the days.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. peacockdancer- noooooooooo!!!!!!
      haaaaa.. Yeahh Lee has form here which is even worse than a one off exaggerated story. Thus why I tried to forget the other references probably. haaaa..

      Yeah I don’t see how they are not sexual references.. obscure maybe, hints that are titillating and supposed to be farcical and funny.. but too much and… me no find funny! [and I freely confess my mood has a lot to do with it!!!!]


      1. I’ve always taken the twins references to being more like Archie Andrews in the Archie comics, who was dumb enough to try dating twins at least two different times. Basically he meets the first one, asks her out, meets the second one and doesn’t want to have to choose, so he idiotically thinks he can manage to date both. Only of course the sisters happen to talk to each other about their new boyfriend and…you can guess what happens next. (I also know of a real life set of male twins who attempted to “share” their girlfriends — not sex, just dates — by pretending to be each other)

        But I chalk this conversation up to one of those things the writers were always trying to push in the scripts and Kate usually vetoed to keep things family friendly. I can think of multiple examples: Amanda’s question in The First Time about whether Lee has a Mrs. Spy is WAY racier in the original draft, there’s a scene implying he and Amanda were at it in the car on Night Crawler, they cut the reference on Bad Timing implying the two were about to sleep together, etc.. It was like the writers WANTED to push and see how much they could get away with (which I don’t get — if you know it’s not allowed, just don’t!). And I think the only reason it got this far is because of Kate being sick so she couldn’t supervise as carefully.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Hi LeesMolly, what is the original script draft question Amanda asks Lee in The First Time regarding ‘No Mrs Spy’


    2. This was the era when the Doublemint Twins were still a huge cultural influence, so it doesn’t surprise me that jokes about making it with sisters was in the vernacular of the writers.

      And yes, certainly to imply that Lee not only got around but was even getting twice the action.


  2. I haven’t watched this one yet, and plan to catch up as we walk through it.

    That zebra is cute. Wonder if it’s like ‘elephant in the room’ or no?? I wonder if we’ll see it again during a pivotal scene? I also looked up zebra symbolism and it represents community, freedom, balance, and individualism. Nothing here jumps out as significant, so just a prop.

    Dr. Smyth has never been a favorite of mine. He’s quirky and that’s entertaining, so I’ll give him that. Like the rest of you, I don’t think hiding the marriage helps either of them. Watching Lee and Amanda fumble over each other to separate is still cute, but I’d think they would have had conversations and figured out a plan by now.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Sara! Did you get to watch this yet? 🙂
      Hope we’ll hear your thoughts at some point.

      The zebra in the room. haaaaaa
      Maybe this is Lee’s version of Elisa’s Leopard!
      He absolutely has changed his stripes!
      [A zebra really can change it’s stripes in smk land!]


      1. Iwsod… Strangely, I’m having trouble ‘liking’ comments. I don’t know why, but I tried to ‘like’ your comment and it didn’t work.


  3. My first impression of Elisa Danton is that she has a beautiful voice! There is almost a sing-song quality to it – I would describe it as “mellifluous.” I love her accent. I like the breathiness she brings into her speech as well – for example, the way she says, “How romantic, I love it.” Honestly, I wish this actress had recorded a book on tape or something. I could listen to her all day.

    My second impression is that she has a tremendous amount of poise and elegance. I interpret her muted reaction to receiving a medal (or whatever that is) from President Reagan as modesty. That jokey remark from Garrett – “You should – we gave your daddy his first billion dollar munitions contract!” – was a cringey and inappropriate response to a graceful comment. Elisa has inherited wealth, we get it, but she is not some silly “daddy’s girl.” She has obviously done a significant amount of fundraising for military-related causes – enough to warrant a present/reward and personal birthday wishes from Ronald and Nancy Reagan. She is also on a first-name, friendly basis with Dr. Smyth – so seems to be plugged into the security and intelligence community as well. I am intrigued and want to know more.

    No one has mentioned the return of Fred Fielder, the agent who took Lee’s place when he went undercover in Savior! I always wished they would bring Fred back again (and judging from the amount of times he appears in fan fiction, I am not the only one) – but after the Artful Dodger, we never heard any more references to him again. Alas, it is the same actor, but now he is playing a bad guy, Carpenter.

    When Elisa first opened the earring, I wondered, is this some kind of signal from Carpenter? Is she involved in an illegal plot? No, it turns out that Carpenter is just a very, very, very stupid person. This earring was apparently so unusual, it was instantly recognizable by Dr. Smyth as one of the stolen “Hale jewels.” And yet, Carpenter arranged for her to open it in a roomful of top military and intelligence officials. What an idiot.

    I’m afraid I have to agree with LisaNY that Amanda is very “off” in the scene in the Q Bureau. The lack of chemistry between her and Lee is very striking, and it is all on Amanda’s side. It is very hard to watch. I’ll just leave it at that.

    I like Dr. Smyth and I think he is very good in this episode. I wish he would learn how to pronounce “Grenada.” For that matter, Lee keeps pronouncing Elisa’s name as “a-LISS-a” – when everyone else calls her “e-LEE-sa.” I like it better the second way. It is a very pretty and unusual name.

    I most definitely do NOT have a problem with Dr. Smyth knowing that Lee and Amanda are a couple! One of the things that bothers me the most about the secret marriage is that it makes NO SENSE to keep this secret from the people who actually know what Lee and Amanda do for a living, and are in a position to help protect them.

    Lee’s reaction to hearing that he has to pay a visit to Elisa is so interesting! He actually seems to blush when her name is mentioned. As for the interaction with Francine – I just see it as friendly teasing. Francine has never become fully acclimated to the new “domesticated” Lee, and this reminder of the “old days” is a fun reminder, for her, of the way he used to be.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. great to hear your thoughts peacockdancer!

      it’s true Elisa’s accent is lovely..

      Hmmm I think so far she shows poise and elegance… so far…..

      Yeah I completely forgot about Fred Fielder haaaaaa so really glad you reminded us. I mean this is Fred’s twin brother who went the military career pathway right? Maybe ‘Fielder’ was a code name haaaaa..

      I like your description of just what a dufus Carpenter is here – so true!!!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I like the “Alyssa” pronunciation better in this case, but that’s because I don’t like her and I absolutely love the name Elise. It’s my favorite girl’s name ever and I’d want to use it for my first child if I ever have one. So I don’t want the association! LOL

      I have a memoir by a polygamy survivor named Elissa and hers is pronounced “Eleesa” by the way. She was nicknamed “Leecie” which I think is downright adorable.


  4. Zebra names: Marty, Stripes, Spybra, Zeke or Zebby.
    I like Oreo 😊
    I don’t like Angelas bangs and I don’t like hearing about Lee and other women too!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This was another episode from season 4 that didn’t do anything for me. I saw bits and pieces after trying to watch it in full. I must note that you can tell KJ wasn’t feeling her usual self. I believe that is why I couldn’t watch it.

    No, I don’t believe Dr. Smyth cares about their relationship. They weren’t conspicuous at all. I agree; Billy knew how Lee felt about Amanda and vice versa. He knew Lee was destined to fall in love with Amanda initially. I love how they show Lee has grown since Amanda was now in his life.


    1. re Dr Smyth, I can’t remember if I come back to it in the walk… I don’t think he cares either, but I also don’t trust him to use the knowledge to his advantage one day if needed.. don’t trust the guy so prefer he doesn’t know!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Lee is loving being loved and seeking it from Amanda whenever he can. He is a newlywed for sure, but Amanda seems like she’s been married for years already. I know Kate’s situation was horrible of course, but the duality was noticeable. Smyth walks in and sees them in an embrace and this marriage and couple life is a secret!? I think they’re fooling themselves! I loved the interaction with Billy blocking Lee a few times while advising him. He knew way before Lee ever did that they were in love and I just appreciate his character. Mel did so well, always with a twinkle in his eyes! I like that the Bruce, writers, etc. chose to show how true Lee is to Amanda and his new life, even if it’s business. You wouldn’t see that from 007 or most tv spy shows nowadays. This episode pointed out how much Lee has changed and that character growth was fun to see over the years. By this point in the series, I kind of forgot he was that way.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I agree the disparity between the two is easy to see… I think I just give it a handwave – yeah because watching this for the first time, I knew what had been going on KJ’s life at the time.. had I not known, I think my experience of this scene would have been different!


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