1/21 Season Four, Episode One: Stemwinder Part I

Here we are! We’ve finally arrived at the 2 part episode which opened season 4 during the original airing!!!!

A massive thank you to KC for generously transcribing this 2-parter for us and for Operation Sandstorm – all of smk fandom benefits from your sharing this with us all – I raise a vodka in toast of KC! Who is with me?!

Thanks also Learjet, for faithfully formatting this blog post before I got started, and significantly reducing the time needed to put these posts together! Smile A Wodka for you too! 

Everyone ready?! Here goes!
The episode opens here:
Stem I.avi_000079746
With a dog! It ain’t goldie!! but.. Always a great way to start in my book! Winking smile
Stem I.avi_000083249
Hmm seems this is a cold Siberian dog!
[A Siberian husky perhaps?!]
We see a lot made of a dude in a grey hatski… and follow him as he walks out of this compoundski. He gets to a gate with a guardski. The guardski lets him out the doorski..
Grey hatski dude walks toward an awaiting carski and climbs in..
The carski drives off. [enough of the -ski’s?!]

Next thing.. we see a close up on white tulips.. random!
And a park in full bloom.. [More stock footage I guess] and in the background a grand building..
KC identifies this as Alexander Garden and Troitskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin. [Thanks KC!] I’m travelling to Russia next year so these scenes are particularly interesting.. however, I won’t be visiting Moscow Sad smile

Okay, we’ve seen Moscow stock footage. Check!
We’ve got a guy in bad tailoring sitting on a park bench- check!
We’ve got black rye bread- check!
We’ve got a Lenin banner- check!
A hammer and sickle? -check! 
We is in Russia peoples!!!
[Historical butchery disclaimer: I guess being accurate I should say the USSR. But too bad. I’m gonna call it Russia!]
I think this is grey hatski dude.. and LOL he even has bread in his suitcase Winking smile I think he missed his bread in prison (don’t they get bread and water in Russia?!)
KC has translated the wording under the hammer and sickle as: МИРУ МИР [MIRU MIR = WORLD PEACE].
All that hard work from KC? we’ve gotta include it! Smile ]

Anyway, we see a man holding a briefcase approach and sit..
Sunglasses dude (KC identifies him as Andreev Krinksy): Eat, Alexi, eat. There’s more bread and fish… as much as you want. [bread and fish. Hmm is this a reference to the loaves and fishes?!]
Alexi: The dossiers?  [LOL No Hello!]VIDEO_TS.IFO_000190251
[KC identifies this guy as Alexi Makarov]
Andreev hands Alexi a newspaper. There’s something hidden in there. I guess the dossiers.
Andreev: Alexi … you have many friends, but there is a limit to what we can do. I want you to think very careful about this plan.VIDEO_TS.IFO_000199761
Alexi: I have, Andreev. It kept me alive for nine years.  I have a heavy debt to repay.
[Umm is that a Russian accent? He’s kind hard to understand! I do like his accent though..
KC I don’t know how you transcribed this guy’s dialogue!]
(In Alexi’s right hand; he starts flipping a gold-coloured coin back and forth across his fingers.)
VIDEO_TS.IFO_000216778 [He’s very fast at it. LOL. they have cut to someone else’s hand doing it me thinks. Not like that baddie in Ship of spies who tried to do it and was so slow it was hilarious! Remember this guy?  Menacing!!!!

I remember his name was Gretz. Great baddie name. Coin flippers are baddies!!]
Sorry I digress!
Alexi: I will need a contact in Washington… someone to assist me. There is a person there, I have in mind.VIDEO_TS.IFO_000221783
Andreev: You’ll be on your own in Washington, totally out in
the cold. You do understand that?
[Alexi nods. He’s acclimatized to the cold – he was in Siberia for 9 years!]
Andreev leaves.
[I’m surprised Alexi was in prison for 9 years in Siberia! Having an agent who was the spitting image of Leonid Godorksy Nobel Laureate and leader for the oppressed behind the iron curtain could have been pretty handy!
Here is Gordorsky! We can stop waiting for him 😉 ]

But…. back to Godorsky’s doppelganger..
Alone, Alexi opens one of the dossiers..
Uh oh!
It’s a season one Lee glamour shot!
Hmmm.. Alexi has a debt to repay.. what’s that got to do with Lee?
He opens the other dossier. Uh oh!!!
It’s a season one Amanda glamour shot! Smile
Whoa.. Amanda has made it! She’s got a KGB file! Winking smile You’re in the big time now Amanda!!!

Here’s the detail KC has transcribed about the contents…
Lee’s dossier: The crest of the USSR is at the top of the first page inside the folder. A picture of Lee; the rest of the page has typewritten data including his name, address, telephone number [209-555-7321], height [5 feet 11 inches], weight [175 pounds], birthdate [10 October 1952] and other statistics and information—in Cyrillic.
Amanda’s dossier:  relevant data including her name, address, telephone number [209-555-7694], height [5 feet 7 inches], weight [115 pounds], birthdate [8 July 1954] and other statistics/information—again, in Cyrillic.)

Thanks KC!
Quite freaky to think the KGB have Amanda’s name, address and phone number.. aie.. even more freaky that they know how much she weighs Winking smile tee hee.. I bet Francine would be irritated they have her age 😉 and her height without heels 😉 

The plot thickens.. Hmm what is this debt he owes? He can’t have a grudge against Amanda if he’s been in prison for 9 years.. Hmm.. Just thinking out loud.. don’t mind me.. I really don’t remember this! 

Anyway, moving on to Washington DC. We see an exterior.. Emelio’s.
Ah! time for a haircut?! [Fearless Dotty]

Inside, we find a bar. Hmm Emelio’s has branched out since Lee and Carlo trashed the place!

[Okay okay, maybe this is a different Emelio’s!]
Lee checks his watch.. and the barman notices.
Norman: Relax, Lee—she’s always ten minutes late. VIDEO_TS.IFO_000262323
…I’m a bartender—you get to know your regulars.
[Norman? who is Norman? and where’s Ned gone?! booo I want Nedlindger’s back! lol I guess after Lee slapped Amanda there he didn’t want to return. Ugh. what an awful thing to type..]
Lee: So we’re regulars now, huh?
Norman: Well, five nights in two weeks… same booth in the back… Salad for each of you—an entrée you split, and, uh… no doggie bags. You’re regulars.VIDEO_TS.IFO_000275837
Lee chuckles and doesn’t seem to mind that Norman has noticed. Personally, I find it a little freaky! VIDEO_TS.IFO_000282343
A woman enters the bar, and Lee turns with a big smile.
Lee’s smile diminishes a little to a more polite version…VIDEO_TS.IFO_000284846
Is he coming on to this woman?! Noooo way!!!  VIDEO_TS.IFO_000285346
She smiles back.
He turns back to the bar.
She sits at the bar, and says to Lee: What a shame to lose that smile. Was it something I said?VIDEO_TS.IFO_000294856
Lee: Hah. No.  No. I thought you were someone else.VIDEO_TS.IFO_000296357
[Oh hooray! so that’s what this was. I love it! I’m glad Lee explained.. I wasn’t sure what to make of it. He had a special smile for Amanda.. I love that we can see Amanda is different now than other women Smile ]VIDEO_TS.IFO_000297859
Woman: Oh.
(to Norman): …A vodka, please… very cold.
VIDEO_TS.IFO_000300361 [Hey everyone! I’m a Russian!!!!!!!]
Lee notices..
[Okay I can’t completely forget who this woman is.. but I’m gonna give it a good try  so I can look at this with fresh eyes.
The way she walks in and announces she’s a Russian purposefully yells that she has an agenda here.
Norman has established Lee is a regular.. and thus a Russian could have identified this bar as a great place to make contact with Lee. Especially in the ten minutes when he usually waits for Amanda! 😉 ]
[whoooooo Siberia, Alexi in the cold, and now cold Vodka. I feel cold.. anyone else?!]
[Lee seems to be taking note]
…In my country, there’s an old saying “A smile is a window; a frown is a door.”  To windows?  [No- to doors!]VIDEO_TS.IFO_000313875
[I would have thought a frown is a closed door, and a smile is an open window. But what do I know!
I think Lee’s suspecting this is a contact of some kind, and the interest is more professional than personal.]
Lee holds out his drink for a toast..
Lee: To windows. VIDEO_TS.IFO_000315376
[I’m already uncomfortable watching Lee interact with this woman! Ugh.. Where’s Amanda already?! ]
Sonja: My name is Sonja.VIDEO_TS.IFO_000321883
[Hmm no one was asking. Go away! Winking smile ]
Lee: Well, that is a very interesting proverb, Sonja. I’m Lee.
Lee holds out his hand for a handshake and gives Sonja a big smile.
Too big a smile!!!! what’s going on here!!!
Can’t wait to hear what you are all thinking!!!
I know there are a few of us who have not seen this ep in a very long time.. I’d be interested to hear what you are thinking! But.. I’m also interested in everyone’s thoughts regardless of when you saw this last! Smile

Ummm I like to think this is Lee having realised this is a contact of some kind – and he is playing along.
This is not Lee giving a beautiful woman a special smile right? I mean the window here is work. Not play- right?! grrrr… It better not be!! I wonder if the writers are wanting things to be ambiguous so we are unsure where Lee is at in terms of his relationship with Amanda.. Hmmmm… If this were before Unfinished Business, I’d definitely be wondering!!!

Anyway.. I better pause here! Looking forward to hearing from you!!!!

91 thoughts on “1/21 Season Four, Episode One: Stemwinder Part I

  1. Oh, the Stemwinders. They should be called “We broke VHS rewinders”….😬

    I don’t know if I have ever in my life watched something as many times as these episodes when I was in jr high. I still can quote almost every word, know every sound, even Alexi (or Alex-eye, as Rostov calls him later on 😂) and the strange way he pronounces everything (sooooo excited to be reading his lines! I’m sure I really had no idea at some of the words he actually said!). He is the most intense baddie of baddies.

    Oh, and Sonja. Loathe her with every fiber of my being. She makes my stomach turn. I get so stressed every time I see her.

    And Billy. My favorite all time Billy scene is in Stem 2, I will definitely give a shout out there.

    And these episodes began my intense dislike of Dr. Smyth. Ugh. And my sweet tooth for T.P. Love him in this one!

    And oh….the Lee and Amanda moments that to this day still turn me back into a puddle. But thanks to JWWM, I viewed them tonight with such greater appreciation for how far it has taken to lead to all the moments these episodes hold. Can’t wait to follow the posts on the Stems. I may linger here for some time!!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Okay, it has been so long since I’ve been able to read and comment on any post. Real life has been very real of late, so I’m settling in for an epic binge here.

    SMK is good for recycling guest actors. Some you recognize and some you don’t.

    I’m not sure of what I originally thought of the whole Lee/Sonja interaction when I first saw this. I like the fact that Lee’s smile diminished when he realized it wasn’t Amanda. But it does get a bit uncomfortable to see the continued interaction. Lee does pause somewhat when Sonja asks for the cold vodka, but I thought his piqued interest was more professional than actual interest.

    When SMK was originally airing I was graduating from college and in my first years of teaching. I don’t recall what the prevailing thought was about a woman going into a bar by herself, or if there even was a prevailing thought. Not sure if I could just go to a bar by myself.

    I’m wondering if Lee and Amanda picked Emelio’s to hang out at because it was off the beaten path of the Agency and other spy types. Lee took Amanda to Ned’s originally to show her where everyone liked to hang out. Emelio’s probably offered some privacy and a place away from prying eyes and a lot of questions about why they were out together. Maybe Norman’s wasn’t such a busy place and the bartender had a lot of down time to check out Lee and Amanda.

    Norman seems to be commenting specifically on their food habits and arrival times. I would be more concerned if he started discussing their conversations or things he’d heard them discussing. There was a time when I hung out every week with the same friends at the same place. We would sit at the same table every time. Sometimes I would walk in and the waitress would just bring my drink order to the table without me having to order, because she knew what I was going to get. I’ve seen it happen with other people who frequent the same place on a regular basis. The fact that he knows Lee’s name indicates that there have been some conversations between them.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. And just another one – sorry to monopolize the comments here – usually I don’t write three in a row… I’m a little late watching this episode, so I just noticed the following:
    Those data in Lee’s and Amanda’s dossiers wouldn’t be in feet, inches and pounds!
    As far as I know Russians use the Metric and not the Anglo-American system.
    Lee’s height would be 1,80 m (why did they shorten BB 8 cm?), his weight would be ~79 kg (and NOT 175 kg[!!] as we ‘metrics’ would read it… – that would be a very heavy Lee!)

    Little details, I know, but that’s what it is all about in the world of our beloved spies, isn’t it?


    1. I guess those Russians weren’t that observant after all (they also shortened Amanda by a couple of inches). I would have laughed if they had swapped the photos and had Amanda as Scarecrow (from SBTB). And maybe I am seeing things (* squints at screen *), but doesn’t her last name say West instead of King?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I guess those Russians weren’t that observant after all…

        errrrr…. You mean those Americans who pretended to be Russians…? 😉

        I would have laughed if they had swapped the photos and had Amanda as Scarecrow (from SBTB).

        Ahhh Cindy, that would have been so hilarious.

        And maybe I am seeing things ( squints at screen ), but doesn’t her last name say West instead of King?

        I just had a closer look at Amanda’ dossier – but no, in the first line it says Amanda King. Further down (just before her picture ends) her parents are named. Their family name is ‘West’. It’s really hard to decipher and my Cyrillic is lousy but it seems her father’s name was William. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Andreev [to Alexi]: You’ll be on your own in Washington, totally out in the cold. You do understand that?

    And there I thought Alexi was ‘The Spy Who Came in from the Cold’… 😎😰

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hmm seems this is a cold Siberian dog!
    [A Siberian husky perhaps?!]

    Nope, Iwsod, it’s not a Siberian Husky. 🐾
    I’m just watching Stemwinder I and I’m pretty sure this lovely watchdog is an Old German Shepherd Dog, it’s the long-haired variation of the usually known German Shepherd Dog. 🐕


  6. Cheers to KC! Hope you are well. I thought I would enjoy transcribing SMK episodes, but after doing just one, I’d realized that I was either too much of a perfectionist to enjoy it or I just got bored with the tedium? Tediousness? Tediosity? So, yes, thank you  Cheers to Learjet too!

    On to the show…oh…Stemwinders…love/hate, hate/love. I remember I could not WAIT for this season opener. After ATWAS, just what would be going on with Lee and Amanda??? I know I’m not the only one. But what do we see first? All this dark stuff and Russians. Where are Lee and Amanda? I’m sure I didn’t pay much attention to this opening. I just wanted Lee and Amanda. Looking now, I notice two things: Alexi’s “old person” hair and makeup are really pretty bad – it looks like he has 9 years worth of Siberian Jail dustski in all his facial wrinkles and is it just me or does the other guy with the orange hair remind anyone of President Trump? Oh, and at the time, I had no idea Alexi and Godorsky were the same guy. His face did not ring a bell. It must have been the baby-powdered gray hair.

    And it’s pretty funny that the set people just strung up a few banners on some large LA building and called it Russia! That’s all it takes 

    I’m not bothered that the bartender notices all these details about Lee and Amanda – assuming their dinner orders go through the bar and not from a waiter to the kitchen. Unless the place is just not that crowded so the bartender has extra time to pay attention. I’d like to think Amanda shows up, they place their orders at the bar, then go take their seats at the booth. My sister and her husband are regulars at their favorite Mexican place, and they chat with the bartenders all the time. I think a good bartender gets to know his/her customers so they can provide excellent service.

    I remember getting instantly confused as to why they had such a gorgeous woman in the episode. I think Sonya is very, very pretty. It just really bugged me that Lee even continued to talk to her. I think he noticed her drink because of the “very cold” comment. I did not like this woman being there talking to Lee. It spells t-r-o-u-b-l-e. Unlike you, iwsod, at the time of the airing, I did not have any idea feeling that this could be a work contact. I was worried that TPTB were already trying to throw some soap-opera-y like romance love triangle/competition for Amanda thing. Gah! I had a feeling of dread.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. …and is it just me or does the other guy with the orange hair remind anyone of President Trump?

      🤣 ROFL 🤣

      That guy also reminded me of Mr. POTUS Trump… 🤣


  7. O.K., Ive seen this episode so many times, and maybe I’m just having a blonde moment, but I’m having a hard time understanding why ordering a jigger of vodka, cold, very vold, would automatically mean that someone was a Russian. Was there something else that I missed? I;m dead serious here. I just didn’t get that assumption when I saw this episode for the first time. So, am I to understand that only Russians order their vodka cold, very cold????? Was that the give away?
    I’m not a fan of Lee’s flirting with Sonja, at least that is the way it is coming off to me….the big dimpled smile for a stranger when he is waiting for Amanda??? My thoughts were immediately, “Real it in boy”.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m supposing (yet again). I think the writers might be establishing a point with that ”very cold’ remark, so yes that was probably the idea. Seems like ‘very cold’ would be more of a personal preference. I’m also starting to wonder if she’s been here before and perhaps scoped out the place? Maybe just ordering it cold is not ‘cold enough?’


      1. “I’m also starting to wonder if she’s been here before and perhaps scoped out the place?”

        Scoped out the place … for who or for whom? Is she out trolling for Scarecrow in particular or any US intelligence operatives … you bring up intriguing possibilities! I like how your mind works, sara!


        1. Just meant that If Lee and Amanda are regulars, others have probably taken notice. That’s about all I can say at this point.


    2. Hi Gruvy Granny! Wonderful to see you again!

      I’m having a hard time understanding why ordering a jigger of vodka, cold, very vold, would automatically mean that someone was a Russian.

      My view is yep. Pretty much..
      in smk world vodka equals probably Russian.
      Very cold vodka equals most likely Russian.
      ‘In my country’ equals – she’s indirectly saying she’s not American.. i.e. she’s Russian.

      From what we know of Russians so far in smk, they like complicated games – they aren’t tactically straight talkers. So she comes along, sits next to Lee, orders very cold vodka and says ‘in my country…’ – it does seem to me to be an indirect communication that she is Russian.. and she is giving Lee the clues… but not confirming it 100%..

      But exactly why and what they are up to is a mystery at this point.. (and maybe forever haa). Hope that helps!


      1. Hello IWSOD,
        Well, I guess this girl from the sticks just didn’t catch on to the purposefully stated remark. Not being well rounded in the art of drinking vodka I was clueless. We country girls do like a cold beer and glass of sweet tea here in Arkansas, so much for my sofistication.. LOL 🙂
        I am ready for this walk thru part 1 and 2 of Stemwinder, it is one of my favorite eps.


  8. Well, isn’t Unfinished Business after stemwinder? I had heard that Stemwinder should have aired after Unfinished Business. Well, in any case, I am going to assume, that Lee’s face was just lit up with a big smile, because it was Lee and he only had Amanda on his mind the whole entire time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. General consensus is that Unfinished Business was supposed to come before the Stems and the network decided it was not exciting enough for the season opener and aired the Stemwnder parts 1 and 2 first. If you look at the production order on Petra’s site, you see that Unfinished Business was shot first. I like watching Unfinished Business first, their relationship development flows much better rather than seeing the awesome Stemwinders first and Lee acting out of sorts in Unfinished Business. It really makes him seem like he is running hot and cold.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Ah.. and I’ll quickly add – we can’t yet discuss which order we prefer because we have not finished walking through stemwinders yet.
        Once we have – we’ll discuss this switched order freely 🙂

        Thanks for clarifying the switch Cindy 🙂


    2. I am going to assume, that Lee’s face was just lit up with a big smile, because it was Lee and he only had Amanda on his mind the whole entire time.

      Yes I agree Samellatrent, I’m going with this too!
      at the same time, didn’t like Lee smiling at Sonja lol! 😉


  9. Hi all! Loving reading all your thoughts.. I’ve got to head off to the day job.. will try and get back here when I can to enjoy more of your comments. bye!


  10. Good eyes catching that Vladimir Skomarovsky was the actor who portrayed Leonid Godorsky way back in S1 and now, he gets to portray Alexi Makarov!! Sure hope it pays off and he gets more screen time — he’s been waiting a long, long time!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. It’s funny, but even not knowing who she was back when I first saw this in 1986, it never occurred to me that Lee was anything but vastly amused by a very hamfisted attempt by an obvious Russian agent to make a contact. I read his smile as almost paternalistic and that he was feeling lighthearted about it because he was going to see Amanda any second now.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “by an obvious Russian agent”

      I agree! Lee the seasoned agent was indeed amused by a wet-behind-the-ears and full-of-herself rookie! Sonja was way too over the top OBVIOUS. Lee must be thinking: Even Amanda was never this pathetically inept!

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Interesting take! I hadn’t thought of it this way! Yeah maybe he is thinking that!
      I read it as it being obvious on purpose.. but it’s possible it wasn’t..


  12. I think the Russians have done their homework on the type of lady Lee likes. Sonja is a cross between series 1 Amanda where she often had her hair up and wore a white blouse, and when we first see Leslie in OTL – think it is almost the same outfit.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “I think the Russians have done their homework on the type of lady Lee likes.”

      Sure the Russians noted Lee’s superficial change in “taste” for hair and clothing; however, they completely missed the mark for his true attraction to Amanda. Her heart, her maturity, her mind and her soul!

      Liked by 1 person

  13. I know that I am commenting a lot here (sorry) but just thought that I would add that I really like the glass that Sonja has her wodka in. Perhaps it is a common in Washington, but I have never seen a glass like that and I think it is cool (plus I am probably demonstrating how uncool I am).
    Loved the comment about Emilio branching out into the bar business (and who could blame him).
    Finally, I think that the coin trick is kind of neat. Its different, its memorable, its ambiguous. I like it.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. That’s okay, I’m probably going to become a frequent commenter again here too, just because this is one of my favorite episodes. Same thought about the coin trick. I’ve tried to teach myself how to do that and never have been successful.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. That’s okay, I’m probably going to become a frequent commenter again here too, just because this is one of my favorite episodes.

        Yes please! Love to read lots of comments!!!! And I will likely not have huge amounts of time to be on here for this ep – great you can all comment between each other 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I know that I am commenting a lot here (sorry)

      No no no – stop right there Michele!!!! Please do not worry about commenting ‘a lot’ – love your comments! Comment as much or as little as you like! Comments are very welcome!!!! No limits on commenting!

      This is a JWWM public service announcement:

      JWWM commenting rules are:
      Please don’t jump ahead of the walk,
      Please move tangential conversations not related to the episode to Nedlindgers,
      Please move fan fic discussions to Nedlindgers,
      Please be respectful of others who can and will hold different equally valid views 🙂
      Please comment as much or as little as you like: Whatever is FUN for you!!

      Thanks for your attention. we hope you enjoy the show! 🙂

      This public service announcement has been brought to you by the people at Henchman & Limo Service.
      Call them for all your baddie needs!

      whahahhaahahahaaa 🙂 I think my coffee is starting to kick in.

      Perhaps it is a common in Washington, but I have never seen a glass like that and I think it is cool (plus I am probably demonstrating how uncool I am).

      I think it’s stored in the freezer specifically for drinking wodka isn’t it?

      Loved the comment about Emilio branching out into the bar business (and who could blame him).

      Awh thanks Michele! 🙂 Glad you liked that!

      Finally, I think that the coin trick is kind of neat. Its different, its memorable, its ambiguous. I like it.

      Yeah! every baddie should have a gimmick! 🙂


      1. Thanks for the PSA – I tend to ramble off sometimes, sorry. Like always, I am enjoying all the comments and discussions! When I used to tend bar in another century it was common practice to keep some shot glasses in the fridges they would be cool and have an ice effect when served. Rambling again……

        Liked by 1 person

  14. Why is Amanda always late? (as Norman says). Is she meant to be a bit feather headed or just super busy? Being consistently late is a very annoying habit in my book as I think it shows a lack of consideration. Everyone can be late but if you are always late, it usually means that you couldn’t be bothered. This doesn’t really seem like Amanda. In fact I would think she was someone who very much tried to be in time.
    Like you, ISWOD, I do find Norman’s study of Lee and Amanda to include his knowledge of the amount of dates they have had in 2 weeks and what they ate, to be somewhat on the creepy side. But perhaps no one else drinks in the bar and he has nothing much else to do.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “This doesn’t really seem like Amanda. In fact I would think she was someone who very much tried to be in time.”

      I agree. Makes me think maybe … just maybe … it’s not so much Amanda being late as it is Lee, who consistently arrives ten minutes earlier than her!

      Liked by 4 people

      1. I agree it doesn’t seem like Amanda. I guess maybe she’s picked the boys up from baseball practice, rushed home, cooked dinner, baked a batch of cookies and rushed out to meet Lee. No wonder she’s always 10 minute late 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Oh my gosh – I think you are so right – this is exactly why she’s late. I know that Lee can’t help her because of the obvious, but yep, I’m sure Amanda took care of Phillip and Jamie first before rushing off to be with Lee.


      2. Or… maybe they leave the office separately trying to be discreet and Lee is always just impatient at the ten minute gap until she gets there? So the bartender thinks she’s “always late” when she is in fact actually exactly ten minutes behind on purpose?

        Liked by 5 people

        1. That sounds good too, especially knowing Dotty can feed the boys at home. I think I assume it is just very late in the evening because the interior of the bar/restaurant seems dark to me. I guess it could just be a small, narrow place with a back bar area with no natural light.


    2. Why is Amanda always late?

      I didn’t mind this.. Amanda is holding down a secret relationship and a full time job and still has to spend time with her family or do stuff for them.. it’s only rude if Lee expects her to be on time, she’s doing her best, and she’ll get there as soon as she can. Lee is confident she wants to get there to be with him asap!

      But then.. this Sonja shows up and.. I don’t like Lee’s response to her, and I wonder what’s going on, but I also get a sense that he’s taking note of her approach.. and she is making very clear that she is Russian.
      In the spy biz I think this all might mean something.

      Like you, ISWOD, I do find Norman’s study of Lee and Amanda to include his knowledge of the amount of dates they have had in 2 weeks and what they ate, to be somewhat on the creepy side. But perhaps no one else drinks in the bar and he has nothing much else to do.

      rofl yep creepy! it’s too much knowledge!! I wondered if Norman was KGB….


      1. I wondered if Norman was KGB….

        Makes me thinking if Norman is part of Lee’s ‘family’…
        With his observation skills Lee might already have recruited him – if not, he should consider it.

        Liked by 1 person

    3. rofl – good question.. why is Amanda always late?
      I’m going to go with….

      Beaman runs in house lectures for the last two hours of the day.. and he always runs ten minutes over 😉

      lol glad it’s not just me who finds Norman a tad too attentive! I was prepared to be alone on that one..
      noticing Amanda is always a bit late is okay.. and fair enough if he remembers they are always at the same table, always split an entree and don’t take leftovers home (after splitting an entree would there be any?!)
      But.. the five nights in two weeks observation tipped this into uncomfortably attentive territory for me!!!
      And.. Lee doesn’t seem fazed by this!
      I think Norman is a spy… but which side is he on?!
      A bartender in DC would be a perfect cover for gaining intelligence that is useful..

      And Lee and Amanda’s secret meetings?- well I don’t want to dwell on current events relating to Russia (because I want to have smk uncomplicated fun!!) but I have recently learned the concept of being compromised, and how enemies will use that – Lee and Amanda’s secret dinners at Emelio’s compromise them! I don’t know if this will come up in this ep.. I guess we’ll see!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. A bartender in DC would be a perfect cover for gaining intelligence that is useful..

        Especially if they worked at Monk’s in ROTP!


  15. WHile I agree with your theory Sara, as regards real life, I do not like Lee’s reaction to Sonja, he is much too friendly. It annoyed me when I first saw it and it still does. He is not giving the vibe of a man in a relationship. Plus, I think her proverb is utter rubbish, it doesn’t mean anything and its stupid. (Can you guess that I am not a Sonja fan?)

    Liked by 3 people

    1. 😀
      I’m not a Sonja fan either. She comes across as a woman on the hunt, which is just as unattractive as a man on the hunt. Also think her proverb is silly.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Not a Sonja fan either. I had a hard time watching her in this episode for that reason. I do try to focus on Lee and his obvious ‘glow’ more than Sonja.

      Small confession… I once tried to ask out a guy who turned out to be engaged. He was in my Physics class. He and I were probably the two oldest students in that class (most around 20-ish and we were over 30). He never brought up his fiance, I just missed the cues. If any of you saw this guy, you wouldn’t blame me one bit!!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Not a Sonja fan either. I had a hard time watching her in this episode for that reason.

        We’ll help each other stay strong!!! 🙂

        go sara good for you!!!
        Not mentioning the fiancee sounds like one of those games some men play-I bet he didn’t mention the fiancee because he was keeping his options open.. and hey what an ego boost to know you’ve still got it! 😉
        At least he didn’t say yes and cheat on her I guess!


    3. I think Sonja’s proverb is meant to convey that she doesn’t take “no” for an answer. If a smile is a window and a frown is a door, it means basically that she isn’t going to pay attention to his reaction, but pursue her agenda regardless.

      As far as Lee’s reaction here goes, I wonder if some anxiety is kicking in after the bartender identifies he and Amanda as “regulars”. As a spy, it must be unnerving to know that someone, just an unqualified observer, is able to identify your habits. I’m thinking he must feel in the “take cover” mode, which leads to perhaps an attempt to disguise his relationship with Amanda. I might change my kind about this as we go along, but to me this looks like the over-hearty Lee that can happen when he is unsure of himself. I personally don’t find it creepy that the bartender knows so much, although he maybe is a little more exact than is realistic for such a short time. It’s an important part of customer service positions in general, and waitstaff in particular, to pb serve and remember what their customers like. How many times doesn’t somebody plop down and say, “I’ll have my usual?” And then you’re supposed to know what it is.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Happycamper! Great to see you stop by!

        Thanks for the translation! 🙂

        As a spy, it must be unnerving to know that someone, just an unqualified observer, is able to identify your habits. I’m thinking he must feel in the “take cover” mode, which leads to perhaps an attempt to disguise his relationship with Amanda.

        Hear hear happycamper!! all this opening makes me uneasy for Lee and Amanda.. they are leaving themselves vulnerable.. Norman knows too much.. a Russian floosie knows where to find Lee to make her approach (IMHO) – time to find a new haunt! (Try Dooley’s.. I hear they have good jazz playing 😉

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Seriously!! For a couple who’s apparently trying to fly under everyone’s radar, why would they go to the same place often enough to be noticed?? Especially since they’re people who ought to know how to NOT get noticed!!


    4. Amen Michele!!! I feel the same way as I experience this opening of the episode.
      What’s going on???!!!! [rhetorical question..]

      He is not giving the vibe of a man in a relationship as you say!

      rofl- Love how you smacked down the proverb haaaaa.. I just heard it and thought: Nope. the door is closed. Doesn’t matter what you think!!
      But then.. well.. he kept on smiling – window open!!!! gah!!!!!!!!!


      1. ….I just heard it and thought: Nope. the door is closed……
        But then.. well.. he [Lee] kept on smiling – window open!!!!

        Well, Iwsod, you know you can enter a house climbing through a window instead of walking through the door, don’t you? 😉

        I don’t like Sonja either!


        1. Well, Iwsod, you know you can enter a house climbing through a window instead of walking through the door, don’t you? 😉

          rofl sure! But when entering a house through a door, it’s a sign you are welcome..
          When entering through a window? It’s a break and enter! 😉


              1. Ohh, no, no, no.
                Lee moved and there isn’t a neighbour with a potted palm 🌴 any longer, so we don’t know where he keeps his spare key. Hopefully he gives it to Amanda soon. 🎁🗝👩


                1. rofl she doesn’t need a key she can lock pick 😉
                  tee hee.. yeah the symbolism of giving her a key would be great 🙂

                  I think the window is Lee’s and Sonja is wanting to come in to his house.. so nope not Lee losing his key, definitely Sonja doing a break and enter!


  16. I do think this is a very atmospheric start to the episode – quite chilling {oops bad pun from Learjet 😀} I can imagine that back in the mid80s at the height of the Cold War, this all felt very real (and possibly scary?) to the viewers. I was too young to know or care.

    I also find Lee just a little too charming to Sonja – a much younger, attractive woman. I also find it strange that he does this in front of the barman who knows that he and Amanda are regulars…I’m liking your explanation Iwsod – but I’ll say that I would not like Jumbo Jet to be talking or smiling to any woman except Learjet like this….

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Agreed, but Lee is also in love. Maybe Sonja doesn’t know it yet, but I think Norman does. When you’re in love, you give off this vibe that sometimes draws other people. That’s why it’s easier to get hit on when one is in a relationship and not so much when they’re single and looking for love.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Norman knows everything!!!!!!

        When you’re in love, you give off this vibe that sometimes draws other people.

        This rings true for me Sara, very true! 😉

        but I’m not sure if that is what is going on here. I’m suspicious of this Russian flirt!
        And.. it doesn’t explain Lee’s response..

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Adding… I think Lee’s ‘charm’ is a reflection of how he feels on the inside, not necessarily who he’s speaking to. He may not even realize he’s being so charming.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Good point, Sara. I remember being in the first flush of a new relationship many years ago and noticing that a couple of other guys were showing an interest in me too. Maybe I was “glowing” with happiness and it was attractive?

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Interesting idea!

        I tend to think Lee is expert at Charm (err without being a psychopath lol), and he has used it to great effect in his professional and personal life.. so I think he would see exactly what is going on. He’s fluent in charm and flirty exchanges!


      3. Yes, I think that too. His charm is just an ingrained part of his outward automatic persona, and I don’t see it as a slight on Amanda. Especially considering how his face fell when he first realized the woman walking in was not Amanda. He regrouped quickly, but that first response was the most important.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I don’t see it as a slight on Amanda. Especially considering how his face fell when he first realized the woman walking in was not Amanda. He regrouped quickly, but that first response was the most important.

          I love this xiolaperry! this is the key!!! and.. for me what makes the Lee smiles at Sonja bearable! 🙂


    3. rofl great pun Learjet!

      I can imagine that back in the mid80s at the height of the Cold War, this all felt very real (and possibly scary?) to the viewers. I was too young to know or care.

      oh yeah! I hadn’t stopped to think about that as I was an adult when I first saw the stemwinders. [I got hold of those SMK VHS tapes where a few awesome eps were released and the stems were among the VHS released]

      I also find Lee just a little too charming to Sonja – a much younger, attractive woman.

      Yeah! At this point, not knowing how this ep pans out- I’m wondering what is going on.. and.. there is a big question mark- another episode starts with Lee behaving in a curious way (unfinished business did too).. certainly engages us with the story straight away!

      Jumbo Jet



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