2/11 Season Two, Episode 23: Vigilante Mothers- Scarecrow and Mrs King

Amanda has just been called by Lee into Billy’s office.. we pick up where we left off..
2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000438004Oh boy! I can’t wait to hear what you all think of this!
Lee: Amanda, is that house at the end of your street still up for rent?
Amanda: You mean the Cooperman house? I think so, why?
2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000440106Lee: Well, I know someone who wants to rent it for a while.
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Amanda: Who?
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Lee: Me…
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…I wanna…get closer to someone who lives there.
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We see Amanda react to this rather ambiguous statement of Lee’s… just what is she thinking??
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I am guessing Lee regularly wonders the same thing Winking smile -I’ll hold off till the end of the post to share my ideas on what it all means- and I’ll look forward to hearing yours!
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Amanda glances self-consciously toward Billy and Francine, then looks back at Lee.
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[Oh Lee.. you gotta be careful with what you say Winking smile ]
2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000453019Lee:
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2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000454521Amanda quietly to Lee: We could go to dinner…
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[At this it cuts back to Lee we can see his immediate, unchecked response – squeeeee!]
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… You don’t have to move down the street.
As Amanda continues, Lee tries hard to control his reaction here. He glances very briefly over to Billy and Francine while he gets hold of himself!
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He licks his lips, and tries to stop grinning.. Call me crazy – but I’m thinking Lee looks really shy and embarrassed here.. in a cute way Smile Lee here reminds me of when he got all bashful –
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when Amanda noticed Gillian paid more attention to Lee than her fiancé in Ship of Spies (I remember that is a particular favourite of Debilyn’s Winking smile too cute! I can see why it is a fave!!) I swear Lee only does this with Amanda!
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Do you see Lee reacting differently here than how I’m seeing? do tell!
Happily, Lee isn’t appalled at the idea of dinner with Amanda either 😉
Lee clarifies
: –Closer to Doctor Leonard Fletcher.
2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_0004605272.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000459626Amanda’s immediate reaction is so funny! Amanda doesn’t really censor her reactions to things at times does she! Smile
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Amanda: OH! This is, uh–
Lee: Yeah.
Amanda: –oh,
this is Agency business.
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2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_0004647312.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000463830Lee nods: Mmm.
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And licks his lips while he’s at it Winking smile
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Lee can’t seem to stop grinning here Winking smile Business! think about Business!
Amanda: Oh, uh, right, Dr Fletcher. 2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000466833
I know him, mm-hm.
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Lee: Um-hm. Yeah, I-I’m 2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000469536going to need your help. But I just can’t, uh, go barging 2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000471037into his life, so we’re gonna have to find a way to legitimately and unobtrusively meet him.
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Amanda: It’s absolutely no problem, I know exactly where he’ll be at four o’clock this afternoon.
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whoo hoo! Amanda is already on it!
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Love the look on Lee’s face in response..
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and Billy and Francine’s! Yes not even Francine can argue with how cool it is! [There you go Francine, a good thing to involve Amanda! Smile  Those gum leaves are so hilarious!]
By the way- this infamous ‘we could go to dinner’ exchange? Not in the script AT ALL! What were the writer’s aiming for here huh?
The scene ends here..

Moving on.. Lee pulls up in a generic blue car [looks like a Teldar car! remember those?], there’s an MSE meeting on!
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[No Vette? lol if you remember this episode, you’ll know why Winking smile and it’s not because this blue car is inconspicuous!] Mmmm I do like Lee in 2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000511244the light coloured suit.. but errr Lee? Why the change of outfit huh? After all this meeting is later the same day. Hmm maybe his flub with Amanda had him sweating so much he had to change Winking smile Anyway- me like!

2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000523256Uh oh.. the beanie Burglar, Castille is parked out front watching who is showing up for the meeting. He sees Lee arrive, and then he drives off..He seems not happy to see Lee arrive- does he know Lee is an agent?
Inside the meeting, Amanda is MC and she gets the ball rolling welcoming everyone and commenting that even though they are termed ‘mothers’ for a safe environment, there are a number of fathers there as well… Lee gives a half a clap to this one.. LOL!
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The camera cuts to Lee who looks a bit disinterested until he realises one lady is putting her hand on his shoulder to congratulate him for coming!  [there seems to be a clapping/suddenly no clapping boo boo here with the editing]
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Oh yeah! I’m a neighbourhood dad! Oopsie! So Lee forces himself to smile for everyone!! heheheee..
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The moment they stop looking his smile is immediately switched off.. whahahaa!!
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What do you make of Lee here?? [see my comments below]
Amanda lists the group’s accomplishments so far.. but not all see these as accomplishments..
Mrs Courtney: It’s not enough! … I mean…
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…when, when will we realize that petitions and letters are futile! We need positive action!.. [The audience begins to get rowdy] …And we need it now! Right?  [my goodness she sounds like a vigilante! 😉 ]
Amanda tries to calm them but can’t make herself heard:
Mrs Courtney…  Excuse me. Mrs Courtney —
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2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000587821Jean: Mrs Courtney, no one here is against orderly, legal demonstrations, but there’s 2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000595328no need to develop a mob mentality.
[I love how Jean says this with a smile- soooo ‘nice’ – when in reality these ladies are playing hardball! ]
2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000605839Lee is soo out of his element here, and IMO he seems kind of surprised at the passionate points of view.. Maybe Lee is wondering if he should have changed into his action black jumpsuit before coming? Winking smile Have a new respect for Amanda and her taking this on Lee? Winking smile
Mrs Courtney: Jean, Jean, you know as well as I do that angry people get listened to–
2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000608842Amanda: Excuse me, ladies– Excuse me, everybody! Listen, if we could save our discussions until later…

[Go Amanda! She gets back control and Mrs Courtney
2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000611411reluctantly takes her seat.] …I think it’ll probably benefit us, um… We do have a guest speaker today. Now, he’s someone from our 2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000617851neighbourhood who works as a chemist [Okay- now Lee is interested!]
2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000622355
…at one of our government targeted complexes, Bethesda Ordnance Laboratory.
He appears to be well aware his reception here is not going to be a warm one.
2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000623356Mrs Courtney sarcastically: Terrific! Oh-ho!
[That’s just plain rude! Shame on you Mrs Courtney! ]
2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000623757Amanda: Now, listen, let’s hear from the other side and we’ll try to get a better understanding of the problem, all right?..
2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000624424 [I think it’s a nice way of saying: know your enemy!! Smile ] …So, please, please, ah, let’s, let me introduce to you Dr Leonard Fletcher. Dr Fletcher?
2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000632866Dr Fletcher comes up to the podium.
Mrs Courtney: Boo. Boo. Hiss. Boo.
2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000637370[Honestly Mrs Courtney, what are you ten years old?! Winking smile ]
2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000640373
Fletcher: Now I assumed that I would not be the most 2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000641875popular speaker for this group…[The audience murmurs that he is spot on]
2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000646379Mrs Courtney: You’re absolutely right.
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2.23 VIGILANTE MOTHERS.avi_000649382We see Amanda takes note of Mrs Courtney’s behaviour. Nasty woman!
Dr Fletcher continues with h
is presentation and the scene ends there..
The script has Amanda come and sit next to Lee, and Lee quietly comments to her: ‘nice and quiet out here in the suburbs!’ Winking smile I think Lee is seeing a hotbed of intrigue here in the suburbs Winking smile [Is that from an episode? I don’t remember!]

Iwsod’s comments:

‘We could go to dinner’
1laugh till cry  So looking forward to hearing everyone’s take on this very bizarre moment between Lee and Amanda!
So what do you think was happening here? Do tell!

I think this is Amanda assuming it’s a date but it doesn’t necessarily mean anything to her – to me this is no declaration of love from Amanda – she thinks maybe Lee might want to get to know her better (because from what he said it sounded like it! ) and she was open to going out to dinner. To me, it doesn’t mean anything more than that.

I think this little exchange affects Lee more than it affects Amanda! What do you think? Amanda seems to recover much more quickly – and gets over it fast.

This moment reminds me of a Long Christmas Eve, when Lee tackles Amanda in the bushes to protect her and she thinks he is making a move- it’s interesting to think back (of course they are not exactly the same, but we can still compare IMHO) because back then Amanda said it wasn’t a good idea because it could compromise their working relationship. Now? in Vigilante Mothers? She’s not saying that anymore!!!

Anyway, I find this interesting- because to me it hints again that presently Lee and Amanda do not spend time together as friends outside of work – even though they are very good friends-  their work life and their personal life is still quite separate. With this mix up I think Amanda admits she would be happy to spend time with Lee in her private life – IMHO this is no revelation- as Amanda has always left the door open to Lee to be a friend to him- as much as he wants.
I think if a good guy asked Amanda out she’d say yes- it doesn’t mean she is in love with him- it’s just a date!
You know like with Byron??  Hmm interesting! So if MBF is before this- what do you make of it? Does this scene inform us as to whether MBF is before or after this episode? do tell!  

What have been your experiences of this scene? The first time I saw it I hated it- and felt sooo bad for Amanda and what an embarrassing situation! In front of Francine and Billy no less!  Though I now think they don’t hear Amanda’s line about going out to dinner because she whispers it.. yep I’m going with that! We don’t see if Billy and Francine  react – the camera stays on Lee and Amanda. Anyway, when I went back through the episodes more slowly and began to appreciate how close they are now – I was not as concerned for Amanda. And I was able to find it funny!! Smile  I know Lee cares about her, and Amanda is safe with Lee.. and I enjoy that he struggles with this more than Amanda does: it’s Amanda just going with the flow – a date? Okay sure why not.. but for Lee? argh! eek! what do I do with this??!! tee hee. Poor Lee! He needs to be careful what he says Smile hahahaaaaaa for this moment alone this episode is worth watching- Golden!!!

Poor Amanda.. tee hee- awkward! Though I take comfort from the fact that Francine appears to be fashion police badge and warningwearing pastel gum leaves on her top and her earrings! ROFL!! Now that is humiliation!!!! Francine is definitely under arrest for that outfit! Gum leaves are not fashion accessories Francine! They are food for Koalas koala

Soooo are you thinking Amanda’s in love because she thought Lee was asking her out? If you were in love with someone and trying to hide it- how do you think you’d deal with this misunderstanding?
To me, Amanda’s reaction here is only possible because she is not in love. To me- if she was in love with Lee and made this flub? I don’t see her recovering so easily and quickly!!!! But.. maybe this is just me.

An interesting little hint to Lee- if he asked her out she would say yes.. and it’s not akin to a marriage proposal Winking smile Combined with MBF.. Lee would definitely know that Amanda is okay with dating co-workers Smile
Whooo if I wanted to get all Freudian (and annoy BJo?! tee hee- kidding BJo!!) , I could suggest Lee was ambiguous with presenting this desire to get to know someone who lives in Amanda’s neighbourhood as a Freudian slip! Maybe Lee’s unconscious is putting it out there to see what Amanda would do with it.. would Amanda be okay with spending some time with Lee outside of work? He gets his answer.. and now knows it’s a yes! 🙂

rantThe MSE Meetingrant

What do you make of Lee at the MSE meeting?
He has to go.. but he really  doesn’t look comfortable  (his arms crossed!) – those feeling awkward in the suburbs vibes are coming through loud and clear!  I enjoy this scene a lot.. just watching Lee take it all in as this turns into Mrs Courtney Vs Jean!!! whooo the crowd goes wild! Winking smile

Is it my imagination or does Lee especially squirm when the fathers are thanked for coming, he gets a pat on the back and he realises- eek!! they think I’m a neighbourhood dad??!!!! I think Lee wants to run away in this moment.. haaaaa! Poor Lee.. don’t worry Lee you’ll get use to it. I’ll be interested to hear what you think of Lee in the suburbs in this episode.. will be interesting to see if he has progressed and measure where he is at with his ‘suburban terror’ tee hee.. okay I exaggerate 😉 a little 😉 

-Lee gets to see that not everything is fluffy kittens and flowers in the suburbs! Hmm maybe it’s not all foreign to him after all! 😉
This Mrs Courtney is a piece of work.. just plain rude- she’d rival some bad guys- Augie has better manners Winking smile
Any thoughts or insights you’d like to share thanks to this MSE meeting? Anyone?
What do you make of Lee’s behaviour at this meeting?

Okay, I shall finish up for now.. and we’ll pick up at the MSE reception which follows.
I will publish the next post in two days time.. 🙂
I should really slow things down now.. (though I don’t want to! 😉 ) ..in preparation for upcoming real life commitments.. Sooo would you guys mind if from now on I limit posts to a new post every two days or more?? 🙂  Or I can always split the posts in half and give you smaller ones? Let me know if you like..
Looking forward to hearing from you –  lots to discuss here!bye for now!

98 thoughts on “2/11 Season Two, Episode 23: Vigilante Mothers- Scarecrow and Mrs King

  1. So I’m with Jenbo on the “did Amanda have a lobotomy for breakfast?” and by the way, Jenbo, that made me LOL. On what planet would your co-worker call you into the boss’ office to talk about moving near you so he could be closer to you???!! No matter how many times I see this scene, I want to yell or throw something at the TV when she says “ooohhh, this is business…” like a complete idiot. I think this is the worst of all the dumbing downs of Amanda, but thankfully, I think it’s also the last.

    I do appreciate Morley and Debilyn’s contributions and agree with those of you who noted how this scene could actually show some interesting things about their progressing relationship. I appreciate your watching this scene and actually thinking about it for me because I just can’t. Ugh. I have to stick my fingers in my ear and la, la, la and pretend it never happened. Sorry.


  2. Francine looks like a lopsided Galah in this outfit. But her outfit is less embarrassing than Amanda’s cringe-worthy comment. I blush just thinking about it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. There were a lot of comments for a ” NOT SO GREAT EPISODE”..imo…I have always been kind of ermbarrased for Amanda when she assumed that Lee wanted to rent the house to get closer to her…..I just hate when they dumb her down like that…
    The only part of this episode that I like comes later after Lee has rented the house….(spoiler alert )..he locks himself out and Amanda to the rescue! ; ) …but it has been a while since I have seen it, so maybe i will see something different as we walk through it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Gruvy Granny! Ah yes.. well sometimes I think we discuss parts we don’t like more – as a way of dealing with them! we come up with different explanations, interpretations.. or whatever to improve scenes or episodes some may say they don’t like so much.

      The blog post including ‘the slap’ from Burn out would probably be one of the most commented on posts – not because we love the slap.. but because we love the characters and want to come to terms with the episodes’s events.. sometimes it can make us feel better 🙂

      I quite like Vigilante Mothers.. while the unexplained issues with toxic waste and pollution bug me, I am enjoying exploring the events of this episode.. and yeah – there is a scene coming up which alone makes this episode worthwhile – I agree with you 😉 I’m looking forward to discussing that scene!! 🙂


  4. Ugh. This scene. Makes me want to cringe every time I watch it. This is one of two scenes that I like to fast-forward through. The other is in BAI with Francine and Rahlo – eeeew…. And unfortunately there is no way I could ever be convinced that Billy and Francine do not hear this conversation between Lee and Amanda. To start, both B&F are looking at them right before the close-up. At least twice Lee looks over to B&F during the conversation and Amanda looks their way too – this is because they know they are listening – IMHO. And after Amanda proudly announces that she knows exactly where Dr. Fletcher will be at 4 o’clock they both look over and B&F are standing there facing L&A not each other – so B&F were not having a conversation to themselves. But Amanda only gets a guest pass.

    I agree – Lee looks really cute and shy there 🙂 But Amanda only gets a guest pass.

    Love Lee’s look of discomfort at the part about the neighborhood fathers being there. Nope, no way is he thinking that is something he wants. Is it just me or does Mrs. Courtney look like a red-headed Dotty? But Amanda only gets a guest pass.

    I’ve given this dinner scene more thought and here’s what I’m going to go with: as usual Amanda is not given any background information on a potential case, so she thinks that Lee is coming up with a convoluted cover to get closer to Amanda when she’s thinking they could cut to the chase and just go to dinner. But Amanda only gets a guest pass.

    I hear what you’re saying, iwsod, on them not spending time together outside of work and Amanda admitting that would be okay, but I don’t see this impacting episode order. It’s Lee not some unknown new nice guy so I don’t see what happened with BJ factoring in here. But Amanda only gets a guest pass.

    I don’t remember seeing this scene for the first time – I think I must have hated it and tried to block it out from the start. But Amanda only gets a guest pass.

    So nice of you to think of me, iwsod! 😉 But Amanda only gets a guest pass. 😆 😆 😆 Not that I’m trying to be annoying or anything. 😉
    Actually, I don’t find it annoying what you go Freudian on me. I find it confusing. 🙂

    I like Rita better than Mrs. Courtney. I want a t-shirt that says that. That way when I wear it I’d know who the true SMK fans are here in Atlanta.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad to know I am not annoying you.. just confusing you LOL! 😉

      Hey I hear what you’re saying about Billy and Francine but I do think it’s possible they didn’t hear Amanda’s line about just going out to dinner. The rest, they heard.. but Amanda leaned toward Lee and whispered/mumbled this line – because she knew they had company.. in the hopes they wouldn’t hear.

      Billy and Francine were watching the whole thing.. and would have heard the rest of the conversation- but if they didn’t hear that line of Amanda’s I’m happy ! 🙂

      I think Lee looks over to Billy and Francine because he is thinking – eek we can’t talk about this we have company.. he is very aware that Billy and Francine are watching them. And other than the one line from Amanda, they hear the conversation.. and would have been left confused about what Amanda thought it was if not agency business 😉 tee hee.. I think the mental gymnastics of this work fine for me 🙂

      BTW – Umm can someone just confirm for me – does Amanda ditch the guest pass anytime in season 3?! If not.. I guess I better lay off complaining about it huh?! because we have a whole season ahead for us if she doesn’t get it till season 4.

      Rita?? really??!!! There is a moment later where I decided I liked Mrs Courtney lol.. but for now she’s just plain rude! 🙂


      1. What’s that saying about De Nile? I think you must be a gold medal contender for the Mental Gymnastics competition. 😉 Just kidding!!! Actually, I’m glad they didn’t show us for sure if B&F heard what Amanda say or not – it leaves it up to us to interpret. I’m still having a hard time convincing myself that they didn’t hear it, but this will forever be one of life’s greatest mysteries. That and why they did it in the first place. Maybe KJ agreed to do the scene only if B&F’s reaction to it was not shown?

        I have no idea if Amanda gets moved up to official trainee on her badge in S3 but it sure seems like her status improves at the Agency. Actually, I never noticed the whole guest pass thing until I saw you complaining about it on the blog. And speaking of Amanda’s guest pass, um, I hope I didn’t annoy you too much 🙂

        Rita, really. Yes, she was quite vile, but at least she was vile through and through. Mrs. Courtney on the other hand reminds me of a real-life person I had the misfortune of knowing who turned out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.


      2. Mrs, Courtney really does remind me of a family member of mine. I don’t know if that is a good thing or a bad thing… but my family member does get a lot of policy pushed through the proverbial red tape…


  5. Well, living proof that this blog does help me get more out of the show. I never really read anything into the little exchange between Lee and Amanda. I just didn’t really like the scene and dismissed it. However, after reading the comments I went back and rewatched the scene and now I do see a little bit more than I did before and I even kind of like it now. I think Morley summed up what I see here now. It shows how feelings have begun to come to the surface for Lee and Amanda after everything they have been through the last couple episodes. I think instinctively both Lee and Amanda are aware that something has shifted between them but neither is consciously prepared to deal with it yet. That’s why I think subconsciously Amanda left the agency after burn out in part to break away from Lee.

    Though, I still think that is the case in MBF i went back and watched burn out again too, and I am seeing that a little differently as well. I have always seen Amanda as being a little bit in love with Lee but having long since buried those feeling by the time of burnout, and then again realizing just how deep her feelings were in burnout. Now I see something different. While I think love is at work under the surface for both Lee and Amanda in burn out I don’t think either one of them is conscious of that.

    I see something different motivating Amanda now and it comes out of something previously discussed in this blog. IWSOD had said in spiderweb that part of the reason Lee clung so tightly to his belief in Amanda is because after what he went through with Eva he really needed Amanda to be exactly what he though she was. Now I am kind of seeing the same thing going on with Amanda in Burnout. It may not be as obvious with Amanda because she is such a soft hearted person who always sees the best in everyone but I wonder if after going through a divorce she has trust issues just like Lee does. Maybe that’s why after her divorce Amanda settled into reletionship with someone like Dean who she may have been fond of but obviously did not stir any kind of passion in her, because he was safe. But then Lee came along and despite what she went through with Joe she now really truly believes in and has faith in a man again. So in burn out she simply can’t accept that that faith is misplaced, just like Lee couldn’t accept that his faith in Amanda could have been misplaced in Spiderweb.

    I still do think Amanda has had feeling for Lee all along but now I think they are still buried for the most part in burn out. As strong as those feelings maybe I am not sure that after Lee slapping Amanda, that that is the point she would admit those feelings to herself.

    After going through BO, MBF, and VM step by step. think everything Lee and Amanda have been through are pushing feelings to the surface which I now see being the case in this scene in VM but I don’t see either Lee or Amanda being completely conscious that is what is going on yet. For the first time I am starting to see Lee and Amanda in the same place in their reletionship, both as having deep feeling but neither one prepared to deal with them. Lee because he is just emotionally stunted and doesn’t know how to deal with those emotions, and Amanda because despite the strong feeling I see her as always having she is not going to open up to the possibility of something with Lee until she can trust him in every way.

    What I see going on here now is actually very profound to me. The idea that love can be at work and work miracle like it did burnout before people are even ready to embrace it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Like your comments Misty.
      I still can’t stand the scene in the office was handled and don’t really think Amanda’s response to Lee would have been so overt but I guess they had to get the point across that things are closer to the surface for these two now. May be it was also setting the scene for a certain dinner invitation in the not too distant future? I’m not sold on that explanation though as the script for that S3 episode probably wasn’t even written when this ep was filmed.


      1. Hey kiwismh! It’s good to be sceptical! 🙂

        I think dinner has been mentioned between Lee and Amanda before this and the later scene you have in mind IMHO also refers back to the earlier scene.. we can discuss the future scene when we get to it.. but the earlier scene I’m thinking of is in Rememberance of things past – where Lee and Amanda were going to have burgers and wine.. 😉 and Lee says he’s not disappointed they won’t have it.. and Amanda says she isn’t disappointed.. and we know they are totally disappointed 😉 I think the enjoying a meal together thing becomes significant 🙂 so because of this, I wouldn’t rule out the writers having planned it.

        I think the writes do plan out big moments between Lee and Amanda.. so they can plan for it.. though not in detail..

        Ohh sorry you still can’t stand the scene in Billy’s office! oh well! you gave it a go 🙂


        1. It’s okay Iwsod, I have rewritten that little scene in my head so I only see what I want to see while this scene is playing… la, la, la, la, la – fingers in ears, eyes closed, gone to my “happy place” 😀

          Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah, Kiwishm, the thing that had always bothered me about this scene in the past was how overt Amanda was. I think she would have been uncomfortable about Lee asking her out in front of Billy and Francine. Though, I really don’t see Lee coming off in that manner as much as some of you do I can certainly see how Amanda would think that given where I see Lee and Amanda being at this stage of their reletionship. Seeing is how Amanda thought Lee was kind of coming on to her in front of Billy and Francine I can kind of see Amanda reacting the way she did. I think she was overt in an effort to help Lee save face more than because she was consciously thinking she wanted to date Lee. Kind of reminds me of If Thoughts Could Kill when Amanda told everyone in the reception hall she was there to jump out of the cake rather than let everyone know she was there to stop Lee from killing Billy. I think Amanda really gets more than some women just how fragile a man’s ego really is and doesn’t think it takes away from her as a woman at all to protect that. Had this scene taken place in private I think Amanda would have questioned Lee a bit more about his intentions like she did when she thought Lee was coming onto her in A Long Christmas Eve. I don’t think Amanda would have been totally closed off to the idea of something more with Lee, but would have been more skeptical about whether it was a good idea as I don’t see either Lee or Amanda as being quite ready for a romantic reletionship yet despite of the fact that I think they both have those feelings at this point.


        1. Yeah at least Amanda seems taken aback by what she thought Lee was asking her huh!

          How it would have transpired had they not had an audience? that’s an interesting idea!
          Yeah I wondered about why Amanda was okay to go out now but worried about the complications in TLCE.. I figured it was because she knows him better.. but also because here she was thinking it was dinner and getting to know each other better.. but maybe not necessarily jumping into a relationship kinda thing? I don’t know.. but I didn’t see Amanda reading toooo deeply into Lee’s flub.. ie. she was thinking it was a date, not a roll in the hay or a marriage proposal 😉 does that make sense? Ohh I don’t know! oh well I’m glad we’ve managed to make peace with this scene 🙂


          1. Yes, she knows him better now than she did in TLCE. I like what was said about her sensitivity towards his ego too, especially if she was picking up any vibe from Lee about Byron Jordan and the dinner she had with him. I do think she is just trying to figure out what is going on between them. Going to dinner together can be a neutral way of proceeding. They have had dinner together, remember in Dodger? I agree that she isn’t reading very deeply into what she thought Lee was saying. I think she is determined not to.
            This little scene keeps reminding me of something that happened to a friend of mine. About a year before my friend got engaged to her now husband they were driving up to my wedding. At one point in their trip her then boyfriend had her go into the glove box and pull out a jewelry case. He asked her to open it for him. In it was his tie tack. But he was closely watching her reaction, I guess he was trying to gauge what she would she would do if he had offered her an engagement ring or something. He said he was very encouraged by her level of nerves about the whole thing. I think he was awful to do that, but they are very happily married. I always thought that she should have given him a tie tack instead of a ring on their wedding day, but, oh well. This scene kind of reminds me of that. Not that Lee is doing it so much on purpose, but I wouldn’t put it past him to be gauging Amanda a bit here at some level. I do think he is pleased about her reaction. In the scene from SOS that you compared this too, I think Lee is pleased as well that someone likes him, but he seems embarrassed that Amanda sees it, here I just think he is giddy with pleasure that Amanda might even consider him as more than a business friend. He just can’t contain that smile.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. Yeah, I think Amanda would have been cautiously open to it if Lee did want to take things to the next level at this point, but if Lee had pursued something with her at this point I think we would have just seen pretty much what we see in season 3 anyway just a little sooner. Lee and Amanda spending time together feeling things out. I don’t see Amanda jumping right into a reletionship here or either one making any kind of commitment yet.


    2. whooo hoooo! gooooo Misty!!! 🙂

      I’m lovin everything you’ve said here.. glad you’re experience of the show has been enhanced by your interactions here at the blog. It’s ironic you say that actually, because this comment of yours here has enhanced my view of this scene too! 🙂
      I started out loathing it.. then came to see it as okay.. then saw it as funny and kinda cute.. but I didn’t relate it to the wider picture.. maybe because I was preoccupied with sorting out my episode order isssues (!) but.. you [along with Morley’s brillant comment] have made the scene sing! Now.. if only I was given confirmation that Francine didn’t hear it.. ugh! 😉

      Seriously though, I thought it showed progress from Lee.. but now I can see that yeah – it shows the progression of things with Amanda too that her mind went there (even if Lee did basically make it sound like he was asking her out- because Heck, she is in her boss’ office!) .
      I can’t wait to hear what you guys think of a later scene.. and I am also starting to wonder if the dinner thing was inserted with longer term plans in mind – Dotty even refers to Dinner and Mr Sampson later! This seems intentional..
      Anyway, I’m basically at the same place as you Misty with where I see Lee and Amanda now!


      1. About Francine: surely if she had heard their conversation she would have snickered, or had a sarcastic look on her face when the camera turns to her and Billy. But she doesn’t have any expression like that. Makes a good case for them not having heard, IMHO.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I rewatched sections of VM today — Mrs. Courtney was highly edited. :)Anyway, the church sign that Lee looks at says “Youth Meeting: The Joy of Serving”. HeeHee. Sounds like one of the props people had to sit through a “joy of serving” talk as a youth group attendee (they probably needed it). 🙂


  7. Re: episode order. The dinner comment seems odd if this is after MBF. I mean, her last dinner ended up with one diner dead and the other arrested. It doesn’t seem like Amanda would earnestly suggest dinner together so soon after an experience like that, and it was too serious to make a joke of it.
    But maybe that’s just another of this scene’s problems — failure to have good continuity.


    1. oh boy.. now this is making sense to me LASinLA!! 🙂
      Trouble is.. I also just read Morley’s ideas about how MBF sets up the idea of dinner, and thought that made sense.. lol!.. this really is a dog’s breakfast 😉 haaaa..

      I think I might just take this scene out of the equation when trying to figure out the order.. it isn’t in the script – Lee says he wants to move closer to where Dr Fletcher lives and it’s all clear!

      The idea that this is a last attempt to insert some romantic tension in there before the start of season three sounds good to me!

      Yeah Billy and Francine could hear the rest of their conversation but at least they probably didn’t hear ‘we could go out for dinner’ from Amanda.. that was the line that made me feel terrible for her if Billy and Francine heard! 😉

      oh well..for those of you who find this scene traumatic: hang in here! There is good stuff ahead 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I appreciate the sensitivity towards Jordan demise and how traumatic that was for Amanda and what you said made me pause for a moment. But I don’t think it would have stopped Amanda from making the suggestion about dinner with Lee. I think she might have made the suggestion because I do think she was aware or expecting that old jealousy out of Lee there in the jail cell over the dinner with Jordan. I also think that even though the dinner was Jordan’s demise and Amanda is not someone who would brush that under the rug, she was much more invested in her relationship with Lee and I could see her offering a dinner in order to get to know one another outside of work. It kind of becomes a thing/ theme for them doesn’t it?


      1. I agree this going out to dinner becomes a bit of a motif doesn’t it!! I can’t wait to discuss where this idea goes! 🙂

        Gah! I don’t know what to think. the scene is just out of place really..
        heck.. if it’s not clear I should probably just leave the order as is..


        1. Maybe the scene is out of place, but (don’t shoot me girls) I like it now. It just shows how close everything has come to the surface for them. Maybe they don’t even know how awkward this is. I know they both look at Billy and Francine and become a little self conscious, but if it had been just the two of them standing there. The fact that they both even go there in the presence of two other people is kind of telling, you know?


          1. Okay Morley, I am just going to sit here with my fuzzy robe, wine and chocolate, and let you do do the thinking for me! Wow, you are full of amazing thoughts and insights which haven’t crossed my mind but once you share them, they keep stirring around in my caldron and become something more than I started with. You are a wizard! (Can you tell that I am knee deep in Harry Potter?!)

            Liked by 1 person

          2. The doc is in! I like the idea that L&A don’t even know how awkward this is. But I’m feeling enough awkward for the both of them. And the fact that they both go there in the presence of B&F (B&F!) is telling – but what does it tell? Hmmm. I had a slightly similar situation like this happen to me a long, long time ago before I met my husband. I had a crush on a co-worker and to make a long story short, I did act sort of embarrassingly (weird but not inappropriate to be clear 🙂 )in front of a superior because of my crush on the co-worker. While I see Amanda as having buried her crush a long time ago, I wonder if Lee telling her that he wants to get closer to someone in her neighborhood has sprung loose a spring for just a second and Amanda loses her head? I’m really reaching here, I know, but I’m trying to make some sense of this scene in my head so I can watch it without cringing.


            1. I don’t think you are reaching at all. I think her reaction here makes her reaction coming up soon in a future episode seem not so out of the blue. She did put her crush away, but now that friendship is really growing I could see her needing to rearrange the Tupperware again. But she doesn’t seem off kilter when she responds to him here, the only thing is that she said it in front of B&F. I guess what feels off kilter to me is her response afterwards with the ooo Agency business. Maybe she was disappointed that it was all business again.


      2. I’m not too committed to any particular episode order, and think you have some great points about MBF setting up this conversation. Just “thinking out loud” about it. Dinner as a theme for them — yes! Who was it that pointed out how much eating goes on in SMK? Yet it seems perfectly natural, since eating really is important in people’s daily lives. Everybody’s gotta eat. But we’ll get to that scene soon! 🙂


        1. Ahhh!!! Hey your everybody’s gotta eat line is nearly verbatim what Dotty says later in this very episode.. about a certain someone.. seems the dinner theme is alive and still has legs in this episode (err as Augie would put it 😉 )


  8. Yay! I finally have a moment to comment thanks to gross February weather in New England, we have a snow day.

    I used to hate this scene. I used to be all embarrassed for Amanda. But I don’t feel that way any more. It was one of those scenes that I didn’t understand when I watched the show in a confusing order and didn’t pay attention to the nuances. I think I also felt that Amanda was in love with Lee from early on and so I was embarrassed that she jumped on the “he wants” me wagon and let everyone see it.

    But I don’t think that way any more. Actually, this time I was a little embarrassed for Lee. Here is in his bosses office with Francine and they may have been privy to his little giddy reaction that Amanda would be ok with having dinner with him. I do think his “preconscious” just went on a little fishing expedition. Did Billy expect every agent to move in next door to the people they were watching? Lee could have done surveillance like every other time, couldn’t he? I think he does want to be closer to someone…I think he wants to be closer to Amanda. I think he may even want to check out that suburban scene again. But I really don’t think he is letting himself know this. And I think as he starts to suspect that he is wanting this it is Freaking Him Out! There is some duality about Lee right now.

    I have a lot of respect for Amanda’s character. She isn’t perfect, she has her insecurities. She is a private person but she isn’t afraid to speak either. So when she makes this offer of going to dinner here I really don’t think she is being a complete ditz. It fits for me especially after the having dinner with Byron Jordan thing. I think she may be saying something to the effect that her friendship with Lee is important to her too, but having dinner is a sufficient way of getting to know one another better. I do think she is confused about what is changing between herself and Lee, and she may even be confused about why Lee is bringing this up in Billy’s office. But she is giving him an honest and open response. Maybe she is a bit embarrassed and maybe even a bit disappointed that it is Agency related business after all, but she recovers too quickly for someone who just wore her heart on her sleeve.
    As for the MSE meeting. I love it that everyone thinks Lee is a suburban father, I love it that he gets to see Amanda in such an environment. It is like he has taken one more tentative step closer to what being with Amanda on her turf would be like. Kind of like the little kid that stands outside the game and swears he doesn’t want to play (I will never be a Bomber father), he doesn’t even like the game, but slowly he steps closer and closer until he is in the game as well.

    Mrs. Courtney reminds me of some activist I know who have gotten so caught up in how strongly they feel about their issue that they have forgotten what it was all about in the first place.

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  9. i do think Lee is a little embarrassed here (and thanks for the “casino scene” shot), but I also think he takes notice that she didn’t refuse on the spot. I’ve always taken it as Billy and Francine didn’t really catch the conversation because they weren’t really paying attention to Lee and Amanda. Instead they were reviewing the other assignments that needed to be made. Lee and Amanda’s glances their way were to insure they weren’t overheard. (Hey, it works for me. That’s my scenario and I’m sticking to it.)

    I see Amanda thinking “Is he saying what I think he’s saying? Here?” And her response as being a bit of relief mixed with “Oops!” I think she has been pondering how much more open Lee has become with her in the last few weeks. She’s happy their friendship is on a more secure footing, but she’s not thinking “WooHoo, he’s mine for the taking.” She’s begun moving forward (hence taking the recent job change), but she does enjoy the time she spends with him and savors those moments.

    Lee at the meeting: I think he’s treating this like a surveillance job – trying to observe and not react. Though, he obviously needs to respond to those greeting him. I do think he pays attention to the speaker, though. After all, that’s the man he’s supposed to investigate and stick close to.

    Mrs. Courtney, and others like her – they are in every “action group,” I think. Aggressive and rude – yuck!


    1. Oh, and as for Billy and Francine’s reaction. I think Billy’s response is more of a “sure, Amanda would know that,” while Francine’s is more of “wow, Amanda’s becoming pretty good at this.” Of course, when pressed Francine would not admit to thinking this. 🙂


    2. I am going with your scenario Debilyn because it makes it less painful to watch. (I live in a world of delusion and like it! ROFL)

      Oh and Iwsod, I vote for slower posts just because I can’t keep up with all these wonderful comments and am losing my mind trying focus on RL too.

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  10. No, I do not mind at all if there is more time between posts 🙂 But then again, I seem to be one of the few people having a hard time keeping up. Just when I’ve caught up I get behind again!

    I will come back to comment more on this post, but I absolutely hate this “dinner” scene – to me this is worse than any dialogue crime committed in ACA.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re not the only one having trouble keeping up and then it’s not fun to comment because everyone’s moved on. It feels like you have missed the party!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Awh! Melissa!!! sorry it feels like that!! though do feel free to add your comments anyway.. I love to read them even if it is an episode we have already walked through. – though I understand what you mean, there isn’t as much ongoing discussion going on.. hmm.. well hopefully if I stick to a slower pace this will make things better for you 🙂


  11. It’s no good. I’ve just sat and watched the dinner scene like 5 times and I am still cringing. Flooding clearly isn’t working as a desensitising technique LOL
    IWSOD I am with you on the Freudian slip, how ambiguous was his statement 😉 but then again……Amanda. Did you have a lobotomy for breakfast?! You were called into your boss’ office with another two agents present and you think Lee is hinting that he wants to rend a house so he can be close to you?! D’oh. As Homer Simpson would say.
    Thankfully Lee and his uber cute double dimple shot takes the sting away.
    I agree with the theories that this was a bit of a teaser to hype up a potential sexual tensions in season 3. It makes no sense otherwise.
    So their reactions. I don’t think Amanda is doe-eyed and in love. She recovers too quickly. But Lee is super cute with his mixture of embarrassment at her getting the wrong end of the stick and maybe a little bit of pleasure at the idea 😉
    Sorry to burst your bubble ladies but Bill and Francine most definitely heard that, especially when Amanda practically shouts “oh this is agency business”!!!!
    Mrs Courtney. What a fishwife!!! It’s wonderful to have passionate people but she’s just ruder than a rude thing 😦
    Urgh that pat from the lady behind Lee……patronising or what? I am rolling my eyes with you Lee.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OK, one more theory — They were contractually obligated to use those lines in season 2 and it was supposed to be in Class Act with all the other drecky dialogue and cringeworthy scenes but it somehow got missed. Then the powers that be realized that this was the last episode of the season so they were forced to use it here.
      This is making my brain hurt, I think I will just repress the memory. (REALLY! What numbskull thought those lines in this context would be a great idea? YUCK!)

      Liked by 1 person

        1. I’ve always wondered the same thing… why KJ went with it? I guess it’s just another one of those things we’ll only be able to speculate about…


    2. whwhaaahaaa.. good on you for trying Jenbo!
      I think what finally made me able to not cringe when watching this was Lee’s reaction- he won’t use this remark against Amanda and it is very quickly forgotten.. and he is very cute in trying to move on from it 🙂
      That and Billy and Francine don’t hear!

      Yeah the congratulating men for showing up thing at the MSE bugs me too.. why do they get a big hooray?! Like we should thank men for their superior presence?? when the group is Mothers for a safe environment so it doesn’t scream hey men we want you here?!
      though heck.. to see Lee squirm like that it was worth it 😉

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      1. A room full of angry women is a lot scarier than a room full of angry men. Any bloke that would put himself in the middle of that lot deserves some kudos! And of course in many ways men are so much less capable than women. They need a lot more positive reinforcement, whereas women are better at just keeping focussed and motivated regardless of recognition. 😉


  12. Oh im so distracted, could someone pleas pull Amandas sweater over her shoulder? Ahh the mother in me….
    Anyway, I was also so embrassed for Amanda, but like Jule sayd Lee is so sweet here so its ok. I hope Billy and Francine the tree dont here it. Have to watch that scenen again, byee.


  13. I have re-watched the “we could go to dinner” scene and read the script. I agree with others that the filmed scene appears to be a clumsy last minute attempt to inject a hint of the potential for a relationship into the episode. Saying something like this out loud and in front of others is out of character for Amanda. She’s not that ditsy. Also, there’s no way Billy and Francine didn’t hear this exchange, and there’s no way Amanda would have said such a thing in front of them, let alone said it to Lee at this point in their friendship.
    Having said that, what the writers were trying to convey does fit with where I see Amanda being at the moment, i.e. she realised in Burn Out that she has romantic feelings for Lee that she cannot dwell or act on because, although she loves him dearly as a friend, she doesn’t see him committing to a long-term, normal relationship, and so on as we have discussed in previous posts. Although she is determined to content herself with his friendship, I think she is sub-consciously primed to react to a signal from Lee that he might be interested in more with her. So, her initial reaction to Lee’s “I want to get closer to someone who lives there” may well have been a moment of mild shock communicated in a not so overt way, which of course would be difficult to film so that the audience would get it. Lee and Amanda are pretty good at reading each other and eye communication even at this stage of their relationship…. SO… Are you still with me gang? I do have a point and I am getting to it 😉
    This is one of those SMK moments where one is forced to blot out the filmed scene and replace it with a WRH What Really Happened. Here’s my take on how that scene played out.
    Lee says, “I want to get closer to someone who lives there”. Amanda is momentarily taken aback as her initial (unspoken) thought is, ”Does he mean me?! Suddenly self-conscious Amanda looks towards Billy and Francine, then back to Lee, who sees her reaction and is confused. He asks “What?” There ensues a few seconds of awkward silence as Amanda tries to reign in her immediate reaction and think of a sensible response, and as Lee tunes into her reaction and realises what she might have assumed he was meaning. (Hence his “immediate, unchecked reaction” – thanks Iwsod.) Amanda’s look towards Billy and Francine and the suddenly silent “conversation” would also draw their closer attention. By now Lee has tuned into what Amanda reaction was all about and is aware of their audience, hence his “shy and embarrassed” look towards Billy and Francine before he recovers and explains to Amanda that he wants to get “closer to Dr Leonard Fletcher”…. and carry on with the rest of the scene as filmed from that point.
    It’s still not perfect but it is the best I can come up with at the end of a long day. Oiiii, where’s the dark chocolate? I’m experiencing some brain fade after my laborious efforts to make that horrid scene right. 😯

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES. I agree that Amanda would never in a million years say this out loud – unless it were a “immediate, unchecked reaction” on HER part. But KJ doesn’t deliver the line that way (i.e., Amanda doesn’t just blurt it out). I also concur that the only reason Amanda would even go there – wondering if it were her Lee wanted to be closer to – is if she’d been mulling over her changing relationship with Lee, pondering some “what ifs.” That said, your version of how this should have played out is infinitely better than the clumsy exchange we got.

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    2. whahahahaaaaa!!! I loved these comments of yours kiwismh! WRH could definitely catch on! 🙂

      Especially liked your idea that they decided to insert a hint of a relationship ahead..
      You’ve done well with those laborious efforts of yours 🙂


  14. One thing I like about the meeting is that Lee gets to see Amanda handling difficult people like Mrs. Courtney and doing really well in spite of their determination to stir things up. It makes up for the embarrassing misunderstanding in Billy’s office. I’m not sure whether Billy or Francine heard what Amanda said or not. I kind of thought that they had because Lee glanced to the side at them while he was reacting to Amanda’s comment. It might be that they just skipped showing us Francine’s reaction because Lee’s is much more interesting. He really does seem flattered at the idea that Amanda might be interested in “getting closer” to him as well as embarrassed that she basically admitted to it in front of Billy and Francine. 🙂

    Cute koala pic, Iwsod! 😀


    1. I also agree with your comment that Lee is both flattered and embarrassed in this scene. To his credit he covers over the awkward moments quite graciously here. Unlike how he would have reacted in S1 which would have been more brusque and much less considerate of Amanda’s feelings, he is now in somewhat of a state of confusion about his feelings. Part of him still recoils from the thought of a long-term committed, normal relationship but his deepening attraction to Amanda is beginning to undermine his old ways of thinking.


      1. True! haaa.. though.. this is slightly different.

        I agree with Jestress I enjoyed seeing Amanda take on a role of leadership here
        – while trying to deal with Francine is probably equivalent to a whole room of angry housewives (ha!) here Amanda is the person suppose to be leading the meeting so it’s slightly different to see her taking on that role and managing to do it..


  15. I just don’t read too much into the little exchange between Lee and Amanda when Amanda thinks Lee is trying to get close to her. It did always remind me of when Amanda thought Lee was coming on to her in the Long Christmas Eve. I think because there has always been a spark between these two long before they were in love sometimes Amanda gets a little nervous about Lee’s intentions. Really if she was being rational she would know it’s kind of silly to think Lee would make a move on her by throwing her down in the woods or that he would state an intention of trying to get close to her in front of Billy and Francine, but again to me that is just caused by the fact that Lee makes Amanda a little nervous sometimes. Doesn’t mean anything more than that. I don’t think this little exchange is born out of deeper feelings on either Lee or Amanda’s part. Like I said in the first post I don’t think either Lee or Amanda are consciously thinking about wanting more out of the reletionship at this point. I think if Lee did try to pursue something with Amanda right now she might be cautiously open to it but does not really give much thought to what it might mean in this scene. The only part that strikes me as there being any thing deeper going on as that Lee does seem a little embarrassed at Amanda’s misinterpretation of his intentions, as well as a little nervous himself, whereas in the past he would have thought she was being silly and probably been a little annoyed by it.

    Can I just say I can’t stand most of the women in this episode. Compromising their principals for a man that in reality they barely know, and this community action group, uck. I am all for community action but sitting around harping and complaining is not condusive to anything. And I admit I am not the most open minded person in the world when I feel strongly about something but refusing to admit that there is any validity to opposing view points is no way to accomplish anything or to make people see things your way. Booing someone without even hearing them out, grow up. These women make me cringe. I think for the most part Lee is pretty disinterested in the whole thing because let’s face it he deals with life and death situations daily, the daily struggles of suburbia are not something that he would be overly concerned with, but at the same time he seems a little taken back by how rude they are. Which says a lot about how rude they are because Lee doesn’t always bother with pretense of manners himself.


  16. Ugh! I still hate the bit in Billy’s office. Sorry, Iwsod–your take helped a bit, and Lee is sweet here, but… ugh! reaches for fast-forward The conspiracy theorist in me (and I’m really not much of one–in fact, I’m usually the one trying to talk the theorists out of their trees…) thinks that–being the season finale–the writers were aiming to set up some intrigue for Season 3… a teaser, of sorts… and tried to make Amanda look like she’s more into Lee than we believe she is at this point of her journey… putting her out of character IMHO… and I think they need slapped upside the head! 😦 I know, I know. Tell us how you really feel, KC!

    But yes, Lee is cute… awhhh… and maybe a little embarrassed?

    Yes, the “generic blue car” does look a lot like a Teldar car… surprise, surprise. Not.

    Hmmm… fluke or not that Lee end up sitting beside the cute young blonde? :p And yeah–he seems a tad put out at being mistaken for a neighbourhood father (though, as an agent, he should be happy that he’s been accepted in with a suitable assumed cover!)… shades of “I am not, nor do I ever intend to be, a Bomber father.” LOL!

    Someone needs to teach Mrs. Courtney to be nice! Moo! (Ooohhh, I know… put her and Francine into a ring for a verbal smackdown match–nine rounds, at least–and let Auggie be the referee! Wah hah hah!)

    What? You’re going to be rationing our JWWM time? Nooooooo…!!!… 😀 Seriously, whatever works for you. 🙂 Though I guess this should give us guest writers more impetus to write. Hmmm…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sure it’s a Teldar car. The government repo’d them all after the shakedown and redistributed them to places like the Agency. 🙂


    2. Oh well it was worth a try!! 🙂

      Ah I see you agree with kiwismh regarding injecting some hint of romance – that is a good idea I like it!!

      lol yes shades of I am not a bomber’s father!!! 🙂

      Someone needs to teach Mrs. Courtney to be nice! Moo! (Ooohhh, I know… put her and Francine into a ring for a verbal smackdown match–nine rounds, at least–and let Auggie be the referee! Wah hah hah!)

      Okay KC you’ve gotta warn me before you say something like this – nearly sprayed my coffee!! 🙂 haaa haaa.. Augie is terrible!! ha haaa.. Sounds ‘primitive’!

      Liked by 1 person

  17. I believe the exchange between the 2 was a typical Amanda oops. I did notice that Lee didn’t give her the usual
    frustrated look. He looked embarrassed. How did he know the house was empty? Hmmm


    1. yep, he certainly knows the goings on in her neighborhood (which is probably why there is so much fan fiction about his stalkerish hanging around her house when she doesn’t even know it)


    2. Hello Vicki! Your first comment nearly slipped by me! I don’t think we’ve heard from you before? [gosh if we have sorry! 🙂 ]
      Anyway- welcome to JWWM 🙂 Hope you enjoy your time here and are able to delight in SMK and all it’s goodness along with the rest of us 🙂

      Good point.. it’s one thing to know the street is near Amanda.. but.. to notice it is empty?? Hmm.. hints that maybe Lee noticed and wondered what it would be like to live there? 😉 err unconsciously of course! 😉 haaaa..

      Then again maybe it was his spy training telling him to take note, because KGB agents could set up shop there and send out radio signals so they can frame Amanda as a double agent sometime 😉 tee hee!

      Welcome to slightly loopy JWWM Vicki! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Err, umm, I’m thinking that Lee maybe drives by the house on his way to or from Amanda’s and notices the sign in the front yard that says For Rent on it? If he asked her if the Cooperman house was still available to rent, now that might make me think he’d been doing some checking.


  18. Even now I cringe when it gets to this point in the episode, but I let myself get through it because the embarrassing part ends so quickly. I’m not sure if Billy or Francine hear Amanda or not, but I’m glad that it was something that didn’t get dragged out and they just moved on.

    The question from Lee was a little misleading, especially how he posed it. He could have just come out and said something about Dr. Fletcher. I find it interesting that he knows there is a house for rent on her block. He seems to know Maplewood pretty well. I’m glad that he doesn’t make Amanda feel bad for her mistake and she moves on pretty well and quickly. She looks surprised that he would ask such a question in front of Lee and Billy. I like Lee’s bashfulness and hesitation as he deals with Amanda’s misconception.

    I’m not sure what to think about what Amanda thinks. She does recover quickly and she is always a little hard to read. Maybe she takes it for what it is “getting to know someone better”. Dinner is much simpler than moving into the neighborhood. What starts out at cringe worthy ends up being kind of cute in a way.

    Don’t like Mrs. Courtney, she’s a pill. This meeting is another suburban eye-opener for Lee. He already gave props to the stamina of the suburban housewife. He also already knows there is more to them than a stereotype, based on his interactions with Amanda. I think he appreciates them, but he is learning that they can be pretty tenacious. I think he is just mostly biding his time until he can hear and meet Fletcher.


    1. Lee can have the knack of asking or phrasing things misleading for Amanda (I’m thinking of the episode The Mole, where she thinks he is actually talking about a real mole).


      1. Oh dear! and making Amanda look stupid!! But at this point in the show they are so much closer than they were in The Mole – so I don’t mind it as much.. Lee isn’t looking down his nose at her like he use to or pushing her away – here he has actually chosen to include her in his job.. so for me this eases the pain 😉 we are all protectors of Amanda’s dignity [POADs!] aren’t we 😉


  19. I don’t rewatch Vigilante Mothers as much as other episodes, probably because of Mrs. Courtney. Large gatherings of women are generally intimidating to me (one-on-one is much more my style), but gatherings that include rude, shreiking, angry women of her type — avoid, avoid, avoid! She drives me crazy.
    I like the idea that Billy and Francine couldn’t hear the dinner conversation — much less embarrassing for Amanda. And they don’t seem to be blushing or embarrassed at having heard the exchange when the camera does finally turn back to them.


    1. Large gatherings of women are generally intimidating to me (one-on-one is much more my style), but gatherings that include rude, shreiking, angry women of her type — avoid, avoid, avoid!

      I couldn’t agree more, LASinLA!!!


  20. I like your take on Lee’s reaction ….I always felt he was almost laughing AT her at this suggestion. Made me cringe for poor Amanda. No way Billy and Francince didn’t see this exchange :(. Did she really think if Lee wanted to get to know her better he would announce it in Billy’s office…..in front of Francine?? Gaaa I will try to look at it from your perspective but I can’t like this scene…..well except for the great swoons screen shots of Lee 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. How’s this — not only do Francine and Billy not hear the line, but KJ was supposed to deliver it in a flirty, sassy, teasing way, but the editors accidently put in the wrong take of the scene.


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