Francine’s Fashion Faux Pas: Part two

Welcome back to our exploration of Francine's fashions. We’ve seen Francine at her worst in the first post on Francine’s fashions. In this second post about Francine, I’ll be showing you how beautiful Francine is in the right outfit and, for a bit of fun, I’ve found some animal-themed outfits that Francine. Just a little … Continue reading Francine’s Fashion Faux Pas: Part two

Francine’s Fashion Faux Pas: Part one

Francine: we all love to hate her. (A few people actually do love her ). We probably don’t know enough about her background and her motivations to understand her more kindly…. But these posts are not about analysing Francine’s personality, insecurities etc – I’ll leave that to a Francine fan. My aim is to celebrate … Continue reading Francine’s Fashion Faux Pas: Part one

SMK disguises part two: Lee

Welcome back to part two of SMK disguises. Thank you for your patience . Your reward? Lee in uniform and disguise. Grab your helmets and smelling salts as we explore Scarecrow pretending not to be Lee Stetson. And Lee Stetson pretending not to be Scarecrow. And all combinations and permutations thereof   (Don’t panic, I … Continue reading SMK disguises part two: Lee